It is about being discreet. You wouldn't want all your info and pics being available to anyone that clicks on it would you? LE dont need to see my Va Jay jay!
Originally Posted by LadyRed
(see the 'honesty' thread. There's some rank stuff going on in the hobby world). The impact of the 'rank' and file is that more fems are locking their photos and mainly because other fems steal them. Now, the reasons for this are limitless but the fact that a woman would steal another's pictures is 'priceless' (cheap bastards, go pay for your own pictures, unless you have something to hide???):
1. Uggly, (yes, double 'g') fems who want to portray a more beautiful side (b&s)
2. Cheap fems (if they are too cheap for at least bathroom shots, then how do you think their feminine hygiene is? ijs)
3. PIMP related: dumb shit a man would make his lady(ies) do for what reason? I don't know.
4. limitless...I'm not giving a reason for these fems as I do NOT condone this behavior.
But, the result is that more fems are locking their websites. Now for the ones who charge for pics and membership, well that's a whole different story...Not a bad idea though for the female who is going to present something worth the 'exclusive' membership and do so regularly. Just MO.
BTW, LadyRed is an example of someone I would be an 'exclusive' member of her site since I plan on seeing her but nothing planned yet. Since she is far away, it would be a nice touch to see her in motion (video), etc.