Accurate reviews and$

I have been a member for a couple years now laid low for a while. The biggest thing that confuses me is the info that is put in reviews.

Lately I have contacted a couple of the ladies on here with reviews and when the $ part comes up it becomes an issue. More is being charged than what was represented in the review. I even bring up the review and the lady claims that , the info was not correct

This is confusing to me, is the reviewer wrong, is she wrong, has something changed, she is usually asking for what her post states, so,I don't know why somebody would put in accurate info in the review. The rest of the review is spot on just that part. I have not seen the provider because she is not doing what was written as the same as the review and she can see the review.

Accurate info,should be in the review
turtle138's Avatar
Need info which review?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-08-2014, 08:58 AM
I suspect one of two things, based upon what I have seen in other places:

--Either things have changed: she started at a lower rate and has raised her rates, either because of more business, expences are higher than she realized they would be (FAR more common that most understand), etc.

--Or the guy had an "unusual" price and didn't clearly say so. I have a number of ladies I see at a grandfathered price, so if I just list "$250" it is true, but misleading. Or I schedule an hour that turns into more OTC. If I accurately state the time we spent and the amount I gave her--without explaining--then the reader can have unrealistic expectations of time/price.

Just guessing at what the reason might be. I have seen both the above quite often.
t_pride's Avatar
Wait, there are providers in NM that request more than $250 donation? I thought all of them (well 97%) requested about the same. Unfortunately, I haven't really gone hobbyn' (had one to visit me as she was making her way back up North) in this state for because of where I am and the fact that Supply and Demand is out of sorts here. That, in my opinion, is the issue. Donations should be a healthy range but not in this state and from what you are saying, they appear to be going up.

Be that as it may, it may be an old ad or like Old T said, a grandfathered price. All I can say is keep trying and good luck.
here and go with the most recent price or whatever's on their website, if they have one. I'm not opposed to paying a premium, but it better be a worthwhile experience.

I have had one provider that quoted me a price $100 under her advertised rate one time. The next day I saw her and she pressed for her advertised rate. I pushed back and she caved, but she made a big deal about it; so much so that it kinda put me off. I told her that the rate was the same as the day before and if it wasn't, I wasn't going to see her.

I'm a "Don't tell me one thing, then backtrack" kinda guy; I don't let anyone by with that.
here and go with the most recent price or whatever's on their website, if they have one. I'm not opposed to paying a premium, but it better be a worthwhile experience.

I have had one provider that quoted me a price $100 under her advertised rate one time. The next day I saw her and she pressed for her advertised rate. I pushed back and she caved, but she made a big deal about it; so much so that it kinda put me off. I told her that the rate was the same as the day before and if it wasn't, I wasn't going to see her.

I'm a "Don't tell me one thing, then backtrack" kinda guy; I don't let anyone by with that. Originally Posted by jj2301
I agree I don't like the bait and switch on prices either. Many have a dozen prices and do all sorts of stupid things. They can't even keep it straight or have a long list of "This will cost you extra". With the exception of greek I just don't get it. Then you are getting away from paying them for their time and now you are paying for each service on a 20 point tune up. It makes you leave feeling like you paid too much no matter what you paid. I think many of them get that mentality from working as a stripper because that is how they think and that is how they extract as much from you as possible. Ever had a lap dance and have the girl say, for $20 more you can touch my boobs. For $20 more you can see my pussy, for $20 more blah blah blah....$100 later you notice you got the same dance the guy next to you got for $40. Some chicks are just stupid and think this is how they can make more money but I will never repeat. I give very few if any reviews of this nature because I tend to see the warning signs. Tips appreciated, prices "Start at", $140/hr "and up".....all people to avoid.
Yeah that one was totally effed up.. The first visit, I asked her in the course of setting things up what her rate was and she told me. No equivocations, no mention of it being a special and to her credit, there was no upselling during any session.

I had some extra time the next day and decided to take another run; that's where the businesswoman came out and she pressed for her "regular" rate. I just flat said "The same as yesterday or forget it".

Providers whose ads say things like "starting at" or the like never even get a call from me. I'm not there to play "Let's make a deal" or to peel $20s for each act of kindness; I'm there to have a great time and forget life's pressures for a just a little bit. State your price and stick to it or I'll find someone who does.
Yeah that one was totally effed up.. The first visit, I asked her in the course of setting things up what her rate was and she told me. No equivocations, no mention of it being a special and to her credit, there was no upselling during any session.

I had some extra time the next day and decided to take another run; that's where the businesswoman came out and she pressed for her "regular" rate. I just flat said "The same as yesterday or forget it".

Providers whose ads say things like "starting at" or the like never even get a call from me. I'm not there to play "Let's make a deal" or to peel $20s for each act of kindness; I'm there to have a great time and forget life's pressures for a just a little bit. State your price and stick to it or I'll find someone who does. Originally Posted by jj2301
Up selling is no good. If a girl tries it I'm out.
This was a situation where it was a day after the review, and she said there was no way, that he made it up. Local gal, we came to a happy middle ground but it is just nice to get accurate info,

I saw her based off review review was correct just $ wrong by half
This was a situation where it was a day after the review, and she said there was no way, that he made it up. Local gal, we came to a happy middle ground but it is just nice to get accurate info,

I saw her based off review review was correct just $ wrong by half Originally Posted by tidiot
Some of these girls are "feeling out" how much they can charge and get away with it. When a place has little action like here you don't have much choice.
Well that sucks!
Can I ask- from the provider side-- did the showcase list a donation and was what she asked for match that? It seems the review $ might vary for multiple reasons- if she states something on her showcase- what she asks for should match that $- her words.
brconsultant's Avatar
I'd also add that if I can't see a price listed in an ad, I won't even bother contacting the provider. I want some idea before narrowing my choice.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-14-2014, 01:37 PM
I'd also add that if I can't see a price listed in an ad, I won't even bother contacting the provider. I want some idea before narrowing my choice. Originally Posted by brconsultant
Agree, but even that can at times be misleading. I like 3 hrs dinner dates. Most ladies don't list 3 hrs rates. I certainly can't assume it is 3x the hourly rate. Usually it is less, often the same, sometimes more (don't understand that one, but i've certainly seen it).