And Moderator of the Year Goes To....

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
None other than DarthMaul

This guy is a moderating genius even when he points you. So what's the rationale?

Honest neutrality!!! He just gets it....He's an honest broker. The Bible says that he who wants to be first among you must first serve you.

So let's take a look at why Darth won the award for 2018.

  • He's fair, balanced and moderated. He doesn't cause controversy by fucking providers and then taking up for them in blatant fashion and disregard for rules and norms.
  • He doesn't exhibit an arrogant confidence just because he's a moderator - which means he's likely accomplished in his personal life and very well rounded
  • He's not petty, petulant , pessimistic, or passive-aggressive and doesn't try to be sarcastic pompous asshole
  • He's seems smart enough to realize that when you're truly doing wrong to people and trying to be slick with it that universal Karma has a way of finding your ass and savagely tearing into it.
  • He's reasonable and willing to reverse himself if he makes a mistake that can be reasonably shown to him. He doesn't seem to feel that he's infallible. That type of humility that he shows goes a very long way in getting respect and the reputation of being an independent and level headed arbiter of the rules
  • He seems to also realize that excessive pillow talk with multiple providers (which is often full of lies) can and will come back to bite you in the ass if you aren't careful
  • He doesn't deflect and pivot on issues and stoop to levels of decension to cause more controversies. He doesn't try to act like Fred Sanford from the TV show Sanford and Sons. He seems to deal with issues in a pretty logical straight forward manner
  • He's generally non-combative and non-confrontational and doesn't try to sass you or be cute. He stays consistent and doesn't try to take on the curious personality of other Moderators ; he is who his folks raised him to be.
  • The guy seems to genuinely be a people's person and those are the type of qualities and traits you look for in moderation.
When I look at his approach to things I'm reminded of two quotes from two of the greatest leaders of our time who made a point to talk about leadership and morality. For example:

"I would not have nominated Clarence Thomas," said Barack Obama {"I don't think that he..." the crowd interrupted with applause.} "I don't think that he was a strong enough jurist or legal thinker at the time for that elevation.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
I tell you now that heretofore I nominate Darthmaul as the hands down Moderator of the Year for the 2nd year and running.

I recommend the site's brass do something special for the guy. I'm pretty sure that on a vote he'd dam near be the consensus unanimous runaway.

Good Job Darth
Champagne Brown's Avatar
By your write up, sounds very respectable..

I've never had the pleasure to interact with him, since I've been in Houston.

I did laugh all the way through pretty much, hit home with me I guess..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I know how to serve em up as I'm the most fair and balanced observer on this site. Most everyone else is dug in on their sides of any issue. I like to sit back and observe and watch and therefore I came to my conclusion. Wise King Solomon ain't got shit on me.
  • pxmcc
  • 12-07-2018, 12:50 PM
+1 sir..
I'll vote for him sc.. Did you know he's a white guy?
He's as white as Frosty the Snowman.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'll vote for him sc.. Did you know he's a white guy?
He's as white as Frosty the Snowman. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Hmm I always thought he was a brother. Dont know why. But regardless he's a good man.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Can I attached this to my thread?

I like it a lot(in my dumb and dumber voice) movie btw
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
It's a free countree... lol
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Thank you..

Apart for the self applauding much undeserved arrogance, this was probably your best well-conceived supposed to date, imo. Solomon would not have praised himself for his wisdom.

While I disagree that Obama was any form of a great much less good leader, Dr. King surely was. However I'm relatively certain the Reverend King would probably not have liked being used as a reference for or any sort of Acclaim on a whore board - lol.

I agree maul is a solid mod and deserving of our praise and respect. I second the nomination.

I must also give honorable mention to ike, even if we do not always agree, on his time put into this mess.

Mods past- the hippo. He is missed
BelvedereDirty's Avatar
Finally a thread you started that is worthy of reading - and I will agree with your vote.
Hmm I always thought he was a brother. Dont know why. But regardless he's a good man. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You’re correct. He’s not white. He’s absolutely honest & fair!
Russ38's Avatar
Darth has always been cool with me....
TryWeakly's Avatar
.I will have to agree with the OF on this.

Now if we could somehow get them to be consistent about the "rules" across the team that would be great.

Where is that throat-puncher when needed .... ?