Guest123018-4's Avatar
I went to see the documentary this past Sunday during the early release tour.
I believe it is in Nashville this week and opens at a theater near you on the 27th of July.
This is a documentary that basically covers or attempts to discern what were the influences on Obama up until his election with a glimpse of what things may be like in the year 2016 should he win another term.
It was very interesting and informative without attacking.
I would suggest this for everyone including his supporters. This may bring some understanding to why many of his supporters do not think he has gone far enough in fundamentally changing America and to others show how far he has gone and why.

From my prospective, regardless of which side of the fence you are on, everyone should see this film. I think it will give everyone a better understanding of what he is doing and why. Some may come out agreeing that what he is doing is right in their vision of American and some may come out thinking he must be stopped. You decide.
I went to see the documentary this past Sunday during the early release tour.
I believe it is in Nashville this week and opens at a theater near you on the 27th of July.
This is a documentary that basically covers or attempts to discern what were the influences on Obama up until his election with a glimpse of what things may be like in the year 2016 should he win another term.
It was very interesting and informative without attacking.
I would suggest this for everyone including his supporters. This may bring some understanding to why many of his supporters do not think he has gone far enough in fundamentally changing America and to others show how far he has gone and why.

From my prospective, regardless of which side of the fence you are on, everyone should see this film. I think it will give everyone a better understanding of what he is doing and why. Some may come out agreeing that what he is doing is right in their vision of American and some may come out thinking he must be stopped. You decide. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Btw... I commend you on a civil and interesting post.
2016 will be the same regardless if Obama or Romney wins. If you think that by 2016 Romney will have cut the deficit, paid down a portion of the debt, reduced unemployment, overhauled the tax code, passed immigration reform, etc, etc, I have news for you - it's not going to happen. No matter who's the President of the United States, they can't change the global economy. Sorry guys, but the United States' influence in the world is long gone and global forces are causing the U.S. economy to stall, unless of course, Americans are willing to work for $1 a day.
joe bloe's Avatar
2016 will be the same regardless if Obama or Romney wins. If you think that by 2016 Romney will have cut the deficit, paid down a portion of the debt, reduced unemployment, overhauled the tax code, passed immigration reform, etc, etc, I have news for you - it's not going to happen. No matter who's the President of the United States, they can't change the global economy. Sorry guys, but the United States' influence in the world is long gone and global forces are causing the U.S. economy to stall, unless of course, Americans are willing to work for $1 a day. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
Romney is going to sign into law, the repeal of Obamacare. That's a start. It will be helpful to have a president that's not actually trying to destroy the country, or as Obama calls it "fundamentally transform."

It's always better to have a doctor that doesn't want you to die.
If you say so. By the way, I have some ocean-front land in Arizona for sale, real cheap. Interested?
2016 will be the same regardless if Obama or Romney wins. If you think that by 2016 Romney will have cut the deficit, paid down a portion of the debt, reduced unemployment, overhauled the tax code, passed immigration reform, etc, etc, I have news for you - it's not going to happen. No matter who's the President of the United States, they can't change the global economy. Sorry guys, but the United States' influence in the world is long gone and global forces are causing the U.S. economy to stall, unless of course, Americans are willing to work for $1 a day. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
You got that right.
If mitt takes the win... He'll be a likely one term president.
IF he wins .
I love when I see posts aspousing the virtues of mitt.
these same " practicing Christians " on this board don't even pay attention to the fact that mitt likes magic underwear.
As evangelical as the GOP party claims to be ...
I wonder why they aren't more turned off by mitt?
Being that Mormonism is SOOO far from conventional Christian doctrine. It surprises me that no one has covered this angle.
As far removed as Allah and Buddha ... Only mitts choice has celestial gods and
Any good Christian men on this board wish to chime on that?
Romney is going to sign into law, the repeal of Obamacare. That's a start. It will be helpful to have a president that's not actually trying to destroy the country, or as Obama calls it "fundamentally transform."

It's always better to have a doctor that doesn't want you to die. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Again with the " destroy the country " comments.
Do you really believe that, or does it make the anger taste more palitable if you
believe the black guy who actually made POTUS is destroying the Lilly
White experience? I don't presume to know what goes on in your head... I'm genuinely curious as to why you believe that there is a deliberate attempt to destroy the U.S.
I agree. Probably first item on a good checklist.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, UB, thank you for a rational and thoughtful playing of the race card. It's always delightful to have intelligent posters like you bring a thread into the gutter by claiming anyone who disagrees with Obama is a racist.

Don't we all feel better now?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oh, and UB. Just a couple questions:

1. What religion do you adhere to?
2. What makes that religion more valid than Mormonism?
3. What makes any religion more valid than Mormonism?
4. What is a "practicing Christian" doing on this board, anyway?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Romney is also going to build the Keystone pipeline.
That I believe.
Oh, and UB. Just a couple questions:

1. What religion do you adhere to?
2. What makes that religion more valid than Mormonism?
3. What makes any religion more valid than Mormonism?
4. What is a "practicing Christian" doing on this board, anyway? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You have a point. " The Lilly white" comment was a bit racy. (pun intended).
Are we playing "take backs "?

1. Atheist . Don't believe in Santa or the "Tooth Fairy" either.
I make decisions on facts available. Not faith.

2. Atheism is not a religion. It's a non belief...belief.

3. They all sound like scary bedtime stories for kids.
Exception being Buddhism . They like the whole cause /effect
Thing. I can party with that .
4. That's what I'm saying. We are simpatico , abuelo
On that note.. Who was it talking a while back about
Chariots at the red sea. Proof of roman flooding.
I really can't remember... Joe, you recall who that was?

Cog, congrats on the prolific posting stats. I wonder what 10000+ post equals
In lost family time. I couldn't imagine having that much free time. Ya know,
I admire your dedication to this esteemed hooker board.
I don't always like your opinions, but I respect that you put that much effort
Into your life's work. Here.... On eccie.

I say. Goddam , Jesus Harold Christ butfucks Allah .
Still here, no lightning . To figure.

Nice to meet you, cog. Tell joe I said hi. I think I hurt his feelings.
In my defense... I didn't know he had any. Sorry .
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Newsweek headline for 3 April, 2013; We're all Mormons now!
Romney is also going to build the Keystone pipeline. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That is disgusting. Still we don't learn.
Fossil fuels need to be phased down. Way down.
I would rather we invest in renewables. It makes so much sense,
Even big oil is researching alternatives.

Does anyone who supports this care about their country? Defiling our land and polluting our resources is unpatriotic and un-American. Period. If you love this land, act like you do. Quit buying OPEC oil and make something here. Make a lot of different something's and support this "Free market" and let the market decide what the "something(s)" will be.
If anyone here has grand kids .. Your
Support of "drill baby drill" is going to "kill baby kill " them in 30 years.
A lot of bullshit would be mitigated by being the creative country we were
In the post industrial revolution up till obamas election ( according to the right).

We created the Internet. The FUCKING Internet .
And you're telling me we can figure out how to make
150-200miles per gallon?
Think long term.. Like even after we are all gone and burried and our great grand kids have great grand kids . Or .... Fuck them!
IF Romney wins, he will cut spending, repeal OCT, lower unemployment, and make changes to entitlement programs.

He will accomplish even more if he has the Senate.

Romney speaks :

“If I accomplish everything I want to do, I may only be a one-term president. Because I am gonna so fix this. It’sgonna be dramatic. We’ve gotta reverse this. We gotta stop this. Our children’s future is at stake here, and I’m gonna stop the direction that we’re headed in, and if they throw me out after four years, fine and dandy.”