I hear that argument all the time. "She won't give you her info, so don't give her yours." But I'm not the untested, unknown party here.
Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
You are untested and unknown to me. Oh, we have reviews, but without many, many reviews at least some that are current, we can't know for sure. Also, we have to be naïve enough to believe fake reviews don't make it into the system, and that reviewers are brutally honest, they aren't (everyone seems afraid to give a bad review)
[QUOTE=CarolineDavenport;105623 0187]So no, I will not give you my personal info, and yes, I will want yours. If you don't like it, as someone suggested, there are other ladies willing to be more lax and take a chance. But I'd advise you to think about the fact that if she isn't careful with herself, why the hell would she be careful with you or your info?[QUOTE/]
Firstly, she won't have to be careful, because she won't have my information. Secondly, the "lax ladies" tend to be BP or worse and it doesn't seem most of the ladies will even take those as credible referrals.
As far as what I do with it: I keep it until our first appointment is over, and then as long as everything went well (it always has), I get rid of it. The only thing I keep is email addresses and first names and/or handles, along with a couple of little notes to myself about you (likes showers, has perfume allergies, etc.)
Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
And if it ever doesn't go well? Then what do you do with it? What if he writes a review that's bad? Maybe you had an off day and just weren't your best, what then with the info? Doesn't that in and of itself kind of hold reviewers by the balls, so that we have to write positive reviews, and I have read enough reviews to know that you know exactly what is being said about ya'll even though it is not suppose to be that way?
we all understand you ladies need to be safe. But, if you play the game long enough you are going to meet that nightmare John that thinks he can do whatever he wants because he's paying for it or that crazy provider that is on the downward spiral and will fuck over anyone or anything to get what they need. Hell, that's why I have been out of the local game for 10 years. In the old days BP was a certain street corner on the wrong side of town and classier service was introduction only - "hey I am a friend of John's", but in neither case was there this requirement to provide personal information.
But, at some point the market decides. If every John refused to give personal information, then the ladies would either comply or get out of the business. If the ladies refused to provide services without the personal information, then the John's would have to decide to comply or not use the service. At this point it appears the ball is in the ladies court, because there are enough men willing to put their personal private information out there for providers to make a living. The good news is once you had seen a couple providers, you are back to the referral system, and your personal information is once again safe..