5 Million Volt "BattleProd" Developed For Civil Unrest

SEE3772's Avatar
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, combine those with some K-Y or Astro-glide and you TeaPunks ought to have a right nice time with each other. Now, there's a prostate treatment worthy of Glenna's talents (so she/they say).
Sounds scary, but it's not.

It isn't the voltage you have to worry about, it is the CURRENT. These stun gun devices pump up electron charge on capacitors until the voltage is quite high. But they can only put out a small amount of current for a very brief instant. It stings and stuns the nervous system, but it takes a large amount of sustained current to kill.

Your first clue about the actual danger of the prod is that they say that conventional tasers charge up to "ONLY" about 50,000 volts. Gee, ONLY 50 KVolts? That sounds SO much safer than 5 million.

It's a marketing gimmick to make it sound super scary - "Don't buy that taser? It only goes to 50,00 volts. Our prod goes ALL THE WAY TO ELEVEN"
Randy4Candy's Avatar
BTW, it only takes 1.5 amps to kill someone.
BTW, it only takes 1.5 amps to kill someone. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Only? That's actually a lot of current. Most of your electronic devices operate off milliamps or microamps of current.

Those tasers probably put out tenths of an amp for a few milliseconds of time.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The number is only .1 amp for 1 second can stop your heart. This is 60 cycle electricity and not DC. Factors that affect things are internal resistance and grounding.
most use voltage not amps....