And for those who think I'm a bigot against fatties. Not. If I were overweight and I am a bit. I think I'd start being more heathy by exercising and cutting down my caloric intake. And I have so no need to point that out. People should be ridiculed for how they let themselves get the way they have become... Obviously there are exceptions but they should know they're exceptions. A little bit of self hatred is not bad.. It gets you on the right path. Change only occurs when you fucking realize that there is a problem.
Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
What I find interesting is the medical people don't ever tell you that want to prevent cancer?
They insist they can find a cure and need your help to find a cure!
which is basically telling the public
"motorcyle accidents are killing people. we are looking to find a cure for this by finding material to make a great helment! so keep walking those 5Ks and raising money for us"
they don't say
that's a survery showing non big people usually don't get cancer,m diabetes, heart attacks
Why this is? I dunno
maybe cause these people who avoided diabetes,cancer, CAD
-didnt constantly eat?
-I see fat people who work were I work, bring food for lunch, they cannot go 8.5 hours without food? they need to bring a cooler for a whole meal? what a pain that is to haul around a cooler filled with food(and yeah, people steal stuff out of the 4 fridges in the break room, wtf?
-fasting has many benefits
-eat less, or maybe these people just ate less and never got fat?
whether it is because non-fat people and other food and they have more activation of SirT2 and SirT6, that helps them avoid cancer
or low fat diet
maybe don't eat a lot of fat and other food and that helps them, via drmcdougall
-kept estrogen low
or maybe e
breast cancer,
prostate cancer is a "
hormone-sensitive" disease
so being fat means more
Aromatase enzyme which is also called
estrogen synthetase or
estrogen synthase, which is why fat men get man-boobs and even the FDA says estrogen isa known carcinogen
(estrogen causes DNA damage unlike oxidants, which make free radicals can we quelched with ANTI-oxidants
Estrogen metabolites or
high estrogen can also damage DNA, but not via free radicals, but depurination.
The estrogen will bind to one of the amino acids of DNA and then take it out of DNA, leaving a whole, but changing/mutating the DNA
antioxidants cannot stop this, ie Vit C is an antioxidants block some of the damage caused by free radicals, substances that damage DNA. But DNA isnt being damaged via free radicals, so more vit C isnt going to help, because the damage is via depurination, Estrogen metabolites pull out nucleotide bases turning cells into cancer cells that then divide forever and turn into tumors.
whatever the way the goal is to stay not fat
and if you are fat, just start now and get unfat
I like this article
I'm Trying to cure cancer, 6 things I should NOT tell you
#6. It's Impossible To Find A Cure That Affects Every Patien
#5. Cancer Is Not Simply Runaway Cell Division
#4. Some Discoveries Are A Complete Accident
#3. Decades Of Work Can Be For Nothing
#2. Many People Don't Understand How Research Works
#1. It Can Be Surprisingly Dangerous
#2. Many People Don't Understand How Research Works