This is why Conservatives are leaving the GOP - they cant be trusted.

By Daniel Horowitz at

Last week, the House Agriculture Committee marked up the preposterous $957 billion farm/food stamp bill (H.R. 6083). Despite the media reports about severe cuts to the food stamp program, this bill actually locks in the appalling levels of spending established in the Obama-era. In many respects, the committee votes from last week shed light on the problem we have with many red state statists within the Republican Party.

Once again, we put together a voting record spreadsheet of the major committee votes on the bill at ConservativeVoting (download spread sheet here). This will become a regular feature for major committee markups. Here are the amendments we scored:

Rep. Bob Goodlatte amendment to phase out sugar price supports and import restrictions, which increase the cost of most food products while enriching a few special interests. It was defeated 10-36. Rep. Bob Goodlatte amendment to strike a New Deal-style program that limits dairy production when prices drop below a specific level. Even John Boehner called this a “Soviet style” price support program. It was defeated 17-29. Rep. Tim Huelskamp amendment to cut an additional $35 billion from food stamps. These cuts were actually already approved by the committee in the spring as part of the House GOP effort to replace the sequester, pursuant to the reconciliation instructions prescribed in the Ryan budget. Nevertheless, this effort was defeated 13-33. Rep. Martha Roby amendment that would require food stamp beneficiaries to provide proof of payment of utility bills in order to be eligible for the income deduction that lowers the threshold of income to be eligible for food stamps. At present, many states mail out small cash assistance payments for utilities in order to lower the income of those recipients and sign up more people for food stamps. This is a no brainer provision that Senator Sessions tried to slip in the Senate bill, but was rebuffed by Democrats. One would expect that with a 26-20 Republican majority on the committee, commonsense would prevail. But 7 Republicans joined with Democrats to defeat it 17-27.

The final bill passed overwhelmingly 35-11, with just 4 Republicans voting no. Thank you to Bob Gibbs, Bob Goodlatte, Tim Huelskamp, and Marlin Stutzman for voting against the bill. A special thank you to Reps. Goodlatte and Huelskamp for voting the right way on all the amendments.

We urge Speaker Boehner not to bring this bill to the floor.
But don't worry, Mitt is different, really, he said so.
Romney is signficantly better than Obama. Unfortuantely the only choices we have in November is either Romney or Obama...

You are delussional if you think a 3rd party candidate will win a national election anytime soon.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This President has been sponsoring "food stamp" parties and advertising for food stamps, informing people how "cool" they'd be if they were on food stamps. Remember the good old days, when success was measured by how many people got off food stamps and welfare, rather than how many applied?

A dependent population is a dependable voting bloc.
Let's elect Mitt and give him a chance to prove your right (or wrong). As Governor, Romney vetoed many spending bills but was overriden by the Democrats. So history tells us Romney likes to veto spending bills.

How many spending bills has Obama vetoed ?

But don't worry, Mitt is different, really, he said so. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
joe bloe's Avatar
He is signficantly better than Obama, and unfortuantely the only choices we have in November is Romney or Obama...

You are delussional if you think a 3rd party candidate will win a national election anytime soon. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It seems ridiculous to have to keep repeating the fact that the only choice we have is between Romney and Obama. Apparently, it is necessary. One of the two is going to win; that is a fact. Romney is far from being my ideal choice for president, but he is a dramatically better choice than Obama.

We may very well lose this election because a significant percentage of conservatives and swing voters have bought into the belief that there is no significant difference in the way Obama will govern and the way Romney will govern.

The likelihood is that Romney will govern from the center and Obama will continue the process of fundamentally transforming the country into a socialist/fascist welfare state.

Obama must be stopped.
cinderbella's Avatar
Boehner is a raging alcoholic who will end up dead of chirrosis. I don't mean any disrespect to alcoholics out there (please get professional help to deal with your addiction) but as long as someone is as dependent on alcohol or substance abuse they cannot function in a meaningful way. The addiction takes over the life. Anyone who has lived or worked under the tyranny of a substance abuser knows that the rageaholic personality is surrounded by enablers and nothing but fear and control are at work in the situation. Get someone in there who is clear headed and logical. Not much difference than what happens under the tyranny of any other house maintained by a drunken fool with the shakes whenever they happen to be sober.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I know you don't like Gary Johnson, but he vetoed over 750 bills as Governor of New Mexico. It's sad that someone like him "can't win". That says as much about our decline as a nation as anything.
I like Gary Johnson's politics. I want someone who can win. Sadly, a Gary Johnson (or clone) can't.

I voted Libertarian multiple times in past presidential elections. Things are bad now, it is imperative that Obama be defeated in November.
joe bloe's Avatar
I know you don't like Gary Johnson, but he vetoed over 750 bills as Governor of New Mexico. It's sad that someone like him "can't win". That says as much about our decline as a nation as anything. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The sad truth is, that a true conservative, who will actually abide by his oath of office to defend the Constitution, is unelectable. Once the people have been allowed to begin looting treasury, which began under FDR, it becomes impossible to stop.

No one can get elected by telling truth of our situation. Unless we get rid of the entitlement programs that bankrupting us, any chance of a prosperous future, with a healthy growing economy is over.
I believe Romney will be a defecit hawk; and will make structural changes to our tax code, regulations, and other areas of government that will put incentives back into our markets.

With a Republican house, he will hold the debt ceiling, or exact big changes to raise it.

Romney knows we can't continue this course; Obama knows, but he wants to drive us off the cliff.

BTW, did you see the latest poll on the extending the Obama Tax Cuts (formerly Bush Tax Cuts)? McClatchy-Marist polling found 52 percent of registered voters saying they want all the tax cuts extended, including the tax cuts for incomes above $250,000, while 43 percent want the cuts extended just for incomes below that threshhold.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-18-2012, 03:08 PM
Romney is signficantly better than Obama. Unfortuantely the only choices we have in November is either Romney or Obama...

You are delussional if you think a 3rd party candidate will win a national election anytime soon. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

not true .. If you oppose both candidates write in your choice.

voting for a president just because you hate the guy less is the downfall of this country.

I'll be damned if Iam a part of that downfall.