I have stated many times that I find cursing offensive. I don't judge anyone who curses, but I won't pretend it doesn't bother me. I've told this story to many and offered some different proofs. Some may enjoy and some will scoff. I understand that what I have discovered to be true for me, might make others uncomfortable to imagine that they know not what they do or even have done to others.
Anyway, once upon a time, what seems like several life times ago, I was a beautiful cotton topped little girl. (Doesn't have anything to do with the price of tea in China, but not a bad way to start a story...LOL). My mother married a military male, so needless to say, there were lots of folks around who cursed like sailors.
I can remember actually cringing, in a bit of pain, every time this occurred. So, when I grew up and had my first child, you can bet your sweet patootie, no one used foul language around my beautiful little girl. I never watched her cringe as grown ups carried on using their masterful words we teach our children not to use. I warned folks before being allowed in her presence that I have a curse jar, and it ain't cheap to curse in my home. She shined like you couldn't imagine a little girl shining!
Years later, she becomes a teen and yes of course, influenced by others, and begins to curse herself, despite me practically begging her not to, thinking it's funny when I cringe. (She has a thing about slapstick type of humor, I dunno. Greatest and most giving person I ever met, truly!) so, eventually and after all those years of not cursing, I gave up and joined the crazy train of cursing and carrying on, because sometimes if ya can't beat 'em, ya finally join 'em. Even if you know better.
Now, if ya think I'm "weird" concerning cursing, ya outta know how I have a thing about water as well. I could go on for days....But no one wants that! LOL
Anywho, last year, a friend sent me a link to this video:
I kinda feel vindicated....LOL. And of course, I did lots of other research concerning this matter. Also know that I learned a lot about gratitude. I jumped back off the crazy cursing train. Maybe folks will take a second think before being so very truly offensive. I dunno, stranger things have happened. So yes, please don't affect my sexy body, composed of mostly water, by cursing at me or others.
Please share your own thoughts about cursing or other kinda things you fell into place over, knowing it didn't feel right, but ya didn't wanna be the odd man out concerning whatever it was.
Edit: i do use a wordy durd or two while in the throws of passion, but it's done with the right intent and in the right setting! LOL.