Grooming; all over or just specifics??

I was just curious to see ladies preference on grooming. Like do you want a clean-cut gentleman all the way around, or just in the Netherlands? I guess I'm curious because I, myself have a decently sized beard (I guess longer than most) and long hair. I keep both clean and tamed well. I guess I should add that I keep my fun areas under control. Just interested to see how some provider's feel or fellow caller's experiences.
I love long hair and beards!

For your naughty bits: trimmed is perfectly fine with me. I’ve always enjoyed body hair on men. Most important thing to take care of though is the hair that might grow up the shaft of your cock...that can be annoying and interrupt a good bj. Also, a bald nutsack isn’t a requirement however they are so much easier and fun to put in your mouth and lick when they are bald...a tongue glides across them very nicely.

I prefer to give TUMA to a guy who removes the hair from his buttcrack lol....and my favorite position to do this to you in is you on all fours. It’s so hard to get to a mans ass with him laying on his back ijs

Just my .02 FWIW
No beard for me, but I'm going to remember the rest of what you said Analese
No beard for me, but I'm going to remember the rest of what you said Analese Originally Posted by Purlie Victorious
No beard requirements either....only thing I would say is no rough five o clock shadow thing going on...women have sensitive skin...I’ve kissed datesbefore with a rough face and my lips and face get very tender and red and so will my kitty (meow)

So....either smooth or let it grow it out....and trim your moustache so it’s not going past your lips. I don’t want to taste your lunch or have to tell you that you e got something in your stache and the people who know me..know I will and I’ll even tell you if you e got something in your teeth or a booger hanging out of your nose. I’m just honest like that.

Btw...if you need help shaving your nutsack...I’ve got plenty of men’s shave gel, conditioner(my preference for shaving my kitty) and extra razors and razor sexy time before we play!
^^^^^Pretty much what ANALEESE said. Basically, If we can't find it, likely we aren't going to lick it.
I think grooming all over is best. If you have a beard and mustache, maintain it. There are tons of products to keep it smooth and soft. Nothing worse than a rough beard or stiff hairs sticking me in/on my face, body and girly parts. Ouch! Five o'clock shadow hurts too. I make sure I'm presentable, soft and smooth all over and appreciate my play mates doing so as well. The nether regions don't have to be bare, but they need to be trimmed and freshly scrubbed or I won't be paying them any attention.
Meatman69's Avatar
I keep the boys shaved and arm pits but
I am interested in going to
Get a man's Brazilian wax.
Does anyone do this for men.
Nothing sexual. Any suggetions experience or comments appreciated.