
Ok so I am sitting here in Sioux City, and people keep calling wanting to visit with me. Yet when I tell them that I will need to screen them first they avoid it like the plague. Tell me Why PLEASE....
I only ask to screen for my safety and yours, by screening I keep us both safe. I have not been busted by LE because of screening. I don't want anyone's info for any other reason then to screen to make sure you are who you say you are.
Anyone can look at all my reviews and see that I am safe, but I have no way of knowing that you are without screening especially if you have not seen any other providers.
The girls that don't screen are the ones that I would be running like hell from, they must not care about your safety or theirs and might just be LE, LE doesn't screen at least I don't think they do.
Input Please
Don't give in keep on screening. Come bk to Omaha. We here don't have a problem with that
Don't give in on screening. Keeps us all safe.

Additional question: do you consider checking someone's ECCIE profile for reviews as screening?
Don't give in on screening. Keeps us all safe.

Additional question: do you consider checking someone's ECCIE profile for reviews as screening? Originally Posted by omaha.adam
I check everything I can find on them and don't accept references from non verified providers.
KING TUT1's Avatar
To be honest, even though I am a fairly new hobbiest, I see an extreme double standard. Guys feel as though what providers think, feel, want is irrelevant because they are "lucky to get our business". Just because you ladies do what you do, that does not make the hobbiest above or better. But many are disillusional. But what really makes it so hard is because the majority of girls do not screen. If they did guys would know it was mandatory like second nature. But its easy to say to hell with your professional ways and find a girl that doesn't care and there for doesn't screen.
Screening is only a huge problem if you make it a huge problem. My potential clients know I screen thoroughly as I state it on my website and my ads. If they have a problem with it, I politely tell them that they're not a client I would like to have if they don't care about safety and I move on.

You visited a city that isn't known to have 30 providers in it during a 7 day period of time. So, some of the guys won't have references to give you and no matter what you tell them about yourself, they won't trust you if you're asking to screen them via employment. Those guys who wish to be discrete, you can't fault them...maybe they were burned before and/or maybe they just have too much to lose. Especially in a smaller city such as Sioux City. I will say that out of all the times I've visited Sioux City, I've only had a couple guys not meet my screening process.

No matter what city you visit, you're going to get guys who won't screen. If I made a post for every time I visited a new city and guys didn't pass my screening, I'd have 15 posts in 15 different cities/states.

I get more compliments on my screening process than negative feedback. I let the negative feedback roll off of me like water rolls off a ducks ass baby.
Ms. E
I posted it in all the different states to get the different opinions.
I realize there are going to be a lot that won't want to be screened. They can see other providers, that's fine with me.
I also think a lot of them just don't understand how important it is to all of us.
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
Sabra - I guess I'm a little confused here. Why do you need different opinions? Why the hell does it matter what everyone else thinks? You made a decision to screen and screen at a level you feel is necessary to assure your own personal safety. Period. End of story. Stick to your guns. Granted there may be guys who do not like your screening process and will not come see you because of it. Tough shit! Nothing should come before your safety. Any client worthy enough to see you in the first place should understand that, and will know it is for their safety as well as yours.

As to why some guys go see gals who do not screen, beats the hell out of me! Maybe it's another example of guys thinking with their little heads.
I posted it in all the different states to get the different opinions. Originally Posted by Sabrababy
I guess Opinions is the wrong word, maybe I should have said, their reasoning behind seeing girls that don't screen and why they are so afraid of being screened.
Oh, hell. I just can't explain it the way it is going through my head. A writer I am not!
I don't care to see anyone that does not want to be screened, nor will I ever want to.
No screening = LE and jail.
No screening = LE and jail. Originally Posted by Sabrababy
Screening = LE and jail, also.

I'm not posting this to argue Sabra, but I will tell you that without exception, LE will screen every time. They know exactly how to "backstop" their UC officers and they will have impeccable references, etc. - there is NOTHING you, I or anyone else for that matter can do to screen them out successfully every time. Nothing. They have the resources and the knowledge to defeat any process, and they have seen it all . . . You can follow your gut, but they'll beat you there too if they really want to - think about it, after all, LE teaches their UC officers to be social engineers, and they spend a great amount of money doing so . . .

I am NOT advising you to forgo screening, I am simply sharing with you simple facts. LE will pass any lady's screening, and they will do so 100% of the time, if they so desire.

As for LE screening clients when posing as an Escort - yes, they do. They know the procedures we take and to get the client comfortable to walk in to the appointment, they will feign a screening process during a sting where they have set up a female UC to answer the phones and lure in gentlemen. Sometimes they just say "come on over" - other times they will ask for references and say "Oh, I know her, I'll give her a call and call you right back . . . ". You mentioned above that you thought LE wouldn't screen if they were the bait. That is not the case.

There are risks, Sabra, in everything we do here. You can do whatever you decide for yourself to mitigate them, but know without question that LE will screen / verify past ANY system you put in place if they WANT to, at any time (as a client) and in the better stings where their female acts as the "provider" on the phone, they will feign screening too. Sabra, there are instances of UC LEOs having full sex with ladies and then making the arrest - a topic discussed recently in a national thread. And, their actions in doing so withstand judicial scrutiny.

P411 is not infallible, but Gina does a hell of a good job - better than Date-check, etc., and most any other screening service out there.

LE is and can be on any and all of these sites simultaneously, in fact, I am certain they post here regularly. I am certain they have P411 accounts lying in wait, I am certain they have ladies they can squeeze to "vouch" for their officers . . . None of this is "news". Although, I will say that I trust P411 more than ANY other method - as I said, Gina does one hell of a good job and with accounts backed with okays, as long as you follow the P411 rules to screen at the door, you're most likely golden . . . the problems with P411 arise when the ladies don't ask for ID at the door to match the P411 ID with the ID the gentleman carries or when the gentleman doesn't follow the P411 rules. A P411 ID gives you their first name, the date they were born (the day of the month) and a 4 digit sequential numerical string that should be on a piece of ID that would only be issued to them and accepted by a reasonable person as a legitimate tool to establish their identity to their ID - such as a a driver's license, a credit card with their name embossed into the face or another document that would be highly difficult to manufacture surreptitiously. If you are checking for that at the door with P411, 99% of your problems are solved if they have prior okays.

To think otherwise in any of these matters, quite frankly, is absolute folly. If they (LE) want you bad enough, they will pick you off - it is simply a matter of playing certain aspects of the game . . . correctly.

I could go on in depth about why you may be having a harder time getting your prospective clients to screen, but frankly, I doubt you'd listen to me - and I wouldn't detail the process in an open thread . . . My best advice would be: Stick with it, you'll get the hang of it, I'm sure. Keep in mind that if you're doing this right, the LAST thing screening does is weed out LE - screening is absolutely for your safety, but it is not a reliable method to avoid prosecution - it never has been. It may be a tool in the arsenal, but LE will screen through anything any of us do - at any time they may desire. You screen to maintain your safety behind closed doors - you try to weed out LE . . . but you have to accept that none of us can stop LE from getting in, if they really want to.
Think you for sharing your knowledge, I appreciate it very much.

While I do understand that no amount of screening will keep me 100% safe, I know that it keeps me safer then if I did not screen at all.

My best advice given the info that you have shared is to the clients, if a provider says she has called and verified you through another provider you have seen call that provider and make sure she did call.
Be safe ya'll
Bigh1955's Avatar
LE is a big concern for obvious reasons - to all of us. That said, my biggest concern for providers is avoiding the bad eggs - the psycho bastards who will rob, hurt you, or worse given the chance. At the very least please check the various blacklists for phone numbers, handles, etc. Provider referrals, P411, DC, RS2K, TER, and all the other boards are great - if you have the time. Stay safe!
Screening benefits everybody. If a woman does not screen, I really do not want to be associated with her. The ladies who approach this as a profession are looking out for me as much as for themselves, and it is appreciated.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
My "personal" opinion is I wish every gent would let us know when a provider used no screening. Of course it's not a catch all but it's important.
DallasRain's Avatar
Ok so I am sitting here in Sioux City, and people keep calling wanting to visit with me. Yet when I tell them that I will need to screen them first they avoid it like the plague. Tell me Why PLEASE....
I only ask to screen for my safety and yours, by screening I keep us both safe. I have not been busted by LE because of screening. I don't want anyone's info for any other reason then to screen to make sure you are who you say you are.
Anyone can look at all my reviews and see that I am safe, but I have no way of knowing that you are without screening especially if you have not seen any other providers.
The girls that don't screen are the ones that I would be running like hell from, they must not care about your safety or theirs and might just be LE, LE doesn't screen at least I don't think they do.
Input Please Originally Posted by Sabrababy