Ladies?-- Relationship sex vs. Anonymous sex

First, let me tell you about my orgasm last night.LOL, it felt like I passed a golfball. I literally almost blacked out.I was into a 5 hour session with a dear friend (thanks Baby),and the stars lined up and it was some of the best sex I have ever had.

I started thinking about previous relationship type sex and comparing it to random sex with anonymous chicks, either providers or civilians.. I think anonymity has it by a mile.. But let's dig a little deeper here..You meet a lady/man, you develop an emotional attachment too, sex seems to be best in this situation, but it is fleeting.. Sooner or later it goes south, due to emotional needs not being met, or money, kids, whatever the real world throws at you. In most cases it never rebounds, it remains stagnant, or a routine takes hold, and that sucks. I have actually relived some sessions in my dreams with some providers (very hott)). BIG QUESTION;; Do you think providers offer better sex to their clients than they do to their S/O? Do you think they enjoy it better,maybe it depends upon the client.. So which is it overall for the long term, "relationship sex or anonymous sex"..I would like to ask the ladies, for once please don't follow a business plan, tell it like it is...
The idealist in me wishes that years of marriage would by now be yielding better & better sex through familiarity & ever increased intimacy. The realist knows that for a man (OK, this man) to be happy he needs five things: food, water, shelter, pussy... and strange pussy.

I too am interested to hear if in general the ladies feel the same way.
BIG QUESTION;; Do you think providers offer better sex to their clients than they do to their S/O? Do you think they enjoy it better,maybe it depends upon the client.. So which is it overall for the long term, "relationship sex or anonymous sex"..I would like to ask the ladies, for once please don't follow a business plan, tell it like it is... Originally Posted by GRIPITRIPIT

I can only speak for myself....the S/O (if I had one) would surely get better sex. I mean afterall, he is my S/O. There are things off limits in my business life that are not/would not be in my personal life. Some things are off limits period.

Relationship sex is always best-when feelings are involved. Sex for me is just as much mental stimulation, if not moreso, then physical stimulation. If my mind and heart are stimulated, then the physical part is easy.

There are a few clients I have come across that I clicked with and they really floated my boat. But that is rare and for the most part, it's just a business. I mean no disrespect to anybody by saying that, but it's a job.

I only wish more guys would get rid of the "I'm paying for it, so it's what I want" mentality and realize the happier I am, the happier they are. Some guys get it, and their mileage is a lot greater. Some don't...and theirs isn't. In business, I care a great deal more about what "he" thinks, as a bad review or word of mouth can put a huge damper on my ability to make money. I have to "tip toe" around the client. In my personal life, if he doesn't like the way I look naked he doesn't have to come back. But that doesn't prevent me from getting laid. But in business, one man's word can prevent many others from knocking.

So to answer your question..yes, personal sex is better. But it doesn't pay the bills.

rakuguy's Avatar
The idealist in me wishes that years of marriage would by now be yielding better & better sex through familiarity & ever increased intimacy. Originally Posted by ReadCT
Just like the Israeli's and the Palestinians.
Kelly TNT's Avatar

Now is sex Better with an SO? For me?? YES.
Not just the feelings for him.....but, my Trust In Him makes the sex Soooo much better! I can let go of myself completely.
He can do things to me...that I never would have done otherwise. It's a trust thing for me.

I have had great sex while in this business...don't get me wrong. I mean...Good Lovin sex! Okay???!!! I think it's probably normal for people Not in a relationship to hold even a small part of themselves back.

Or maybe NOt? Hell, I don't know. I just have one, I can only speak for her!

~Kelly TNT
For me its simple.. anything I do in my personal life is offered to hobbyiest.. I don't abide by the "i reserve special things for my personal life" since in theory everything we are offer is suppose to be our "special" places.. reserved for loved ones.. so I just share with hobbyiest like I would an SO

The only thing they don't get is my heart and true emotion..the "game" is simply keeping the hobbyiest from knowing.."illusion of passion".. not actual passion..if your good the hobbyiest never knows the difference..

Sex with random paying guys has been awesome at times.. knowing I just did all those dirty things with a perfect stranger I may never see again..and its variety..variety is good..every guy goes about it different and that makes it fun and keeps me on my toes..and looking forward to the next guy in the door.

I don't know if I offer "better" sex to one person over the other.. at times I have went about playing in my personal life just like I do when being paid.. Im trying to get off and get him emotion has to be involved in either case sometime..but obviously in my personal life emotion and such comes into play more often and makes it "different" mentally.

Whether personal life or being paid as a provider..I am the same mentally and my approach is the same in regards to "im yours to use and get off from"..i geniunely get off knowing I am getting him off.. however sometimes in my personal life..and it is rare, I will get selfish and look at my needs and not his..but usually that leaves me feeling bad cuz I feel like I shorted him.. so for me..the guys that think "im paying I get it my way" me..even in my personal life..a confident guy that approaches it as "damn it girl I know what I want from you and Im taking it".. turns me on.. so its all good..

but basically the only thing that is different from being paid and personal the money lmao.. and the mental aspect of is sex..and fun
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
Familiarity makes it better for the woman and if there is chemistry then so too for the man. Women take a little more familiarity than guys to relax and let go....
Saturn's Avatar
I think its about chemistry. Some have it with their SO , and some don't

When you have chemistry - its awesome, when its missing - it can be flat.
Sex with someone you know is always better than with a stranger, unless it's completely hot pick-her-up-drunk-at-a-bar-and-hammer-her-silly sex. That's hot too but for a different reason. Knowing the person allows you to do things you wouldn't risk with a stranger....unless she's drunk....and you picker her up at the bar...and you took her home....and hammered her silly....
I disagree, I will do things to her and she MIGHT do things to me that she wouldn't do to others. I know, I let me kink out a little easier with someone I DON'T KNOW,not all the time, and it also depends on my partner(I'm thinkin about Sloan Mischief aka,, the peach for example)..I have a problem the next morning asking a famarliar face to scramble eggs,knowing the debauchery that was performed only hours ago.. I might be weird. Oh I know,,' I have a problem with emotional relationships." to that I say a loud "BULLSHIT"
I personally don't have to have chemistry..its sex..fucking, not love making.. if your good at it..your good..if your matter who you are with your bad.. for some guys, they need girls that need chemistry.. because deep down they (the guy) wanna believe they are just more than a quick fuck and a quick buck ... if there is "chemistry" then they can fool themselves..

but no..not every woman needs to have some connection..i can get naked and fuck a random stranger just the same as I fuck a guy in my personal life..i can fuck a guy for pay..just as I would a guy I have been with for years in my personal life.. the only thing they don't get is my "heart".. or the "love".. but sex is sex
berkleigh's Avatar
I am 50/50 on this...

I relax and let go do all the sappy love making and raunchy, nasty fucking with the SO.

But, I like variety of the men I see so I am always up for new experiences.
Bestman200600's Avatar
When you know your provider and things click, sex is great.