p411 down?

Super Head 713's Avatar
I cant seem to open the page. Am i the only person this is happening to?
Mr Willy's Avatar
I'm not having that problem.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Hmmm, server issue or IP problem? Saw this thread, tried to get on P411 and the page won't load. Just says "Connecting...," my little hourglass keeps filling, and then it times out.

Far-Out's Avatar
I cant load p411 from my phone. Haven't tried a land line
I can't get on
I am not getting on either, says webpage not available.
There is a power failure at our site hosting company... it is a holiday here (Canada) so there may be a slight delay in getting it back up.

We appreciate your patience.
Super Head 713's Avatar
awwwww that sucks I hope everything is back up and running really soon!
Samcro84's Avatar
Sounds like they need a generator
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Well drats, bats, cats chasing rats! I wonder if Yahoo has a power outage? I can't get into my email as they are experiencing "temporary technical difficulties."

That's it -- I'm taking a drink with a little umbrella in it and am going to go hang out at my apartment's pool.
chrissy's Avatar
No worries Gina usually has it up and running in short time..Just like us she invests in some of the best and some times it just takes time...Im sure if the issues were serious some of us would be receiving phone calls on the matter.....as always
Lori at p411 emailed me and told me their hosting site company's power failed and it's a holiday in Canada so the site will be down temporarily. Just thought I'd let yall know.
It's a pretty lame power company that doesn't work on holidays.
GinaXXX's Avatar
We're working on it, but it's Canada Day here and our hosting company is being very difficult to contact. Not sure when it will be back up, but it will be up as soon as possible!!
gearslut's Avatar
Damn Canada Day..... If I can't gets on then how am I supposed to get off?????