well kiss our ass


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Netanyahu: I Will Not Evict Israelis from the Jordan Valley

By Elad Benari, Canada
First Publish: 1/24/2014, 8:58 PM

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made it clear on Friday that he will not evict any Israeli communities in the Jordan Valley as part of a future agreement with the Palestinian Authority (PA).

"I have said it before and I repeat it today: I'm not going to evict a single community, I am not going to uproot any Israeli from his home,” Netanyahu said at a press conference following his meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

He added that a peace agreement is not on the table at the moment and that even a framework agreement is not being discussed.

"The Americans are talking about a suggestion for a framework for negotiations. This is not an agreement, but a path to making progress,” said Netanyahu, according to NRG/Maariv, adding that his meeting with Kerry had been very good.

The issue of the Jordan Valley has become a point of contention in the talks between Israel and the PA, which insists on full control of the Jordan Valley – along with all other land that was under Jordanian control from 1948 to 1967. Israeli experts have warned that the area is strategically critical.

Recent reports indicated that Kerry was pushing the sides to agree to a deal that involves a slow transition from IDF patrols over the region to PA forces, with an international presence. IDF drones would also be deployed over the area, as a means of gathering information about potential terrorist activity. Israel has reportedly rejected this idea, explaining that drones are not a suitable replacement for the presence of Israeli troops in the region.

In Friday’s press conference, Netanyahu also rejected Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s claim that his country is not seeking a nuclear bomb.

Netanyahu noted that said Iran was engaged in a “campaign of fraud” to mislead the world about its aspirations and dismissed Rouhani’s speech at Davos on Thursday.

“He said they have no intention to develop nuclear weapons. Come on. Does anybody really believe that? Does anybody really think that? They’re investing these tens of billions. By our estimation, they have invested $160-170 billion dollars. What for? To develop isotopes to despatch on ballistic missiles to sick Iranians around the world? Of course they intend to develop nuclear weapons,” he said.

(Arutz Sheva’s North American Desk is keeping you updated until the start of Shabbat in New York. The time posted automatically on all Arutz Sheva articles, however, is Israeli time.)
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Every inch of ground over there is precious - we shouldn't give up any of it. If it means war, so be it. We all die someday, die fighting for something worth fighting for rather than stupid basketball games played by overpriced ballerinas.
fuckem... lets do this...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If the Jews and the Arabs want to fight over that stupid land, let them. We should stay out of it. Not one American dime or life is worth that shithole.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If the Jews and the Arabs want to fight over that stupid land, let them. We should stay out of it. Not one American dime or life is worth that shithole. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So you are willing to let our allies (actual human beings) be slaughtered and do nothing, when it is within our power to stop it?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The reasons for helping Israel;

1. The only bastion of democracy in the Middle East.
2. Family relations, over 80% of the people of Israel have relatives in the US.
3. Whether you are religious or not you cannot deny the historical aspect of Israel and Muslims have this nast habit of blowing up old things they don't like.
4. In the war on terror, Israel is the tip of the spear aimed at the heart of Islam.
5. If we give up on Israel then we give up both a forward operating base and a strategic ally. Our word would be shit to anyone in the world.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The reasons for helping Israel;

1. The only bastion of democracy in the Middle East.
2. Family relations, over 80% of the people of Israel have relatives in the US.
3. Whether you are religious or not you cannot deny the historical aspect of Israel and Muslims have this nast habit of blowing up old things they don't like.
4. In the war on terror, Israel is the tip of the spear aimed at the heart of Islam.
5. If we give up on Israel then we give up both a forward operating base and a strategic ally. Our word would be shit to anyone in the world. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well put and thank you.
Cranston3's Avatar
If the Jews and the Arabs want to fight over that stupid land, let them. We should stay out of it. Not one American dime or life is worth that shithole. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
History has shown that the Jews are the litmus test for evil. War is coming and if Iran has nukes its going to be very bad.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Maybe Israel could stop committing atrocities against the Palestinians. And I didn't drive out the people who had been living there for 2000 years based on the questionable writings of an unknown author over 4000 years ago.

But ok. We got them the land. Now let them keep it. We owe them not one dime nor one drop of blood. Get over yourselves. God does not love you more than non-Jews.
You would think a Native American ( at least he claims to be) would be more tolerant.
citizen44's Avatar
Every inch of ground over there is precious - we shouldn't give up any of it. If it means war, so be it. We all die someday, die fighting for something worth fighting for rather than stupid basketball games played by overpriced ballerinas. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Say's the guy sitting in the US totally safe and mainly concerned with hookers and internet white knighting. If you truly believe that, grab your wife and kids and move them right over to the border there. What you really want is to keep Americans all pumped up so that if war starts, we will send our kids over there to die to protect a bunch of people who will never stop killing and hating each other. Wait until one of your family members die in that Middle Eastern shit hole that means nothing to us, then you can spout that tripe.

As was pointed out in this thread, 80% of people there have family here. By all means, feel free to move your self over there and enlist. You die for your people, and I'll die for mine when the war gets over here.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe Israel could stop committing atrocities against the Palestinians. And I didn't drive out the people who had been living there for 2000 years based on the questionable writings of an unknown author over 4000 years ago.

But ok. We got them the land. Now let them keep it. We owe them not one dime nor one drop of blood. Get over yourselves. God does not love you more than non-Jews. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm curious, where do you draw the line? You mention that the Israelis drove out someone who had lived there for 2,000 years (almost correct) based on some writings from over 4,000 years ago....archeology backs up those mysterious writings, Egyptian hieroglypics back up those questionable writings, Babylonian cuniform tablets back up those odd writings. I think it is safe to say that the forebearers of the modern Israelis WERE there 4,000 years ago.

So if we establish the Israeli claim to the land from 4,000 years ago. What happened? Those Israelis were living in the Middle East. They ruled, they got conquered, they went into slavery, they left slavery (this was about 3,300 years ago under the rule of Ramses II) and returned to their ancestrial lands. They fought, they ruled again, they were overrun by the Romans. 2,000 years ago there was an uprising that was more spiritual than millitary. That uprising was documented by scrolls found in Greece and in what was Rome. Those Israelis lived there until the coming of Mohammed and his followers in the seventh century. Many of those Israelis found themselves in Europe, Africa, Asia (Russia). The crusaders came, fought, and died in the land against foes like Saladin. This was years after the Muslims invaded and sacked Constantinople. The Europeans did sucessfully contain the Muslim forces in the Middle East and Africa in the 14th century. Things remained static for a couple of hundred years until superior European technology, European greed, and religious ferver brought the Europeans back to Palenstine. The Middle East was arbitrarily divided between the European powers. So where do you draw the chronological time line? 100 hundred years ago? A thousand years ago? Seventy years ago? Why chose that last one? The only reasonable explanation is that it suits your agenda. There is no other reason.

Lets get something else clear, when Israel was created there were many voices that wanted to be heard. Some wanted to drive out the Muslims who lived there as squatters, others wanted to live beside their neighbors as equals in a Jewish state, and other smaller voices had other ideas. The former was aided by the Grand Mufti of Jordan who ordered the Muslim faithful to leave all they had in Israel, train in Jordan, and return to take back what was theirs. These are the Palenstinians we hear so much about. They voluntarily left their land seventy years ago at the behest of a religious leader with thoughts of murder and bloodshed on their minds. Years later the Jordanian authorities slaughtered them when they got too demanding on the King of Jordan.

The Palestinians were created as an army to kill the Jewish settlers who can trace their claim back for years. Some Jews never left Israel and have survived for hundreds of years. The Jewish claim is far stronger than the European claim on the new world.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Say's the guy sitting in the US totally safe and mainly concerned with hookers and internet white knighting. If you truly believe that, grab your wife and kids and move them right over to the border there. What you really want is to keep Americans all pumped up so that if war starts, we will send our kids over there to die to protect a bunch of people who will never stop killing and hating each other. Wait until one of your family members die in that Middle Eastern shit hole that means nothing to us, then you can spout that tripe.

As was pointed out in this thread, 80% of people there have family here. By all means, feel free to move your self over there and enlist. You die for your people, and I'll die for mine when the war gets over here. Originally Posted by citizen44

You're a little late to the rodeo, Jewish Lawyer moved to Israel a few months ago.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, but it seems like he's not there anymore.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
JD, 2000 years is long enough to establish a claim by adverse possession in any jurisdiction. The writings may be established, but are they controlling? Jews wrote a book 4000 years ago saying "This is our land." I can go to a Lexus dealership and show them a paper where I wrote "This is my car." How far would I get?

It's not our problem.