Nitwitboy. My great love and admiration to you wonderful hero. Fair winds.....

LovingKayla's Avatar
A few years back I met this strange but wonderful man named nitwitboy. The first time I met him, he drank all my tequila silver and talked for 5 hours. He first called me because he learned that I was a coastie and he was in fact a rescue swimmer coastie (which is just the hottest kind of coastie. They are our seals.) He was the first actual RS I'd ever met in person and I felt like I was in the room with a rock star. I couldn't stop talking with him. His very being in my living room was inspiring. A real live rescue swimmer... holy cow. It would be like superman flying into the window of my 6 year old.

That man could talk. I mean he could talk more than a couple of hens (and I have 30 hens, I know what I'm saying.) I had some of my best times talking with him. We grew pretty close over the last 2 years or so. We each had stories that could keep the other captivated for hours. We talked so much, we quite literally never got around to doing anything sexually. It was probably for the best because the cancer treatments for pancreatic cancer made him very sick and it would have been pretty awkward to say "oh crap excuse me a moment" and then bend over the bed to puke in mid stroke. Though by then I would have been unsure if it was the treatment or the massive amount of alcohol he had consumed. Either way, it would have been hilarious.

The last 2 years all he's had for family was the board. He loved you guys. I mean he really loved y'all. Because of the treatments, his girlfriend left and the community filled that hole for him. My greatest appreciation to the mods for being tolerant of his somewhat flagrant posting style.

Yesterday I got a call from him. Well I thought it was him. He sounded just like him. It was actually his father, he had called to tell me his son had passed and I was apparently the first on the list to call. I just wanted to kick nitwit in the balls he couldn't feel anymore, for dying on me and not having the common curiosity to call me first.

I spent most of yesterday deciding how and what I would write here (this was my instruction before he died.) I don't seem to perform well on the spot (so thanks alot buddy.) But seriously, I accept the honor and will do my best.

This man was one of our true American heroes. He spent the majority of his adult life saving others... and not just saving them like "hey thanks for that advice buddy" he saved them in the meanest most deadly waters you can imagine. Navy Seals can't swim as well as our rescue swimmers. No seriously they can't. I won 2500 on that bet. That seal is still calling for a rematch and it's been 12 years since I won.

The below photos are of his cutter and the falcon he flew with. All the swimmers in the photo's are actually him.

Before I leave this thread and my blessings for the next part of nitwit's adventure I want to say one more thing...

Nitwit wasn't even 40 yet. He was in supreme physical shape. I always said he was grown in a lab, no one looks THAT good. He could out swim navy seals and army rangers, leap tall buildings in a single bound, and destroy tyrants with a breath, yet Cancer still stole his life long before he should of had to go. Please do your screenings.

I love you nitwit. God speed on your journey.

OH and as I promised.... A giant FUCK YOU up the ass with Tabasco to Omega5. You know who you are. (And that is totally him, I don't feel that way....... as often as I used too.)

Fair winds and following seas my brother. May the road rise up to meet you and your tankard always be full. I miss you. Fly baby....... ~K~.

Please take a moment to give your respects to a fallen hero, silent or post, it doesn't matter. It's the thought that counts.
CapJak's Avatar
It is odd how one can meet sum of the best people in the strangest of places.

I didn't know him, but enjoyed his posts. He was always cordial the few times that we traded messages on a few subjects. Prayers to his Dad, and those that knew him.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-09-2011, 08:47 AM
God rest his soul
bigtxhorseman's Avatar
Wow...+1 to what has already been said

I thought he and I, and a few others, that have been battling cancer were in sort of the same club. But after finding out a little more, I realize I wasn't even hat's off to you. God be with your close friends and family

We lost a good 'un folks.....
Sleepy363's Avatar
Very Sad... Sounds like he put up a hell of a fight against the cancer.

RIP Nitwitboy.
Thats really sad, RIP Nitwitboy.
I'm sorry for the loss. He'll be missed.
LazurusLong's Avatar
You did a very nice job in this writing.

It never ceases to amaze me how many true American Heroes never make it to the movies or front page news. Yet we are surrounded by them and many times babrely know what they did because true heroes don't share with the world, they share with those they consider close friends.
DorkLover's Avatar
Well done brother, be thou at peace.
He was a pretty cool dude. He will be missed.

RIP Nitwit Boy.
Well, shit...wish I could have met him...loved his posts. You must have been very special to him SoftPlace...your post is the most beautiful, touching post I've read here.

RIP, will be missed.
Sir Lancelot's Avatar
Thanks for sharing that with us, SoftPlaceToLand. It was a touching tribute to a friend and hero. It is obvious that he was fortunate to have found a friend like you.

May the wind be always at your back Nitwitboy. You will be missed.

Sir Lancelot
Wow, I knew he was sick but had no idea that sick. Go in peace, brother.
slims099's Avatar
RIP Nitwitboy. Sorry to hear cancer took another great man.
God rest his wonderful soul ... he will be dearly missed.