Seven Americans died this weekend...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I was pondering how to title this thread; Seven Americans died... or In a war Obama has already host, seven Americans died. I went with the former. What say you my little whining lefties? Obama has already made it known they we have no intention of winning this war and has set a date. Every American who has died since that date was set died for nothing. You want to complain about the past (Bush haters) but I hear nothing about something that you could concievably change. Think of all the money that is going to be needed for injuried soldiers and then think of the estimated $10 million a week that we are spending in a war that Obama has already surrendered in. Throw in the billions given to Kharzid and I don't know how you can remain silent....that is unless your complaints are all politically motivated and you don't really care about our people.
jbravo_123's Avatar
You're talking about Iraq and Afghanistan? At least in regards to Iraq, we could have you know... not gone in...

At this point, it's about cutting our losses. We've been in those countries for 12 years now? It should be clear that militarily occupying them and trying to set up puppet governments isn't going to solve the problem. Another 12 years occupying them isn't going to solve the problem either. If any solutions are going to happen, they're going to come from the Afghan and Iraqi peoples, not from outside countries trying to conquer them.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please present your solution to this situation, BSwine. How do we win this war? I know we already won in Iraq, because Dubya told us so.

Oh, I forgot, that's not your department. You're here to complain, slander and bray like an flea bitten ass.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-06-2013, 08:54 AM
Compare that to the 4k you didn't give a shit about.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm glad to see that WTF posted on this. WTF, you've disqualified yourself from any ethical disagreement on the deaths in the Middle East. You claim to care but not about the dead, you care that Bush gets the blame. Bush left office over four years ago. Since then Obama failed to get an agreement to help secure the Iraq victory (given to us by Bush), we have pulled out of Iraq which some people haven't heard about (see Jbravo above), and Obama has announced our withdrawal from Afghanistan at some future date. Obama has given up and all but surrendered in Afghanistan. Every death now is a useless death and belongs to Barry. Obama is the president now, he had his surge and he got to take undue credit for killing Bin Laden, this is his war. Do you even know how many people have died since Obama rolled into the office? You should. If you have to look it up now then shame on you for only using talking points from the DNC. You are a detestible person WTF and you try to hide with your own charges of not caring. Have you sent any letters to the troops, or care packages, have you contacted your representatives about your concerns? Have you done anything? I doubt that you have gone much beyond bitching on this site. You are the kind of stuff we scraped off our boots.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I wouldn't go so far as to call Iraq a victory. We left a country that we invaded under incorrect assumptions, spent a bunch of our money and lives on it, and then left it as still a pretty chaotic and lawless country. At this point, I'm just glad we left before we could do more damage to them or ourselves.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-06-2013, 03:56 PM
poor JD
poor JD Originally Posted by CJ7

JD has become jealous of all of the attention Trendy has been getting. He is demanding equal treatment!