The Wing Nut Rises: Rush Limbaugh Claims New Batman Film Is an Obama Plot

BigLouie's Avatar
On his radio show, Rush Limbaugh claimed the new Batman film The Dark Knight Rises is anti-Romney propaganda masterminded by the Obama administration.

According to Limbaugh, the character Bane combined with the timing of the movie’s release equals an Obama conspiracy to defeat Mitt Romney through Hollywood summer blockbuster propaganda.

Rush Limbaugh really nailed Obama on that one, except for the fact that the character of Bane debuted in 1993, and this isn’t Bane’s first on screen appearance. Bane was also in Joel Schumacher’s infamous franchise destroying debacle Batman and Robin.

Limbaugh was correct about one thing. There will be a lot of brain dead people who have been brainwashed by propaganda going to the polls on Election Day, and all of them will be voting for Mitt Romney. Young people are smart enough to know that Bane isn’t an attempt at Obama propaganda, but Rush Limbaugh listeners and Fox News viewers really believe that Obama wasn’t born in America, and that he hates freedom and our nation.

The right is getting desperate. They are starting to hallucinate and see Romney attacks everywhere. Mitt Romney does remind me of a special effects laden blockbuster, but it isn’t The Dark Knight Rises.

The movie that best symbolizes the Republican Party’s supposedly unsinkable 2012 voyage is Titanic.

Big Louie, here is a link to a 2 page thread that already discussed this issue. it was on the front page at time of this post. In it is a link to the full text of the discussion by Rush. It is my belief that if you want to post something about what anyone says you should try to understand the context of what he said. I used his website and the transcript of the whole conversation as a source when forming my opinion of this issue... What was your source?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes, BL. Where did you cut and paste that bullshit from this time?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Big Louise has a hearing, reading, and pasting problem. He can't recognize sarcasm or humor in general. He is probably unaware the co-creator of Bane has come out saying that Bane is similar to the Occupy Movement which is counter to the democratic argument. Louise also fails to recognize that some people are very well paid to connect unrelated items in politics. What does a Wendy's hamburger have to do with a presidential candidate?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-18-2012, 09:23 PM

everyone knows Rush is well known for his houmor ... like the rest of the damn clowns.

hell that wanst houmor or sarcasim, that was rush being rush doing what he does ... rile up the idiots that are dumbass enough to listen to his show.

funny sarcasim check it out ..
Recovery Threatened By Runaway Student Loan Debt — The federal student loan program seemed like a great idea back in 1965: Borrow to go to college now, pay it back later when you have a gig.” You know, folks, have you noticed a lot of ideas from 1965 seem not to have worked out? Now the student loan program is threatening “the recovery” because of all the debt. What did we have in 1965? We had the Great Society. We had the War on Poverty, all this LBJ stuff. We had the Civil Rights Act, all this stuff, in 1965.
How is it working out for us? But poor old Obama, if you read this story further you’ll find out that this is really bad for Obama. It seems like everything is threatening his reelection. I mean his recovery. Student loans, which, by the way, he now directly controls. The Obama administration took over that program. There are very few places you can go in the private sector to get a student loan. Government has most of that. Yeah, Medicare, Medicaid, enacted in 1965. What a great year. Look at all of the rotgut that happened in 1965. And how has it worked out, all these social programs?
The article says in passing here, “Lifting student debt higher and higher is the escalating cost of attending school.” Really, you think so? What else would make student debt high? Uh, how could I forget. Birth control pills. So birth control pills and tuition are causing student debt to spiral out of control and threaten the Obama recovery. “Lifting student debt higher and higher is the escalating cost of attending school.” Who woulda thought that? Man, what genius put this together? “Tuition is increasing far faster than the rate of inflation.” Yeah, and who’s in charge of this? Liberals. Isn’t the rising cost of tuition the whole problem, other than the birth control pills? Yet there’s never any criticism from Obama or the Democrats or the news media about colleges and how greedy they are.
now thats some funny shit I dont care who you are