Disappointing Morning.....

  • 11-15-2023, 12:00 PM
I setup time Monday to see Haley this morning....went to confirm with her yesterday, nothing. Tried to confirm a couple times this morning, radio silence. Figured I'd start checking around - I've talked to Ashley a couple times but never got anything set in stone, so I hit her up to see if she could make today work. We agreed on a time that was a couple hours in the future. I tried calling at the agreed upon time (to get directions) - nothing. Texted a called multiple times until about 10 minutes after the time we had agreed to meet, and then finally gave up.

Things up come, and I don't know what interfered with either girl, so I'm not passing judgment (and I really don't think it was anything I did as we agreed upon times and then didn't communicate again until I was trying to actually meet up). Hopefully nothing bad happened with either one, and they just flaked for some random reason, but it made for a disappointing morning for me.

I tried to find a last minute opening with a couple others, but understandably I was unable to. Ended up hitting an AMP just to get something done, but that was not my cup of tea, and not something I'll repeat....

I'll try again, but it definitely adds frustration to the hobby when you open your calendar up for some fun, then nothing happens.
Rooter's Avatar
I definitely understand. It's hard for some of us to plan ahead and when we do, lots of time it's for not.
DallasRain's Avatar
I am so sorry that happened to you!

I have been a hard person to schedule with lately,due to family issues & car issues...
but I try to be availble and not screw a guy around whenever possible

keep tryng and hope ya find fun!!!
Haley texted me immediately the other day and we had a few exchanges, and then didn't respond until this morning. Still waiting on a response for a time. These ladies just need to be reliable and they'll take all our money, lol.
  • 11-15-2023, 02:06 PM
That might make it even worse that she messaged you back this morning, while dodging my messages and calls. It’s just weird. Not sure how you expect to be successful by ignoring business.
That might make it even worse that she messaged you back this morning, while dodging my messages and calls. It’s just weird. Not sure how you expect to be successful by ignoring business. Originally Posted by MOPDX

Not sure either. Although I'm willing to keep trying based on reviews and the pic she sent me. Glutton for punishment.
  • 11-15-2023, 02:46 PM
Fingers crossed for you, lol
Yes things happen, and I’ve been there. Getting slow responses then nothing. Trying a different gal and same thing and waste a whole day.
Then go home frustrated. Yep it does suck in the bad way.
CatMan4u's Avatar
I bet these providers would be pissed if us guys did this ti rhem.

Both sides beed to just call/ text the other when things come up where we can't make it'
Y Guy58's Avatar
It only takes a minute to show courtesy to each other and text and let them know something has come up and you can't make it