Why have an Hour rate if you are not MSOG?

WyldemanATX's Avatar
Ladies and Gentlemen this is not rocket science here. Most men can cum the first time in less than 15 minutes on an off day take 30 minutes. Why on earth would we want an hour long session unless we had an opportunity to bust a second one off or at least try. So you providers that only allow one better give one hell of a massage or only off 15 min and 30 minutes sessions. This is my opinion and I approve this message.

...and no, my name's not Dan.
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 10-12-2010, 11:34 AM
Not all providers are like that, and I'm sure a lot of hobby goers aren't all quick to 'pop' either.

I know many don't want to just pop and say goodbye right when they arrive; it is about the experience with said provider and the time spent. Like it says, an hour is 60 minutes and what you wanna do in that 60 minute time frame that makes you happy, then do it!

If you're not wanting to book an hour session, I know there are many providers who offer shorter sessions at great prices!

If you are wanting to book an hour and pop all you can, I know there are many who offer that as well!
Are there specific providers on ECCIE who only offer 1 hour sessions with no MSOG? Who are they? Would be useful info as I've never met one.
Are there really 1 hr NO msog ladies?
blenderhead's Avatar
I don't think there are that many in Austin. One visiting provider told me no MSOG, but still wanted me to stay for an hour instead of half an hour. And that was with CBJ and no kissing. No thanks.. That's the only non-MSOG provider I've seen.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
If I wanted to be that way, I'd offer 15-minute sessions, but call me selfish, I want to enjoy our time together as well, and I can't when rushed. GFE doesn't mean drop your trousers, pop, and run. (Well, maybe after your girlfriend knows you for a while.) Hey, I want MSOG, too.
Are there really 1 hr NO msog ladies? Originally Posted by Absolutely
yes, those are called Pimped out Ho's
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 10-12-2010, 12:53 PM
It's about the GFE! Not the act.

It's your 60 minutes, you should be able to whatever you want and pop as many times 'till your heart is content!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar

It's your 60 minutes, you should be able to whatever you want and pop as many times 'till your heart is content! Originally Posted by PeAcH

greymouse's Avatar
[QUOTE=Absolutely;660440]Are there really 1 hr NO msog ladies?[/QUOTE

Yes, most of them seem to be traveling teenagers from Dallas, a group that has a great deal of appeal to the same Customer Guys who start and post to these bitterly denunciatory threads. Eye appeal I suppose. While the arrival of these very young and usually blonde and skinny sex workers is much anticipated, when they do show up they typically turn out to be unreliable and difficult to successfully schedule with, in the business strictly for the money, not very good at the work and to be gritting their teeth as they endure having disagreeable things done to them by disgusting fat men old enough to be their fathers if not grandfathers.

They are teenagers after all, very probably from and in highly disadvantageous personal circumstances. If they reason that they have fulfilled their part of the (illegal) contract by being there, naked, legs spread and unresisting, who, retaining a residue of human feeling, could blame them if they reason it is the Customer Guy's personal problem if he "finished" in a minute, 53 seconds?

Who could blame them? Just for fun write down your guess as to how many livered members of the blue team post herein below to do just that. They can't help themselves, it's a habit now.
vtxghost's Avatar
Are there really 1 hr NO msog ladies? Originally Posted by Absolutely
OK, I had this actually happen:
A provider was running a 60 minute special (normal rate was about 20 higher), while we were transacting business I mentioned that I would want MSOG. She responded that the special rate was good for one time only. If I wanted MSOG it would be twenty extra.

Not sure what the logic was on that but in order to "get my money's worth" I would have had to go for about 45 minutes straight. At that rate I would probably pass out due to lack of blood to the brain or somethin.
It's about the GFE! Not the act. It's your 60 minutes, you should be able to whatever you want and pop as many times 'till your heart is content! Originally Posted by PeAcH
nuglet's Avatar
to put a fine point on it, the "standard phrase" is... "You're paying for my time....." . Well then, it's MY paid for time to use as I see fit (of course safety and obvious other things excluded). If I wanna screw and pop in 3 minutes, then talk for 40, then pop again, THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO USE MY TIME FOR.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
It was a young provider from Dallas and I love to fool around a little before the 1st burst. When I had got done with the first goal and then she was cuddling with me and after a while I said ok lets crank it back up and she goes I am not MSOG. Cherry Poppin from Dallas her web page said MSOG and she said oh I have not been on there in a while. Instead of just laying there without anymore play time I said can I get a refund down to just the half and hour and she did. For me I am just what is the point of an hr session and less I can at least try for more o's on both sides.