$$ Up Front

JohnnyCap's Avatar
In a recent alert, the OP claims to have rarely been asked for cash up front. My immediate reaction was to think he hasn't hobbied that long. I'd think if I've seen 100 girls at least 85 of them demanded cash up front. Conservative estimate. It seems pretty standard.

I'm not trying to start a pissing match, I have a small cock, I'm ugly, stupid and have no personality. With more experience under my belt, I do try to not pay up front if possible but I still am usually asked to and do.

Repeat visits aside, am I wrong to say usually the girls do require the money up front? Even a VP will instruct you to leave an envelope in a certain spot at the start of a session.
RochBob's Avatar
My experience has been (and mind you I have only seen Verified Providers). That all of the ladies I have seen require the payment to be put in an envelope. And that the payment be placed somewhere visible to them at the start of the session (dresser, nightstand, bathroom counter). If a location is not specified in their meeting instructions (however they happen to be communicated). They will normally tell you where they would like it put at the start of the session as long as you don't open it or mention that the envelope contains cash. The ones I deal with won't say anything further about it or check the envelope until after I leave. This unfortunately can leave them open to being shorted. But any client that does that had better be planning on the visit to that Provider being a one shot deal.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I have not paid upfront in gee is it 20 or 25 years. errr other than once ( E)

edit add:

envelope I have never done that

don't get me wrong, it could be they ask upfront in a envelope

I normally pay the same way they tend ta pay me.
cash by hand after the deed is done

just wish my rate was as good
If it is the first encounter between an unknown provider and an unknown hobbyist, someone has to take the risk. Paying up front means the hobbyist takes the risk. Paying afterwards means the provider takes the risk. Perhaps a compromise is paying half way through the activities. LOL

As a "known" hobbyist who only sees "known" providers, I always put the donation in an envelope in a prominent place in the beginning. Most of the time, it remains untouched until I leave. In Canada, it is not uncommon for providers, especially those from agencies, to count and put away the donation up front.

I have had only two donation mishaps. Once, I forgot to leave the envelope and did not realize it until I was half way between Rochester and Buffalo (much to my embarrassment). Another time, a provider I met for the first time did not notice my putting down the donation in the beginning, and felt compelled to ask, "Did you forget something?" when I tried to leave (much to her embarrassment).
Franklin4's Avatar
ive always pd up front, when a woman walks into my place, the money is right there in plain sight
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I get the definitions, and I'm sure OSD's is a different situation. Re half way through Jack, I have paid half up front, half after before.

I'm saying that if someone said to me, "nobody has straight up asked me for the cash up front before," I figure they were a newbie, or from a completely different neck of the woods.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Most BP gals I've seen asked for the $ up front. Most VP's haven't mentioned $ at all. Just give them the envelope at the beginning. Nothing wrong with asking for $ up front if it's associated with time, like 180 for an hour. Now if you see an unknown and she mentions $ with activities they can be a concern.
I've paid up front once and left after 20 minutes. Have never been asked before or since.
I never pay upfront! what i do is show at set. she then knows i have it and that it is there. We do our thing and she can take it and leave. Since i am only paying her to leave anyway! LOL
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I never pay upfront! what i do is show at set. she then knows i have it and that it is there. We do our thing and she can take it and leave. Since i am only paying her to leave anyway! LOL Originally Posted by waynedk1
I still think a few have the sex so the guys will go errrrr
On first time visits, I always put the cash in an obvious place where it is visible. I don't mind taking the risk as I don't want the provider wondering if she will get paid. I want her to feel comfortable. My preference, however, is that the cash stay visible until the end of the session in case there are issues. That makes me feel more comfortable. I'd say about half the time the lady leaves it and half the time she tucks it away. I try not to take it personally when she tucks it away as it is more a reflection of her past visits or her insecurities than anything about me. I do find it a much better practice when she leaves it put.
You'd never guess it if you haven't met me....
But I must have a kind and trustworthy face and demeanor because I've rarely ever been asked to pay up front.
Yep paid upfront once's about 12 years ago and that was the last time!! Gave her 150 and she would not put out or anything. That was the last time for me.. I have not been asked in a real long time for money up front.. No envelope ever.. If they ever ask I would pay but I would tell them their won't be a tip because I only pay once......
Right on Task master
FlyboyNY's Avatar
Me to Paul. I have rarely been asked up front. If I am seeing a new girl I lock my wallet in the car. I put the donation envelope in one pocket and tip money in the other. That way I get to make the tip decision after the session without being awkward about it. Then again I have never not left the donation. I have had sessions that I wanted to not pay but I would rather write it off to experience than possibly create a scene.