Guys, Would you ever consider becoming a male escort?

Naomi4u's Avatar
I was doing some surfing today and came across sites like, and All which are respected male courtesans. I found one that I am considering "booking" in the near future but his name isn't listed (Yeah he's hottie!). I also came across some that I didn't find attractive/couldn't understand how they were getting business but they seem to be getting booked a lot and I understand different strokes for different folks.

I have met guys in the hobby that I thought were very attractive and didn't understand why they felt they had to pay for someone to see them but everyone has their reasons - I understand. Have fun with this thread and no flames. Guys would you consider becoming an escort? If so, what would your name be? What would your "debut" ad say? and What would you charge?
i would but that is just me. not all of us are bad looking....i had a few providers say i was i dont consider myself fine but good looking. clean cut looking brotha with a nice head on his shoulders. so to get a woman on the outside....yes, that can be done no problem. it is all about the hunt, the chase, the exploration of a working girl. taking a trip on the wild side.

but to answer ur question, id do it because i like to please the woman during sex.
Valentine Michael's Avatar
No way. I have no interest in having sex with someone I'm not attracted to, let alone someone I find either physically or mentally repulsive. I'm sure I could push through with nice, but homely or overweight gals, but the occasional asshole or physically repulsive looking person would make the whole thing not worth while.
  • MrGiz
  • 09-02-2011, 08:43 AM
VM came pretty close to nailing my answer!* I don't believe I could do what you girls do... being able to provide the high quality illusion of passion to someone I am not attracted to!* That has to be difficult!!* And I don't think I would be very successful if I got a reputation for turning away the unattractive!!

I guess, being female makes it a little bit easier to "play the role", no matter how physically revolting your client may be.* But... us guys are still going to have to "get it up"... and "mind over matter" doesn't always work.* Besides... I am past the prime age the masses would be looking for, and not exactly GQ material, either!

That's why I really respect the great work you girls provide!!* I know ya'll occasionally* get treated to good sex and outstanding physical and sensual treats.... but much-much more often, not!* I realize it is not an easy job... and I think ya'll are Absolute Angels for being there!!
Okay - I'm IN!! Any takers??.........Yah, that's what I thought.......
anaximander's Avatar
Between the ages of 18-24 a working girlfriend
would on occaision send a group of my friends
and I to Austin to entertain politico's wives.

The longhaired rocker look was at it's apex.
Those women were scary: not ugly or anything
just sex starved like a prison inmate.
A little attention went along way.
I was very naive at the time and didn't fully
grasp what Lonna had set up for us.
I got paid in pussy and Staff edit, forbidden subject CC,
somebody paid for the limo to Austin.

From 22-24 I waited tables and did amateur
nights at La Bare. Women get away with things
at their strip bars, that would get a man beaten
or worse at our strip joints.
The ladies just jam the money down the
front of your thong- ripping them even.
Paper cuts on my dick, nail scratches on my stomach,
cuts from their rings- it was hell.

I'm too much of a whore to charge something
that I gladly will do for free.
But more power to my sisters in sin.
You do what you gotta do.
I would love to. but good advertising and marketing doesn't cure old, fat and ugly.
If it were just hetero escorting I am pretty sure I could. When I was just a wee lad of 17-21. Many older (at that time)30-50+ years old liked me so much, at school, church and the like. I was the brooding choir boy look, thin at the time and wholesome. I was the boy equivalent of a "doe eyed blond." And once when I was 19 I was working at a nursing home and the physical therapist would not leave me alone. When she asked for my phone number I complied like she was holding a gun to my head. She was foxy for mid 30s. ANd would not leave me alone. I stayed with my mother and one weekend she kept calling and calling asking for me to come over. I ended up pleading with my mother to tell her I was not allowed out after 9:00 or something. I avoided the ravishes of a wanton woman. It probably would have been the time of my life. Once she and a hot girl friend almost forced me into their car to go to the lake one summer day, I was a real dumbass. Missed opportunities!

The point to the story is, I could have done these things eventhough my heart wouldn't have been it, especially if some coin would have been involved. If I could have maintained those looks somewhat and had a pimp to force me-the pimp would have to be a tall muscular woman with a severe temper and strong hand to turn me out. Or the little 5' tramp who trained me at an old job who would stomp her foot at me when I screwed-up. I am 6'3'280#. But she had me mind f__ked.

I would not be a courtesan, but the boy on the street corner.
SlowHand50's Avatar
It's every guy's secret dream -- but then reality hits, including the realization that we'd starve to death.
waverunner234's Avatar
No never, I have the greatest admiration for all the ladies with this profession, I could never do it myself. I think I wouldn't be anywhere when the lady wasn't attractive. (Body and Mind)
anaximander's Avatar
Speak for yourself buddy.
It's a bit different for man-whores.
There is always a woman for the properly
groomed man-whore.
He-whores have to always be angling for keep.
The ladies are a little more free in that dept.

In this day and age, a lot of women
already have money, career, fin sec-

many could care less about your job;
just that you have one.
They want a strong lickin' and dickin'.
Yeah you're a kept guy,
but that's the catch.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
If I could be a Gigalo, I just don't Know.
No. I don't have the equipment or the talent.
I may be wriong on this, but isn't the overwhelming majority of "male prostitutes", or what ever they are called, caterring to the Gay Community?

Anyway, I'm not bad for a 64 year old, but I seriously doubt there is much of a market for men my age.
burkalini's Avatar
I would think it is a harder profession for a guy. Women can open up and use lube if necessary. Us guys got to get it up before we get it in. Now ladies don't think I am disrepecting you in anyway as I know you work very hard in your profession but physically it has to be tougher for the guy. I know I couldn't do it.