sorry my yahoo email was hacked!

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
not quite sure where to put this so if its in the wrong spot feel free to move it.

someone i trusted sent me a link the other day, upon clicking on it my anti virus caught it. afterwards both my personal and hobby yahoo accounts started sending out mass emails saying the following:


What things in life aren't you experiencing that you want to be? Everything around you can be yours, you just have to change yourself up a little bit. Work hard and you'll achieve. Stop being a stat and make your own stats. Not next weekday. now BAD LINK HERE Do what you want at this point. If you start to fail this email is still going to be here.

ok so it totally sounds weird and like i am a pimp recruiter or something!! i have no clue where or what site it is coming from or what their motive is but i wanted to make it clear to anyone who may have gotten these emails from me that it wasnt me sending the crap out.

so sorry to anyone who thinks i sent them recruitment emails or links with virus's.
Its happening everywhere, i got hacked last week, my anti virus picked up the virus but it still sent out emails from my contact list. I had to contact Yahoo and have my ip address changed, changing your email password will not stop it completely
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
wow! how do i get my IP address changed? this is all new to me!
The same thing happened to me about a week ago, so I'll just post here too

Wayward was kind enough to inform me that I was sending him malware. But it wasn't really me. Long story short, I have deleted my hobby email. So anyone trying to email me at my "utr4u" email doesn't exist anymore and I've been too lazy to set up a new one.
Repeat after me...M-A-C...Apple isn't just something you eat anymore!
rachet3375's Avatar
Yeah I got hacked last week and mail from some canadian pharmacutical company selling ED meds and it went out to some of the ladies on my hobby acct. I apologize for that and believe I got it fixed thru yahoo. Some folks just got waaaaay too much time on their hands.
CoHorn's Avatar
Sure Jules... move out of town and start spaming people
I had the ED one happen to me as well, it was my civvy e-mail and a bunch of my civvy friend's e-mails also were spamming the same link, kind of embarrassing!

I have no idea why or how I picked it up as I am always cautious about clicking links.

And yes, whoever makes these virus thingys...seriously get a life!

Jules I wish you luck that you get it fixed quickly! Lotsa Love

P.S. Cohorn don't make me and Lana come titty slap your a$$ for being a smart-butt to Jules!!
this is pretty easy to prevent. Set a schedlue and change your passwords weekly. archive messages out of your email account daily then there are apps like httpwatch that you can install on your machine in addition to your AV abnd this will shoiw what is is and how its getting in ......once you know what it is and how it gets in blocking it is easy.... then its up to you if you want to go aftre the person that sent it and all the data goes back to.... follow up and mess them up, or send them some shit that will get them a jail visit and call the cops....