Old Sarge, you bet I am serious.....

sixxbach's Avatar

My question to you was because of this post from you in the thread with the link above:

I am with Buckskin... there is a reason that Austin is not fun. I like the fact that our corner of the hobby is relatively drama free.

Looks like Brandy stood up to Sixxbach fairly well. The thread finally got locked.... (for your info.... if you are the original poster of a thread - the OP - you basically "own" that thread and can request that it be "closed" at any time. The actual time it gets closed, depends on when the mods see it).



A mod does not have to oblige the request of an OP to close their thread. It is done often but not something the staff has to do. You and Ranchand both made some jabs at the Austin scene and hell even MajicHands (provider) called one Ranch's comments "hogwash". Old Sarge, you asked me if I was serious about questioning you or Ranchands moderation. Why not let me answer your two question before closing the thread? Why ask a question that you don't want the answers to or will allow for a response?

I do know a few things about moderating Old Sarge. I am quite proud of my time that I moderated.

One of your members from your area newguy starts a thread titled, "Freakin Austin Creeps needs a lesson in manners", complains about drama coming into your "small part of hobby land", yet invites it with his jabs and harsh shots at me, he taps out, and you allow him to back out of this thread because the heat was turned up before I could respond?

I will say this about my moderation style, I let people get their shots in. I would allow someone to respond. You simply rescued this guy. I guess there is a reason you are no longer an Austin mod even after your return. You said Austin was no fun? I think its more your ASPD style of moderation is not wanted in this neck of the woods.

Oh yeah with your military comments about having ones back, etc. Dude, my grandfather died a proud WWII vet and my uncle is a Vietnam vet, your military comments have nothing to do with anything on a whore board IMO....

Fuck those guys from Killeen/Waco , they found their way on here first . Stay in your happy drama free corner , nobody asked you to stick your nose in here anyway ! Not intended for you Old Sarge you've always been respectful !
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I wanted to ask newguy if his imaginary friend's dick hung 2 inches long, or 2 inches from the ground. I know someone who's trying to cast a porn movie. Guess I'll just have to send him a PM now...
This is a P4P board. I treat providers as businesswomen. I expect them to be responsible when they criticize their potential customers. I feel no need to rush in and defend them.

We're adults here, they need to defend themselves.

The more you link to my post the more the people read the truth!

Here is a partial quote I read somewhere: Sixxbach was "the absolute WORST MODERATOR of ALL TIME....

You linked to my post and started a new thread and no comment about that?

Better get the shots in before I go on vacation....

Just sayin
sixxbach's Avatar

The more you link to my post the more the people read the truth!

Here is a partial quote I read somewhere: Sixxbach was "the absolute WORST MODERATOR of ALL TIME....

You linked to my post and started a new thread and no comment about that?

Better get the shots in before I go on vacation....

Just sayin Originally Posted by newguy1970

The truth? Even you said some of the things you posted may not be true, wrong, rumor. Oh man, I am sure I am not the worst moderator of all time. Hell, I am sure soon there may be a few that will disagree with your quote too
I am not done with my comments.

Vacation? You going somewhere? I doubt the mods will point you for your comments, I actually don't want them to. The thread should have been left open especially if Sarge is going to ask me two questions and not even allow for a response

Newguy1970.. I also won't take my shots at you and tap out by pushing the RTM button so you can't respond.

I got pointed for general disrespect for less than this ! Oh yeah I can see into the future.
LMAO! The more you link to my post, the more people read the truth about you. You come on here bitching about someone else and complain he won’t let you answer questions but you answered none of mine in that thread.

Sixxback. I will make is simple for you. Here are some quotes taken out of context and from different people in that thread, but, dude, you have the link up and people can read.

Here are some words and phrases. Which ones do you think are untrue about YOU?

1) Creep
2) Jerk
3) Douche
4) Dick
5) Troll
6) pathetic excuse for a human being
7) treats all women as if they were the crack whores
8) fat
9) 2 inch dick
10) Smelly
11) Sleezy
12) Drunk
13) Liar
14) Cheater
15) Woman abuser
17) used his "powers" to bully the women
18) used his "powers" to fuck over the men
19) lap dog to another hobbyist

Which of these words or phrases are untrue about you?

1) Respectful
2) Kind
3) Polite
4) Considerate
5) Fair
6) Reasonable
7) Trustworthy
8) Human being
9) Gentleman
10) Friendly
Eagerly awaiting your response… heck you might even get it in before I get banned…
And Die Hard, there may be smoke, but no mirrors involved.
Just sayin
Sixx was a good mod here in Austin. When you attack someones character that says a lot about you.
sixxbach's Avatar
LMAO! The more you link to my post, the more people read the truth about you. You come on here someone else and complain he won’t let you answer questions but you answered none of mine.

Sixxback. I will make is simple for you. Here are some quotes taken out of context and from different people in that thread, but, dude, you have the link up and people can read.

Here are some words and phrases. Which ones do you think are untrue about YOU?

Dude, I will gladly play! You said different people in that thread? You are the only one in that thread saying anything directly at me but I will gladly oblige you.

1) Creep (I am sure to some people but hell its all on perspective)
2) Jerk (You bet... once again on perspective)
3) Douche (Coming from another john? I am sure someone in life would call us all douches because of our hobbby)
4) (Dick) (Well I do have a small one)
5) Troll ( I would disagree 100% on that one. I have 80 reviews and more not written. A troll does not contribute anything in the way of information
6) pathetic excuse for a human being (Totally perespective. Many people in my life and a few hobby would disagree. Do YOU truly believe there isn't anyone doesn't think YOU are?)
7) treats all women as if they were the crack whores (not true, I have hung out with several Austin providers and traveling ladies outside of BCD. I don't expect them to or want them to stand up for me but they know...
8) fat (There are fat hobbyists and fat providers.. your point?)
9) 2 inch dick (bigger than that but not much... never claimed to be packing)
10) Smelly (I think I do a very good job overall with hygeine)
11) Sleezy ( Dude, you are no angel either, no hobbyist)
12) Drunk (I do like to drink)
13) Liar (Dude, we are in the hobby, everyone has lied about something to someone at some point. Whether its to yourself, your wife, SO, etc
14) Cheater (Monogamy is not most hobbyists strong suits)
15) Woman abuser (Who? Since you are all knowing?)
16) WORST MODERATOR of ALL TIME (I doubt that)
17) used his "powers" to bully the women ( I dont believe so... provide proof beyond accusations)
18) used his "powers" to fuck over the men ( see above)
19) lap dog to another hobbyist (Whispers is my friend, I could give less than a shit who has a problem with that. We actually do disagree on things)
20) SHITBAG ( Dude, if I am, you are not too far behind)

Which of these words or phrases are untrue about you?

1) Respectful ( There are some providers and hobbyists who would agree that I am)
2) Kind
3) Polite
4) Considerate
5) Fair
6) Reasonable
7) Trustworthy
8) Human being
9) Gentleman
10) Friendly (see first response in this part.
Eagerly awaiting your response… heck you might even get it in before I get banned…
And Die Hard, there may be smoke, but no mirrors involved.
Just sayin Originally Posted by newguy1970
You talked shit about me being banned and now you might be banned yourself?? lol

Hmmmmmmm.... you talk about being a lapdog? You are a lapdog for a "lady" that you have to PAY to spend time with you. Who is the dumbass now? lol

You also make fat comments about me... well dude... look at your reviews.... just sayin

I also complained and bitched about not being able to respond because you are a puss for requesting that thread be closed. Had you not hit the RTM like a bitch, I would have answered there...
newguy, I never understand why people use personal insults to evade a debate that is not going in their favor? Maybe you can explain.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
newguy1970 said: there is no makeover for a fat, sleezy, fat, 2 inch dick, fat, smelly, fat, stupid, fat, drunk, fat, liar, fat, cheater, fat, woman abuser, fat, piece of shit, fat, sorry excuse of a human being.....
So.... What are you say? Six is fat?
nuglet's Avatar
Sixx is a big boy, this ain't gonna bother him. He's just baiting traps, like any good hunter.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 06-21-2012, 04:08 PM
OK, everyone. Insulting remarks and the barbed attacks have no place here. Debate the issues raised, or step away from the thread.

OK, everyone. Insulting remarks and the barbed attacks have no place here. Debate the issues raised, or step away from the thread.

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by ztonk
Damn, really? When did all this come about?
May I use this quote in the future when I'm getting shit on.

Sixx has more WKs than I do; neck and neck with Brandy even.

I'm juuust saying!