Goodbye it's been fun but it's time to walk away

  • TGS
  • 03-01-2012, 08:13 AM
To all my friends at all the studios thank you. You all have been great int this hobby but as with everything it needs to come to an end. No more arguing no more drama no more anything I am done. This hobby can drain the life out of you if you are a hobbyist or a provider. I guess I just want to walk way and be done and live a Normal life for now on. What I have learned is that this hobby is like a drug it can over take you if your it careful and it takes a big person to admit that and a bigger person to walk away from it. Peace and love to everyone god bless and amen TGS out..........Ps I will miss u all
Wish you the best, love. Take care.
Take care and good luck to you in your future. May happiness knock on your door step!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Good luck hun!
Lunytunz's Avatar
"you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave". This is a hard habit to break! Good luck to you.
Jaci's Avatar
  • Jaci
  • 03-01-2012, 10:53 AM
Goodluck but dammit I didnt get any!!!!!!!!
  • TGS
  • 03-01-2012, 11:33 AM
"you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave". This is a hard habit to break! Good luck to you. Originally Posted by Lunytunz
I agree but there has got to be an end don't u think?
I agree but there has got to be an end don't u think? Originally Posted by TGS

Only for your handle!
  • TGS
  • 03-01-2012, 12:00 PM
Peace to u big dog on the real I am done as this will be my last post good luck to you all man and peace love etc take care its been fun..,,
LazurusLong's Avatar
Thanks for all your contributions such as the 10 reviews since joining about 3 months ago.

If you actually saw more providers or had multiple sessions with any of the ones you've reviewed, you likely feel overwhelmed and chances are you are going through the same thing many of us have about this thing we call a hobby.

If you are truly done, the only advice I can give you is some simple steps:

1. Send an email to the asking your handle be guested. They'd need a reason so just something simple like you've posted here.

2. Make sure you have removed all bookmarks to any hobby related sites. And I mean ANY hobby related sites

3. Go through your phone and change every single hobby number you have saved to something like "IGNORE". The reason you don't want to delete them is because if you get a call from a number not in your phone you will most likely answer and the tempatation to be sucked back in will be more powerful that you may understand. It could be an ATF you may be really wanting to see and that'd be the last thing you need. By making them all IGNORE it will help but not insure you won't answer and some may try to call from a new number. Or blocked but I rarely, if ever, answer blocked myself so hopefully you can resist. After about 3 months then you can go delete all the IGNORE numbers if non have tried to call and then you won't be able to scroll through them seeing if you know who they were.

4. Get involved in something else to meet women. If you are single that is. You will need to readjust your mindset from the hobby concept of every woman on here having a "price" to fuck back to the old fashioned mind set of not thinking you directly pay for sex. If you are single and prefer "dating" women younger than you and say you're the typical late 40's to 50's client, find some activities that will place you in an environment that will let you meet them in a non hobby way. My first suggestion is to go take a class at a local community college. For a very cheap price, you'll not only learn something new but able to interact with them in a casual way. Someone suggested that living her in Dallas, if you don't speak Spanish, taking a class or 2 is a good way to supplement your skill set that will be of benefit in other aspects of your life.

5. I know for myself and others I've known in the hobby, avoiding excess booze where you may feel weak and want to go get laid and feel the tempation to make that call means avoiding too much booze of any kind for a time. It can help to do this.

Hope this helps and hope you can kick this habit.