Go FUND yourself

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
I'm at work and a girl wanted me to go to her friends GO FUND ME PAGE cause of *insert sob story*

I said,
sounds sad, and now she's panhandling?


she's begging for money?>
She's not begging
oh, how is what she doing different from a guy on the street wanting money for beer?
*that's when she go the upitty, attitude in her voice,
SEE, with her, you exactly where the money is goin'! guy on the street,. you dunno

where the money goes is irrelevant, we are talking about how you get the money.
if you want to beg, on the street or online, it's still begging.
now give me her page and I'll give her a buck.

So I guess her friend isnt going to get my dollar, I'll likely blowing it on Gemma34 or some other hottie.

A2theb2thec's Avatar
A bit crude as always, BCPL. But you tell it as it is. Your logic is sound. It is fucking donating unless you get something in return such as a gift/complimentary bj? hehe.

If this isn't crowdfunding where you receive the product, of which the production is being funded then it is purely charity.

Too bad people are way too sensitive to see that once you strip away the niceties and flowery shit, your corvette is really a shitty chevie (most chevies are shitty).... a car is a car, you know?

But if you wanted to get it on with that girl, it wouldn't hurt to be nice and send a dollar which you most likely won't miss towards the charity. She wouldn't know how much you donated since you can make up the dollar amount. By the time she asks her friend the deed would be done... shrug. Yeah but plans never work out as you think they would.

I really don't understand what would be so offensive about this post. IT's educational to weak minded out there. IT's a bit off-color to be funny to the somewhat deranged. And It breaks the monotony in these parts. Nothing wrong with any of that.

Sadly I don't have interesting tales to tell and there aren't more posts like this to be amused with.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar

I really don't understand what would be so offensive about this post. IT's educational to weak minded out there. IT's a bit off-color to be funny to the somewhat deranged. And It breaks the monotony in these parts. Nothing wrong with any of that.

Sadly I don't have interesting tales to tell and there aren't more posts like this to be amused with. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
I didnt think this post was at all offensive
I was a little mad at myself because of the "co worker who was so immature".
Mad at myself because a few years back, I was really into this girl who I treated like sh e had a handle on things, and she was also 23, and I was so blinded by her looks, oral fixation, that I was just stupid as can be,
This coworker is 23/24 and just an idiot, GO FUND ME is just begging for money.
Sure, I' would still give money to some people for the crap they are going through.
I told the coworker to give me the fund me page of her friend and I would give money.
but lets not pretend it's not begging.

For the whole month of october, I'd have on my desk at work candy: payday, reeses., rice krispy minis, lafytaffy mini snickers, 3 musketters,smarties, sprees
my go coworkers would eat 40+ pieces a night
when asked why I had candy I'd say 3 things
its halloweeen, it makes work fun and to give you diabetes

(you dont get diabetes from sugar, you get it from being a fatty http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/basics/diabetes.html)

most of my coworkers are fat, but that didnt stop them from eating more food.
Yes, I'm an enabler..
I hire hookers, I give money to people to buy "smokes" and I give candy to fatties.,
I'm not your dad. I'm your BF, friend or john or coworker who likes watching you neeed a break to catch your breath when you walk from the parking lot to your desk
here": have a snickers
Should have asked her if her friend would give you a Bj for the funds. Wonder how uptitty she would get over that.
RocketSurgeon's Avatar
You should have told her friend that all the cool chicks are using Backpage now instead of GoFundMe.
I've watched over the last 20 years Type 2 Diabetes rise in the % of my patients at least 10 fold. It used to be I'd have 1 or 2 patients who needed to be on sliding scale. Now it's at least that daily at minimum. Americans as a whole are lazy fatasses. With over 50% of the population overweight it won't be shit like ISIS or illegal immigrants killing this country. It'll be the fatties shoving unprecedented amounts of carbs down their throats and blowing up their endocrine system. Then add in the associated wound care and amputations on the rise as the result of skin ulcers and neuropathy, you'll also see nice increases in the amount of disabled. The funniest are the women I encounter at work who try to convince you being a size 16 is normal size. Sure..it's normal if you're fat.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
Should have asked her if her friend would give you a Bj for the funds. Wonder how uptitty she would get over that. Originally Posted by royamcr
BCPL wouldn't be complaining anymore if he had. And it would be a "donation" not a donation. But everybody would be happier.

I've watched over the last 20 years Type 2 Diabetes rise in the % of my patients at least 10 fold. It used to be I'd have 1 or 2 patients who needed to be on sliding scale. Now it's at least that daily at minimum. Americans as a whole are lazy fatasses. With over 50% of the population overweight it won't be shit like ISIS or illegal immigrants killing this country. It'll be the fatties shoving unprecedented amounts of carbs down their throats and blowing up their endocrine system. Then add in the associated wound care and amputations on the rise as the result of skin ulcers and neuropathy, you'll also see nice increases in the amount of disabled. The funniest are the women I encounter at work who try to convince you being a size 16 is normal size. Sure..it's normal if you're fat. Originally Posted by super_delfin00
So... Lack of self control is a bigger threat to our country than climate change and given what all our "smart" Democrats ram down our throats therefore a greater threat than terrorism? Oh yeah you alluded to that.

I figure people are going to die in some fashion no matter what. If they want to slowly rot away with the 'betes unfortunate but fine with me. at least it's a natural phenomenon. I find getting killed by others to be a bit more repulsive to my senses than succumbing to your own demons.

Anyways isn't climate change now our greatest enemy? Even worse than diabetes, accidental trauma, cancer and atherosclerosis combined? That's what I keep hearing from the president so I figure that to be true.
This country will be long gone before climate change enacts any significant impact. As for getting killed. You have a bigger chance of getting offed by a hood rat in KC than you do of being killed by a terrorist. Look at the % of deaths attributable to terrorism stateside each year vs the murders by ghetto rats and you'll see the numbers pale in comparison.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
I've watched over the last 20 years Type 2 Diabetes rise in the % of my patients at least 10 fold. It used to be I'd have 1 or 2 patients who needed to be on sliding scale. Now it's at least that daily at minimum. Americans as a whole are lazy fatasses. Originally Posted by super_delfin00
There is a new guy at work...you might have heard the term "smuggling raisins" about women with erect nipples...this guy is "smuggling me " in his xxxxxxxl poloshirt
I define a person as fat when they dont walk, but waddle side to side,
Such as a person trying to move a fridge or filing cabinet by themselves, you "walk" it by moving it side to side.
That's how that fatties I see do "walking" cause they have thighs so big they cannot walk straight
or in time am I gonna think the below pic is hot?
A2theb2thec's Avatar
This country will be long gone before climate change enacts any significant impact. As for getting killed. You have a bigger chance of getting offed by a hood rat in KC than you do of being killed by a terrorist. Look at the % of deaths attributable to terrorism stateside each year vs the murders by ghetto rats and you'll see the numbers pale in comparison. Originally Posted by super_delfin00
Thanks for the dose of reality but I hope you realized I was just playing the obtuse typical democrat dumbass who doesn't realize who the terrorists are, feel climate change threat is upon us, and doesn't think black crime is a problem.

May be if I had put up a dumb silly face it would've been clearer. Ha-ha.. What the fuck do I care? Just a FYI in case you do
A2theb2thec's Avatar
There is a new guy at work...you might have heard the term "smuggling raisins" about women with erect nipples...this guy is "smuggling me " in his xxxxxxxl poloshirt
I define a person as fat when they dont walk, but waddle side to side,
Such as a person trying to move a fridge or filing cabinet by themselves, you "walk" it by moving it side to side.
That's how that fatties I see do "walking" cause they have thighs so big they cannot walk straight
or in time am I gonna think the below pic is hot?
Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
So the fatties who don't waddle aren't fat? I define fatties as those who can't see their wee wee or cooch.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
And for those who think I'm a bigot against fatties. Not. If I were overweight and I am a bit. I think I'd start being more heathy by exercising and cutting down my caloric intake. And I have so no need to point that out. People should be ridiculed for how they let themselves get the way they have become... Obviously there are exceptions but they should know they're exceptions. A little bit of self hatred is not bad.. It gets you on the right path. Change only occurs when you fucking realize that there is a problem.
Helicopter206's Avatar
I have seen a teacher on FB post that she has a GFM page, you send money, she sends naked photos. She wants help paying her bills.
I have seen a girl post on FB that she needs help with getting her car fixed, has a GFM page, a month later she is posting photos of her vacation.
I don't trust anything anymore on GFM. It turned into a joke in a heart beat.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
And for those who think I'm a bigot against fatties. Not. If I were overweight and I am a bit. I think I'd start being more heathy by exercising and cutting down my caloric intake. And I have so no need to point that out. People should be ridiculed for how they let themselves get the way they have become... Obviously there are exceptions but they should know they're exceptions. A little bit of self hatred is not bad.. It gets you on the right path. Change only occurs when you fucking realize that there is a problem. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
What I find interesting is the medical people don't ever tell you that want to prevent cancer?
They insist they can find a cure and need your help to find a cure!
which is basically telling the public
"motorcyle accidents are killing people. we are looking to find a cure for this by finding material to make a great helment! so keep walking those 5Ks and raising money for us"

they don't say



that's a survery showing non big people usually don't get cancer,m diabetes, heart attacks

Why this is? I dunno

maybe cause these people who avoided diabetes,cancer, CAD
-didnt constantly eat?
-I see fat people who work were I work, bring food for lunch, they cannot go 8.5 hours without food? they need to bring a cooler for a whole meal? what a pain that is to haul around a cooler filled with food(and yeah, people steal stuff out of the 4 fridges in the break room, wtf?

-fasting has many benefits

-eat less, or maybe these people just ate less and never got fat?
whether it is because non-fat people and other food and they have more activation of SirT2 and SirT6, that helps them avoid cancer http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3174263/

or low fat diet
maybe don't eat a lot of fat and other food and that helps them, via drmcdougall

-kept estrogen low
or maybe e breast cancer, prostate cancer is a "hormone-sensitive" disease
so being fat means more Aromatase enzyme which is also called estrogen synthetase or estrogen synthase, which is why fat men get man-boobs and even the FDA says estrogen isa known carcinogen

(estrogen causes DNA damage unlike oxidants, which make free radicals..free radicals can we quelched with ANTI-oxidants
Estrogen metabolites or
high estrogen can also damage DNA, but not via free radicals, but depurination.

The estrogen will bind to one of the amino acids of DNA and then take it out of DNA, leaving a whole, but changing/mutating the DNA

antioxidants cannot stop this, ie Vit C is an antioxidants block some of the damage caused by free radicals, substances that damage DNA. But DNA isnt being damaged via free radicals, so more vit C isnt going to help, because the damage is via depurination, Estrogen metabolites pull out nucleotide bases turning cells into cancer cells that then divide forever and turn into tumors.

whatever the way the goal is to stay not fat
and if you are fat, just start now and get unfat

I like this article
I'm Trying to cure cancer, 6 things I should NOT tell you
#6. It's Impossible To Find A Cure That Affects Every Patien

#5. Cancer Is Not Simply Runaway Cell Division

#4. Some Discoveries Are A Complete Accident

#3. Decades Of Work Can Be For Nothing

#2. Many People Don't Understand How Research Works

#1. It Can Be Surprisingly Dangerous

#2. Many People Don't Understand How Research Works
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
I have seen a teacher on FB post that she has a GFM page, you send money, she sends naked photos. She wants help paying her bills.
I have seen a girl post on FB that she needs help with getting her car fixed, has a GFM page, a month later she is posting photos of her vacation.
I don't trust anything anymore on GFM. It turned into a joke in a heart beat. Originally Posted by Helicopter206
least with the teacher you get something from your money,
giving people money for no reason is stupid