Observation: The Use of TINY MICROSCOPIC Thumbnail Pics in Ads

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This is intended to be more of a humorous comment than a criticism. Seriously. Ladies, c'mon, cut the old guys with aging eyesight some slack. We go online to look at your ads. We see a small thumbnail pic that looks interesting so we click on it to get a better look. The idea is that you uploaded a normal size pic and whatever system you uploaded to will display it as a smaller thumbnail pic. Lately I have seen ads, clicked on the small thumbnail pic and the resulting pic actually SHRANK to near microscopic size.

Ladies, you do not need to shrink your pics to thumbnail size to upload it. Upload a normal sized pic...well...as long as it is not measured in megabyte file sizes. The system you are uploading to (ECCIE, Skip The Games, EROS...whatever) will display it as a small thumbnail. Then when we click on it - it will enlarge to a viewable size.

Please stop editing your own pics down to thumbnail sizes before uploading them. Let the system you upload to do that. I cannot actually believe I have seen thumbnail pics SHRINK lately when I click on them. Seriously. That means the girl shrank her own pic SMALLER than thumbnail size. C'mon, even a 20 year old with 20/20 vision could not see those pics. LOL