Double Standard Blues

roaringfork's Avatar
Roaringfork: "I regard and treat your pussy juice as nothing less than sacramental wine--as nectar of the gods. You requite my worship by spitting my carefully saved cockjuice onto this filthy floor. Would you care to explain the lack of symmetry in the situation?"

Fare Room Waitress: "Mine don't have stuff swimmin' in it".

Ma'am, if you insist that every fluid you ingest be completely free of mobile microorganisms, you're gonna get real thirsty real soon. Can anyone supply a more satisfying justification for the female aversion to swallowing?
Grace Preston's Avatar
For me, it is a texture issue... I have attempted but generally my gag reflex takes over. So, as a result, I use the sport fisher approach-- catch and release.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I heard that not all us, but most of us guys, have spunk that taste like hammered dog shit sauteed in spoiled milk. But I tend to believe its the whole idea of it they don't like, rather than actually "it" they don't like.

I have seen many of people eat rocky mountain oysters (calf balls), and eat the shit out of them and enjoy them. Until they are told what it is they are actually eating. And then all of a sudden they taste like shit. I've seen it numerous times.

I think if it wasn't preset in the mind that it was going to taste bad, that it really wouldn't taste bad.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Three pecker... for me it HONESTLY isn't the taste. I don't mind the taste and for the guys who aren't as "solid" as others.... I can totally handle it. But that texture....
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Grace, that's just my thinking. It my very well be horrible stuff, lol. I can not honestly say. I just know the power of the mind and think it might play a large role with some. In no way am I saying "c'mon girls, quit being sissys." That's not my place, that's ladies choice. I just happen to enjoy it very much but its not a must in my book. I do although have an at least cim policy.
Roaringfork: "I regard and treat your pussy juice as nothing less than sacramental wine--as nectar of the gods. You requite my worship by spitting my carefully saved cockjuice onto this filthy floor. Would you care to explain the lack of symmetry in the situation?"

Fare Room Waitress: "Mine don't have stuff swimmin' in it".

Ma'am, if you insist that every fluid you ingest be completely free of mobile microorganisms, you're gonna get real thirsty real soon. Can anyone supply a more satisfying justification for the female aversion to swallowing? Originally Posted by roaringfork
Sir, I know of no such aversion.

I will gladly drink from your cup of life as long as you don't defile the wine.

The cum of smokers, or those who eat too much red meat (let's not get on those who do both) tastes like smoke, and rotten meat respectively. If you want a lady to partake, I would definitely keep your system a bit clean beforehand.
daty/o's Avatar
Just tell her you had a vasectomy and "the pools empty"
Well, I'll never know about spooge, but I can't eat oysters no matter how much alcohol or hot sauce is involved. So if there are texture issues I certainly sympathize. I also don't mind a spitter for that very reason. Some things just aren't everyone's "cup of tea".
roaringfork... thats deep dude!
pyramider's Avatar
Well, I'll never know about spooge, but I can't eat oysters no matter how much alcohol or hot sauce is involved. So if there are texture issues I certainly sympathize. . Originally Posted by phildo
That is because swallowing oysters are much like swallowing a booger.
Grace Preston's Avatar
That is because swallowing oysters are much like swallowing a booger. Originally Posted by pyramider
And for the gents with "thicker spunk"... so is swallowing their man juice.
mansfield's Avatar
Could someone explain why they care what she does with it after delivery?

Guess I never really cared what happened to it after I was done with it.
CoHorn's Avatar
Could someone explain why they care what she does with it after delivery?

Guess I never really cared what happened to it after I was done with it. Originally Posted by mansfield
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Could someone explain why they care what she does with it after delivery?

Guess I never really cared what happened to it after I was done with it. Originally Posted by mansfield
For me its not a deal breaker if a lady doesn't. As long as cim is on the menu, I'm in there. But it adds to what I guess they call image of passion. When a lady jumps up and runs the the sink to spit out the goods, it kinda leaves me feeling like she's at least a little disgusted. It just makes me feel a little better when its in my mind that we both enjoyed everything we just did together.
Back when my SO used to bitch & moan about bbbj, CIM, etc, I asked her why before marriage & if she did it before we met. She said only if she needed/had to. I finally had enough of her BS and told her if she did it one last time I would never ask again. She told me ok and that she would that eve but to never ever ask again. So that day I made sure to eat Brussell Sprouts, Garlic, Tuna Fish, Calamari, Asparagus and Kona Coffee.

Other than the stinky pee, the end result of the BBBJCIM then Vomit was worth it afterwards was worth it.