Republicans Prove, Yet Again, They Are as Stupid as Democrats

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Are you serious? Republicans don't want people thinking independently any more than Democrats do. This is just beyond the pale. They want indoctrination, not education.

This type of education policy is as big a threat, or bigger, than anything Obama has done.

You can't trust Democrats or Republicans. Not if you want to live in a free country.

Good god, Texas. Get these people out of authority.
Calm down; they are going to stop teaching the HOTS program - an outcome based education approach to teaching. It is very controversial. That doesn't mean they want to stop teaching critical thinking skills....The HOTS program isn't the only approach to teaching.

I am alittle suprised that you automatically assume the platform change represents some knuckle dragging anti-education idea. Unless of course, you are a proponent of outcome based education. I am not an expert, but I know enough to not trust what educators are doing in our schools. We see the lack of results daily; we see the poor performances, and we know the indoctrination. Keep an open mind, Outcome Based Education has been around since the 1980s, with very poor results IMO.
Ok old fart i will give you well done on this one.Texas has long said what will be in text books nation wide.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Our public schools were never designed for critical thinking. I read an article written in the 1920s that said public school was not for creating leaders but creating workers who get to work on time, learn their job by the written word, work safely, and go home on time. Our private colleges were for creating leaders which is why you always find the children of the rich and powerful in private, not public, college.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hmmm . . I wonder if there is a reason government schools are so poor . . .

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable...”*

―*H.L. Mencken,*Prejudices: Third Series
cinderbella's Avatar
I believe as parents, we are our child's best educator. There are good teachers in all public schools, just as there are bad ones. I raised an honor student singlehandedly as an impovershed single mother, my son turned 17 today. I read to him constantly as a baby, at 18 mos. he pointed out the letter "W" to me, was reading 3 letter words at age 3 and was writing them at age 4. He attended preschool at age 4, and I made a point to befriend his teachers and treated them all with respect throught the years. I didn't have a car and walked him to and from school to show how important his education was to me. I volunteered whenever I could and treated the other children as nicely as my own.

My son brought this topic to my attention recently and he is very disappointed with the Austin backers as well. He also mentioned to me how bummed he was that some of the smaller schools in Texas are doing away with debate yet keep a football team.

I have been reluctant to let my son have a driver's license, there is a lot at stake for a young driver and we don't even know what college he will attend yet. He does hold down a job, and takes it as seriously as his schooling. I have always let him make his own educational decisions, and he has always challenged himself and made great choices. I believe this is due in part to the attitude I instilled early on, that he was on this planet to learn and that school is full of exciting opportunities. btw, all you haters out there- he is a mixed race child and more beautiful because of it!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That kid will succeed! And it sounds like he has a great mom. And if it isn't rude, a MILF.
Guest010619's Avatar
I work in a professional office and I can say this much. A great debater can change the direction a business goes. And football gives office workers a little fun topic to discuss. I say you raised a thinking man who will bring ideas to the table.