Does Obama want a war in the Straits of Hormuz?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is a facetious comment (that means its not serious Big Louise) about a comment by the Obama camp and what Pat Buchanan said today. An American ship has reportedly fired on a small boat in the Straits (remember the USS Cole) that approached too close. Now the Obama camp said that Romney went to the NAACP in order to get booed. Well Pat Buchanan says that if we forced a war against Iran that the American people would rally behind Obama and he would win the election. So....

Obama wants to cause a war with Iran over the Straits of Hormuz so he can win the election in November. He is willing to trade the lives of Americans for his military adventures and political success.
He may be jealous of W,he got to start two wars and O is batting zero.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You don't watch the news do you Ekim. Obama had us in Libya, Yemen, and Pakistan. Darn the luck that any of them didn't take the plunge and attack us back.

Of course the actions of this little boat remind me of the "airliner" shot down by the USS Vincennes in the Gulf. That "airliner" was transmitting the call sign of a fighter jet and all the "passengers" inside the plane were naked and looked to be dead longer than a day. Can you say set up?
What he wants is the confrontation, with America being humilitated and out-manuvered by Iran....

Then Obama will blame Bush and make his case for cutting the navy, airforce, and army.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think his plan is to raise Osama bin Laden from the dead so he can kill him again. It worked well last time.
You don't watch the news do you Ekim. Obama had us in Libya, Yemen, and Pakistan. Darn the luck that any of them didn't take the plunge and attack us back.

Of course the actions of this little boat remind me of the "airliner" shot down by the USS Vincennes in the Gulf. That "airliner" was transmitting the call sign of a fighter jet and all the "passengers" inside the plane were naked and looked to be dead longer than a day. Can you say set up? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Dum de dum dum
American failure overseas; mission accomplished for the marxist's in the White House.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-16-2012, 02:54 PM
He is just getting the Jewish voters in line!
waverunner234's Avatar
Then Obama will make his case for cutting the navy, airforce, and army. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
About time don't you think? At least in half!!
joe bloe's Avatar
About time don't you think? At least in half!! Originally Posted by waverunner234
Great idea! Let's let the Chinese the world's only superpower. What could go wrong.
BigLouie's Avatar
Yes I am sure that the President called up the captain of the boat and told him to open fire.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's how they got Osama bin Laden, isn't it? I thought Obama was personally in charge of all this stuff. Isn't he, BL?
Dum de dum dum Originally Posted by ekim008
Didn't you mean to refer to them as Dumb de Dumb Dumb?
Didn't you mean to refer to them as Dumb de Dumb Dumb? Originally Posted by bigtex

You caught me.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It is a SHIP. A boat sits on a ship.