Forget the headline! Is your wife so hot hookers would beat her up!?

Forget about the warm cookie at check in: free condoms? Nevermind the W is the place to stay if you are going to hobby...

Is your wife so hot she would get attacked by drunk hookers thinking she's competition??

Lucky guy!

And we thought ladies here were cutthroat lol!

Ha! That is awesome. Wife and I traveled to Thailand and the hotel we stayed charged $15 per extra guest. We brought back 3 girls one night and I paid the extra fee. Desk asked why I didn't pay fee for 4th girl-Night desk was unaware 4th girl is wife. Very embarrassed desk girl. Laughs for everyone!
Whispers's Avatar
I used to travel for a living when I was younger and the company I worked for put us in nice places when we were away from home. More than once Concierge has "hooked" me up over the years.

I can state from experience there is a lot of truth in the matter that it is a practice found in those hotels here in Austin and San Antonio.... One downtown San Antonio Hotel may be more familair with the practice than others.

I actually had a VERY awkward moment at a Riverwalk Hotel there in San Antonio a couple of years ago. My SO is rather well endowed and dresses in a manner that most would describe as "provocative" when we go out. I was 55 and she was 22 at the time. She was getting "ogled" a bit too obviously by the Valet and Bellmen as we arrived and left a couple of times the first and 2nd day. I was already on the verge of saying something when on the 3rd day two incidents occurred.

First, I had made an appointment for her at the spa... She was being massaged as part of several treatments I was letting her get as part of her birthday celebration and I needed to leave the hotel to meet a scalper I was buying some tickets from. She had left her phone in the room so I went to the Spa to drop it off with her.

As she was leaving the hostess told her that the Concierge in the lobby asked that she speak to him before leaving.

We were leaving for dinner later when she told me and at first I thought it was in regards to some tickets we had asked if they could come up with for a show at the Majestic.

She walked over to the Concierge to tell him I had already got the tickets while I walked over to hand my claim check to the valet for the car. When I turned to look for her she was still with the Concierge and very red in the face staring up at him. When I asked her was wrong she told me he was explaining the hotel's policy of her "needing to check in with them to let them know when she was on the premises".

The Concierge had mistaken her for an escort as had the Hostess at the Spa. AS the Concierge was apologizing profusely after being told she was my fiance, she told me about the previous incident that she had blown off thinking she had heard something differently than was said... She relayed then that the Hostess had said to her earlier in the day when bringing her the phone..... "The gentlemen dropped your phone off and asked that you text him... He must be a very nice client to treat you so well" She was not offended at the time as she was caught up in the massage but now realized what she meant and took offense.....

We've raised eyebrows for 3 years now including those of both our families.... She's 33 years younger than me and beautiful as well as what many describe as hotttt..... But the lack of decorum at the facility that had already been bothering me really raised by blood pressure.....

You simply do not expect staff in a facility to be the ones that misspeak.... I asked that the Manager call and we went to dinner. Evidently the Concierge explained his part of things to the Manager because he was up to speed when he called and extended his apologies. He was much more shocked when I relayed the comments from the Spa Hostess. He asked that I allow him to meet with us in the morning to extend his personal apology and told me to please bring the receipt from dinner to the desk when we returned. We went about enjoying our dinner and an extra bottle of wine since it would be in the hotel.

A few hours later there was a tremendous difference noticed in the staff when we returned. Only the Sr person seemed to handle the car and greeting us. Everyone else made them selves extremely busy.

When we got to the room there was a huge basket of Spa Products and a bouquet of flowers waiting for her with his written apology.

In the morning when I called to order room service there was a definite recognition in the voice of the person that answered the phone and the presentation of breakfast was far above what was expected.

There was a message on the phone that the Manager was on the property and would like to meet with us at our convenience.

We went downstairs later and asked for him and he came and personally apologized for everything we had experienced. He also stated that the girl in the Spa had initiated the unfortunate situation and had been terminated.

I let him off the hook letting him know I understood and that I felt that enough had been done other than he should probably monitor his front door staff to not have people feeling uncomfortable. Similar situations could have occurred there with men and their daughters I believe.

I was extremely surprised the following morning when checking out to find that instead of bill I was handed an envelope and told "The Manager has taken care of everything". In the Envelope was a Zero Balance Folio with everything charged off as well as a check for $270 made out to me to reimburse for the dinner we were having that night. By my calculations it should have been about $2500

Also in the Envelope was a letter from the Manager with a more "generic" apology (probably did not want anything specific in writing) and a request that we allow him the opportunity to show us the way the property is meant to function by returning for another stay on him. There was a coupon for a free three night stay.

We returned to the riverwalk property about 3 months later and were treated like royalty in his "DoOver". Including the same flowers I had ordered for her the first time with the same "Happy Birthday" greeting..... There was a bottle of the same wine and fruit tray I had ordered the first visit. He also arranged for her to have the Same Spa treatments for her that she had that day. On checking out I DID still have a bill but only for room service and parking charges.... The stay plus her Spa Visit was comped...

I looked at the river walk hotel from a different mindset the 2nd visit and could definitely see a presence at their bar in the late evening hours. At least two high quality ladies were there "working"..... I'm sure they made enough to tip the pimp....errr... Concierge when leaving....

A humorous note....... My SO told the Manager at the end of the 2nd trip she was a little disappointed..... when he asked why she laughed and said "NOONE tried to suggest I was a hooker so we will need to pay for all this NEXT time right?! "

We've been through everything imaginable I think as a result of our age difference and her looks. She's a pretty good sport....
Chincho's Avatar
Dam whispers your even older than the hookers on here!
Whispers's Avatar
Dam whispers your even older than the hookers on here! Originally Posted by Chincho
I'm a young-in compared to Old Yeller though!

One of my philosophies on life is that a man is only as old as the woman he sleeps with!

I tend to fluctuate between 19 and 25.......

One of these days I will grow up.
mayorcastro's Avatar
Damn Whispers, you're fucking old. I bet you took your drivers test on a dinosaur.
Chincho's Avatar
It's happened in reverse on me, I have some extremely rich and powerful clients and a clients personal hooker (mistress) told the client her and I were gonna hook up someday. He flipped out and we both quickly got replaced, we never did hook up and although we occasionally still hang out at the track with each other when i'm in town as friends I just can't see it ever happening she acts like a spoiled bitch with men who date her so I am not going there, I never asked if she really wanted to hook up or was it the alcohol talking, we only briefly discussed me losing the client the day it happened when I called her to tell her how much I appreciated her costing me money.
Damn Whispers, you're fucking old. I bet you took your drivers test on a dinosaur. Originally Posted by mayorcastro
Here is a pic of his first car.

Precious_b's Avatar


I shouldn't be laughing. I'm not far behind him.
Whispers's Avatar
Here is a pic of his first car.

Attachment 362676
Originally Posted by Simon Riley
Fixed that for you! Lot's of sex in that back seat!
Haha, funny situation. Sounds like you have a good one there, Whispers. Congrats.
I have been to a few W Hotels (Austin, Dallas, New Orleans, South Beach); and no they don't care what you are doing.

While I often wear a fake wedding ring set, non-presciption spectacles, and a couple of other props from time to time to blend in; I never get messed with. Even if I am looking straight up like Pretty Woman, hotel personnel are always cordial. They are in the hospitality industry, they are supposed to be nice and accommodating.

I went to Lost Pines Resort late at night 3 times in one week earlier this summer. The high schooler who drove me in his golf cart (both ways to my car each time) chatted me up and finally asked me what I was really doing there so often and so late at night (I guess he didn't believe my working on a business presentation story. Must have been the glossy lips at 1am. Hell IDK!). In other words, he knew what was up. Now I just drive up to the valet and when asked how long I will be, and I say an hour or so, they just tell me to park my car right up front. I give them a 5 and keep it pushing. I don't want to sound complacent, but what are they going to do? interrogate me? It's not the Frost Bank tower, it's a hotel.

I was at the Hyatt Austin downtown last month and this drunk girl was making a fuss along side me from the front door to the elevator. She entered with an other drunk fellow. You could tell they had just meet while smoking out front. While the elevator door was closing the attendant who allowed me to park my car up front (Hyatt has changed their parking structure and I hadn't been there in a while) was yelling at the girl that her cab was here. That same attended was on the elevator down with me about 30 minutes later. He knew what was up. He was so friendly and respectful. It's his job.

People come and go in a hotel. Hotel staff dare not offend visitors and accuse them of what might bring them to a public establishment. Even the hotels with no party policies don't really bother anyone if you are being escorted by a patron with a room key.

Its sad that married lady got beat down by a rowdy prostitute, but launching an undercover investigation is a little much and quite pointless. Did she think she was going to get some hush money? Nope! That hush money looks to have been reappropriated.
I just read the rest of whispers post.

Damn right they owed you an apology and a comped everything!!!
Damn right that woman at the Spa got what she deserved!!!

Nobody has to check in with anyone to let them know they are on the premises. It's public property!!! Do I have to let someone know when I am walking down the sidewalk??? Those kind of assumptions don't get anyone anywhere in society, so why would they be acceptible in the hospitality industry. Especially a Spa!!! People go to Spas to feel good. That is the first thing they teach you when you work in one. Your job is to make people feel good. That bitch wouldn't last one day in the provider world. How dare she! OMG that is so infuriating.

Ok I'm calm again.

I've seen girls get 86ed from hotels often, especially in Vegas. However, they are usually the ones who are sloppy and obvious (loitering around with no purpose, soliciting instead of engaging, overall putting off the civilians who are paying to be there and not "just looking to get paid"). While I found the hotel staff in whisper's case to be quite disrespectful, there equal distaste for this type of hooking.
mayorcastro's Avatar
Exithere's Avatar
I used to travel for a living when I was younger and the company I worked for put us in nice places when we were away from home. More than once Concierge has "hooked" me up over the years.

I can state from experience there is a lot of truth in the matter that it is a practice found in those hotels here in Austin and San Antonio.... One downtown San Antonio Hotel may be more familair with the practice than others.

I actually had a VERY awkward moment at a Riverwalk Hotel there in San Antonio a couple of years ago. My SO is rather well endowed and dresses in a manner that most would describe as "provocative" when we go out. I was 55 and she was 22 at the time. She was getting "ogled" a bit too obviously by the Valet and Bellmen as we arrived and left a couple of times the first and 2nd day. I was already on the verge of saying something when on the 3rd day two incidents occurred.

First, I had made an appointment for her at the spa... She was being massaged as part of several treatments I was letting her get as part of her birthday celebration and I needed to leave the hotel to meet a scalper I was buying some tickets from. She had left her phone in the room so I went to the Spa to drop it off with her.

As she was leaving the hostess told her that the Concierge in the lobby asked that she speak to him before leaving.

We were leaving for dinner later when she told me and at first I thought it was in regards to some tickets we had asked if they could come up with for a show at the Majestic.

She walked over to the Concierge to tell him I had already got the tickets while I walked over to hand my claim check to the valet for the car. When I turned to look for her she was still with the Concierge and very red in the face staring up at him. When I asked her was wrong she told me he was explaining the hotel's policy of her "needing to check in with them to let them know when she was on the premises".

The Concierge had mistaken her for an escort as had the Hostess at the Spa. AS the Concierge was apologizing profusely after being told she was my fiance, she told me about the previous incident that she had blown off thinking she had heard something differently than was said... She relayed then that the Hostess had said to her earlier in the day when bringing her the phone..... "The gentlemen dropped your phone off and asked that you text him... He must be a very nice client to treat you so well" She was not offended at the time as she was caught up in the massage but now realized what she meant and took offense.....

We've raised eyebrows for 3 years now including those of both our families.... She's 33 years younger than me and beautiful as well as what many describe as hotttt..... But the lack of decorum at the facility that had already been bothering me really raised by blood pressure.....

You simply do not expect staff in a facility to be the ones that misspeak.... I asked that the Manager call and we went to dinner. Evidently the Concierge explained his part of things to the Manager because he was up to speed when he called and extended his apologies. He was much more shocked when I relayed the comments from the Spa Hostess. He asked that I allow him to meet with us in the morning to extend his personal apology and told me to please bring the receipt from dinner to the desk when we returned. We went about enjoying our dinner and an extra bottle of wine since it would be in the hotel.

A few hours later there was a tremendous difference noticed in the staff when we returned. Only the Sr person seemed to handle the car and greeting us. Everyone else made them selves extremely busy.

When we got to the room there was a huge basket of Spa Products and a bouquet of flowers waiting for her with his written apology.

In the morning when I called to order room service there was a definite recognition in the voice of the person that answered the phone and the presentation of breakfast was far above what was expected.

There was a message on the phone that the Manager was on the property and would like to meet with us at our convenience.

We went downstairs later and asked for him and he came and personally apologized for everything we had experienced. He also stated that the girl in the Spa had initiated the unfortunate situation and had been terminated.

I let him off the hook letting him know I understood and that I felt that enough had been done other than he should probably monitor his front door staff to not have people feeling uncomfortable. Similar situations could have occurred there with men and their daughters I believe.

I was extremely surprised the following morning when checking out to find that instead of bill I was handed an envelope and told "The Manager has taken care of everything". In the Envelope was a Zero Balance Folio with everything charged off as well as a check for $270 made out to me to reimburse for the dinner we were having that night. By my calculations it should have been about $2500

Also in the Envelope was a letter from the Manager with a more "generic" apology (probably did not want anything specific in writing) and a request that we allow him the opportunity to show us the way the property is meant to function by returning for another stay on him. There was a coupon for a free three night stay.

We returned to the riverwalk property about 3 months later and were treated like royalty in his "DoOver". Including the same flowers I had ordered for her the first time with the same "Happy Birthday" greeting..... There was a bottle of the same wine and fruit tray I had ordered the first visit. He also arranged for her to have the Same Spa treatments for her that she had that day. On checking out I DID still have a bill but only for room service and parking charges.... The stay plus her Spa Visit was comped...

I looked at the river walk hotel from a different mindset the 2nd visit and could definitely see a presence at their bar in the late evening hours. At least two high quality ladies were there "working"..... I'm sure they made enough to tip the pimp....errr... Concierge when leaving....

A humorous note....... My SO told the Manager at the end of the 2nd trip she was a little disappointed..... when he asked why she laughed and said "NOONE tried to suggest I was a hooker so we will need to pay for all this NEXT time right?! "

We've been through everything imaginable I think as a result of our age difference and her looks. She's a pretty good sport.... Originally Posted by Whispers

That is a great story, thanks for sharing.