I am deeply saddened by the cynical point of view taken by other Y chromosome members of this thread.
While "rebranding" does happen, escorts are also at much higher risk of becoming victims in a system engineered and structured to protect rich male "clients" while maximizing punitive damage to the "ladies".
With unwarranted good will toward someone I will never meet, I outlined the steps needed to protect and secure your identity if someone has indeed hacked ALL of one's online accounts.
It's happened to me twice. Now, I keep blank FTC complaint forms bookmarked in my browser.
Please don't insult me by branding me as a "White Knight". You assume that well meaning individuals must, by definition, be white.
Originally Posted by Anonymous01
Nice story but history (the data) supports my claim, while there might be a small percentage that does it for other reasons, the majority does it because they've burned others.