Since no one has brought it up I have to conclude that everyone agrees with the immigration bill going through the Senate. So we will legalize all illegals and turn them into sex and field slaves. They can stay in the USA as long as they wear their badge and report daily. Of course this is a democratic sponsored bill.
I do have to refer to the CBO report. Two major things people have been talking about. First, the CBO says that the US will save about $170 billion dollars over 20 years if we legalize the illegal. They are talking about taxes for welfare, social security, and unemployment. The problem is that they only go out for 20 years when most illegals will still be under 60 years old and not collecting social security or requiring a great deal of medical care. They did not go out to 30 years so I have to point out how wrong their numbers can be. The second thing is that the current proposal prevents illegals from getting government services for 5, 6, or 7 years. This includes Obamacare and this also includes the "fine" levied on employers for not having the employees insured. So for 5, 6, or 7 years an employer will be better off hiring former illegals and avoiding the fines associated with hiring Americans. They can avoid fines and lower wages when the current 9 million unemployed is joined by another 5 million unemployed.