Florida stripper arrested for assaulting customer with a stack of cash.

CG2014's Avatar

She was pissed off at the customer because he was not as they call it nowadays:

"Making It Rain"

Hell hath no fury...like an untipped stripper.

Man, strippers sure look different when you're not drunk and they are not in a dark bar.



this place

Unknown if she was a stripper or not
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Good thing she wasn't a two-bit whore; she'd've hit him with a sack of quarters.
winn dixie's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
She's hott. The customer prolly deserved it. Good for her!
"The dancers were upset he hadn't thrown money at them......."

Well he was upset they hadn't thrown pussy at him.
winn dixie's Avatar
Guy sounds like an entitled creep.
The woman was not arrested for hitting him with money. It was the hitting and spitting on him that got her arrested. And no word that she was a stripper. Just that she worked there.

No obligation or law that says he has to throw money. Management should have thrown him out if he was disruptive.