To my eccie friends

Hi everyone!!

It's me Veronica I just wanted to let all of you awesome people know that for a bit I will not be available. I am stepping back because I have some pretty awesome things going on for me right now and I have to focus!!
Thank you for accepting me in your community and sharing laughs with me. To the people I have had the pleasure of meeting, thank you for being great!! I will not be closing my account down as I would like to keep up to date on information in the community, just will not be available for appointments
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ahhhh can you tell me where you hid Vern now then?? errr just askin
Vern is ok
irnshank's Avatar
I wish you the best and it was pleasure getting to know you. Good luck this semester!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Vern is ok Originally Posted by Veronicaboyt
mmmm tighter then a Hillary Clinton testicle lock box

do good girl. ahhhh can you PM where to send a pan cake for him. just askin

[PRIVATE]to hide a bolt cutter in for him. Bet she finds it or he forgot how to use. just sayin[PRIVATE]
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 09-01-2013, 05:11 PM
Once he built her the closet, she locked him in to do as she pleases with.... poor Vern.


Veronica, Best to you.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
[PRIVATE] ahhh so bolt out. hack or wood saw in the cake. ahhh forget it I will put in some dried weeds from the yard in a plastic bag with a pipe. but no lighter or matches. Drive the fucker nuts [PRIVATE]

hi girl, now hit the books
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 09-01-2013, 07:40 PM
[PRIVATE] I thought he was a farmer, or maybe just a gardener.... darn it, I could have those confused with camper. He hasn't been around for a while. [PRIVATE]

I am offering massages as I have been practicing I bought this deja vu stuff in the mall that makes my hands sooooo soft
VB, you have always been "Fucking Classy." Best of luck with your endeavors and stay in touch.
Lets us know when you are back........