Oh Look - FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Destroying Evidence to Frame Pro-Trump Political Prisoner

berryberry's Avatar
Former Arkansas State Senator Jon Woods was the first elected official in the state to endorse President Trump in 2016.

Two years later U.S. District Judge Timothy L. Brooks of the Western District of Arkansas sentenced Woods to serve 18 years in federal prison, in addition to three years of supervised release and ordered Woods to pay $1.6 million in restitution.

Yesterday, the lead FBI Agent in his case plead guilty to destroying exculpatory evidence that could have proven Woods’ innocence.

According to court documents, former agent Robert Cessario was charged with “corrupt destruction of record in an official proceeding” in connection to the corruption trial of former state Sen. Jon Woods of Springdale.

In the plea deal, Cessario stated: “I erased the contents of the computer hard knowing that the court has ordered that the computer be submitted for a forensic examination. I did so with the intention of making the contents of the computer’s hard unavailable for forensic examination. At the time, I knew that the contents of the hard drive were relevant to an official proceeding, that is, Cause No. 5:17-CR-50010, United States v. Woods et al. I corruptly performed and had performed, the erasures with intent to impair the integrity and availability of the computer hard drive and its contents for use in that official proceeding.”


HDGristle's Avatar
So, the implication is the slippery slope that the entire DOJ and the entire FBI are corrupt?
berryberry's Avatar
Just one more in a myriad of examples providing evidence that the FBI/DOJ are corrupt
HDGristle's Avatar
So, in other words... a dodge
eyecu2's Avatar
So, in other words... a dodge Originally Posted by HDGristle
A Plymouth.,no wait, yes a dodge.

Merely another 1 off ruse that BX2 uses to try to create a hypothesis.

20 convicts vote illegally and now
a Yuge amount of votes are illegally gathered.

1 bad FBI agent- all of them are bad.

1 law breaking President (Trump)- they are all breaking laws.

Generally the whole world is a conspiracy and we're all in on it.
berryberry's Avatar
So, in other words... a dodge Originally Posted by HDGristle
Nope - one more piece of FACTUAL EVIDENCE

It is sad that you can't comprehend that and just come here to stir shit up. But that's your shtick and while you may fool some of the not real smart libtards, you don't fool most of the folks here.
chizzy's Avatar
The fbi and the doj are human.... it takes an extremely special person not to be bias in some manner and when power and greed are thrown in......

Everything is political and if u sit here and dismiss that, you are one stupid idiot no matter how intelligent u try to post
HDGristle's Avatar
People act contrary to their political beliefs and desires all the time. That a political lens can be applied to a situation doesn't mean the actions were made for a political reason.

That's inference vs intent. Sometimes it's true. Sometimes it's not. And that's reality.

The "Everything is political" argument is a retread version of the "Everything is steeped in racism" argument or the "Everything is religion" arguments that are just shades of disparate cultural norms, biases and all that woke shit some folks rail from, but ultimately seem to subscribe to when it suits them.

The DOJ and FBI aren't human. They're comprised of humans. And yeah, a collection of people can absolutely fall victim to biases. But they can also balance out. That's an important distinction. We just like quick labels and stereotypes and overly broad smears.
... And let's NOT forget the other cases of
FBI corrup--- uh... biased "mistakes" made.

.. Lying to the FISA Judge - more than once.

Not stopping Hillary and her minions from
smashing the cellular phones and servers
that were to be turned-over.

"Masterminding" the Whitmer kidnap plot.
The creation of the "Wolverine Watchmen"...

And FBI-own "whistleblowers" who claim the FBI
shut down all investigations into the Hunter laptop
before the election.

... These situations are just for starters...

... BIAS and CORRUPTION at its Finest!

#### Salty
chizzy's Avatar
People act contrary to their political beliefs and desires all the time. That a political lens can be applied to a situation doesn't mean the actions were made for a political reason.

That's inference vs intent. Sometimes it's true. Sometimes it's not. And that's reality.

The "Everything is political" argument is a retread version of the "Everything is steeped in racism" argument or the "Everything is religion" arguments that are just shades of disparate cultural norms, biases and all that woke shit some folks rail from, but ultimately seem to subscribe to when it suits them.

The DOJ and FBI aren't human. They're comprised of humans. And yeah, a collection of people can absolutely fall victim to biases. But they can also balance out. That's an important distinction. We just like quick labels and stereotypes and overly broad smears. Originally Posted by HDGristle
The dems are in power. They do whatever they can to go after Trump. They ignore the many disgraced by Biden

If the Republicans gain control, the opposite will happen.

Yes it is all polictical
berryberry's Avatar
... And let's NOT forget the other cases of
FBI corrup--- uh... biased "mistakes" made.

.. Lying to the FISA Judge - more than once.

Not stopping Hillary and her minions from
smashing the cellular phones and servers
that were to be turned-over.

"Masterminding" the Whitmer kidnap plot.
The creation of the "Wolverine Watchmen"...

And FBI-own "whistleblowers" who claim the FBI
shut down all investigations into the Hunter laptop
before the election.

... These situations are just for starters...

... BIAS and CORRUPTION at its Finest!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yes Salty - thanks for listing a number of other instances showing how the corrupt FBI broke the law, fabricated evidence, ignore crimes committed by Democrats, etc, etc

As I said - this was just one more example.
Alas the triggered libtards know that and know they can't refute it - so they try to belittle it. That's all they do when they know they can't refute the facts
HDGristle's Avatar
Funny. Based on your near constant posting you seem pretty damn triggered by pretty much everything you don't.

Projecting onto others is cute though
berryberry's Avatar
Funny. Based on your near constant posting you seem pretty damn triggered by pretty much everything you don't.

Projecting onto others is cute though Originally Posted by HDGristle
See what I mean Salty - they know they can't refute the facts - so they resort to petty insults. Its sad but par for the course with them I guess

The fact remains, no matter how many insults they want to toss out, that another FBI Agent pled Guilty to destroying evidence to frame Pro-Trump political prisoner
... Take a look at the Whitmer kidnapping case,
and the recent revelations concerning the FBI
officials and their conduct there.

And WHY hasn't the 6 Jan "pipe bomber" been caught??
WHY won't the FBI/DOJ release the camera footage
to the public?

... No bleedin' wonder people don't trust them.

#### Salty