The movie "Idiocracy" was right...

As anyone who has ever read a Whirlagay or JDBarleycorn post can attest, the average IQ is decreasing. Read it here:

The smart folks are having 1 or 2 kids. The mopes are having 4 or 5.

Folks in their 40s and up will be dying just in time.

Folks being born right now are in deep shit.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
My IQ is 147 thank you. If I was you I would put this in the form of a petition, send it to the White House, and ask for the IQ of Obama.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep the fucking libtards are breeding like rabbits.
Perhaps young people are no longer required to "think".

With the advent of the myriad of electronic devices at our disposal, which do our thinking for us, we are loosing the ability to use the human thought Proccess to figure things out.

Also, isn't it a logical conclusion that as the World Population grows, the percentage of people with less than average intelligence will grow proportionally.

Just take a look at what is going on in Fergusen MO right now. Those people who decided to take advantage of a bad situation and get a pair of Air Jordons or a new TV are perfect examples of the "shitification" of the Country.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
From your link -"Evidence suggests that the IQs of people in the UK, Denmark and Australia have declined in the last decade."

At the same time, third world immigration has increased - must be a coincidence, right?

Read more:

My IQ is 147 thank you. If I was you I would put this in the form of a petition, send it to the White House, and ask for the IQ of Obama. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yeah, it is 147 on the Kelvin scale. Room temperature is 293 K.

Do you really think anybody believes your bullshit?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
My IQ is 147 thank you. If I was you I would put this in the form of a petition, send it to the White House, and ask for the IQ of Obama. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Great reply, JDIdiot, very intelligently written!


And you're a university professor too!


You're so fucking smart, you don't recognize the meaning of the little squiggly red line under about 25% of your words!


You're so fucking intelligent that you think Obama should be carrying more than one golf club at a time... Like the entire bag, right?


147. That's the highest IQ I've ever seen someone post about THEMSELVES. In fact, you might be the smartest guy on ECCIE!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
BTW -- this forum is living proof that the premise of that movie, as ridiculously presented as it is, is valid.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
From your link -"Evidence suggests that the IQs of people in the UK, Denmark and Australia have declined in the last decade."

At the same time, third world immigration has increased - must be a coincidence, right?

Read more:

Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Let them eat cake, cunt.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We've been through this before (why did you start another one of those threads?) and I won. So get used to it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We've been through this before (why did you start another one of those threads?) and I won. So get used to it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Please link to the "one of those threads" where you won. Could it be the one where you demanded a picture of my JUNK?
We've been through this before (why did you start another one of those threads?) and I won. So get used to it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Like I said, your IQ is 147 Kelvin. Waaaay below room temperature.
Yeah, it is 147 on the Kelvin scale. Room temperature is 293 K.

Do you really think anybody believes your bullshit? Originally Posted by ExNYer

I hope you choked on your morning coffee... NyOBamar?
Well the information in that article explains why so many people voted for Obama. Low IQ equates to poor decision making.

As anyone who has ever read a Whirlagay or JDBarleycorn post can attest, the average IQ is decreasing. Read it here:

The smart folks are having 1 or 2 kids. The mopes are having 4 or 5.

Folks in their 40s and up will be dying just in time.

Folks being born right now are in deep shit. Originally Posted by ExNYer
This is the problem, NyObamar...