ANOTHER voter ID law upheld!

mastermind238's Avatar
Yep, just yesterday the MOST LIBERAL circuit in the country - the 9th Circus Court of Appeals - upheld Arizona's voter ID law:

If you're not a WSJ subscriber you can't read the whole thing, but what you need to know is in the first paragraph, which ANYONE can read.

Even the 9th Circus couldn't find a reason NOT to require voters to show ID at the polls.

However ... in a bizarre twist, in this same ruling the 9th Circus did strike down the provision in the Arizona law that required people to show proof of citizenship when they register - saying the Federal Motor Voter law trumps state law on this subject. Motor Voter facilitates voter fraud by allowing ANYONE to register without having to prove citizenship - illegal aliens can register with only a pinky swear.

Yes, it's OK to require photo ID at the polls, says the 9th Circus, but you don't need to prove you're a citizen to register. SCOTUS here we come.

And BTW ... I SEARCHED IN VAIN FOR THIS STORY IN ANY LIBERAL NEWSPAPER - NYT, WASHPO, ETC. WSJ carried the story, but if you only get your news from the New York Slimes, you'd NEVER KNOW about it.

Of course, I could be wrong about this obvious liberal media bias. So I'm making a request that any libtard reading this please post a link to this story in NYT or WashPo. I couldn't find one.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-18-2012, 08:13 AM

Of course, I could be wrong about this obvious liberal media bias. So I'm making a request that any libtard reading this please post a link to this story in NYT or WashPo. I couldn't find one. Originally Posted by mastermind238
Every news source and person is biased. I'm suprised you did not know this.
mastermind238's Avatar
Every news source and person is biased. I'm suprised you did not know this. Originally Posted by WTF
Gee, thanks for the insight. Now if you can find a link to this story in NYT, please post it.
joe bloe's Avatar
Yep, just yesterday the MOST LIBERAL circuit in the country - the 9th Circus Court of Appeals - upheld Arizona's voter ID law:

If you're not a WSJ subscriber you can't read the whole thing, but what you need to know is in the first paragraph, which ANYONE can read.

Even the 9th Circus couldn't find a reason NOT to require voters to show ID at the polls.

However ... in a bizarre twist, in this same ruling the 9th Circus did strike down the provision in the Arizona law that required people to show proof of citizenship when they register - saying the Federal Motor Voter law trumps state law on this subject. Motor Voter facilitates voter fraud by allowing ANYONE to register without having to prove citizenship - illegal aliens can register with only a pinky swear.

Yes, it's OK to require photo ID at the polls, says the 9th Circus, but you don't need to prove you're a citizen to register. SCOTUS here we come.

And BTW ... I SEARCHED IN VAIN FOR THIS STORY IN ANY LIBERAL NEWSPAPER - NYT, WASHPO, ETC. WSJ carried the story, but if you only get your news from the New York Slimes, you'd NEVER KNOW about it.

Of course, I could be wrong about this obvious liberal media bias. So I'm making a request that any libtard reading this please post a link to this story in NYT or WashPo. I couldn't find one. Originally Posted by mastermind238
I have a feeling that the illegal alien vote is going to be huge in the next presidential election. There's nothing preventing it. We rely on the honor system to prevent illegal aliens from voting. These are people that came here illegally. Why would we expect them to refrain from voting?

I'm afraid this country may be too timid to survive. We're being over run by third illegal aliens. We're too timid to control our borders. We're too timid to deport them after they come here illegally. We're too timid to stop the illegals from receiving welfare benefits and free education. We're too timid to tell them their kids are not citizens just because they're born on our soil, and now we're too timid to tell them they can't vote. Our desire to not offend is costing us our country.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-18-2012, 01:43 PM
Hotels requrie an ID to register

how unconstitutional is that?

bitch about voter fraud, bitch about doing something to make it harder

bitch bitch bitch
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I show my ID when I vote but there was this terrorist looking dude that refused to do it and said he did not have to show his ID that it was the law.

He said his name was Mohammed or something like that and I'll be dammed if there werent about 10 of them Mohammed fuckers in the book. The democrat at the poll gave him all 10 ballots and winked at him and said good job.

Juan Santos de Rafael Campos Siesta was pissed that he only got three ballots.
Hotels requrie an ID to register

how unconstitutional is that?

bitch about voter fraud, bitch about doing something to make it harder

bitch bitch bitch Originally Posted by CJ7
I do not understand. Could you explain more?