Ideas for better United States of America

Ripmany's Avatar
It seems we all have no good ideas just people bashimg. What Ideas for a great untied states has happened lately or you have?

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.
winn dixie's Avatar
Close border. Population control. Stop all development on undeveloped land. Spend money on infrastructure instead of funding the arts or pointless studies. Enforce the laws and build more jails. Enact a consumption tax and elimate the irs. Revamp the entire education system. Term limits and age limits for politicians. End the cycle of welfare state. Increase funding for law enforcement. Decrease salaries of politicians. Make elections secure.
Require everyone to have some sort of state identification that includes whether your a citizen or not.
That would better the US right quick
texassapper's Avatar
Close border. Population control. Stop all development on undeveloped land. Spend money on infrastructure instead of funding the arts or pointless studies. Enforce the laws and build more jails. Enact a consumption tax and elimate the irs. Revamp the entire education system. Term limits and age limits for politicians. End the cycle of welfare state. Increase funding for law enforcement. Decrease salaries of politicians. Make elections secure.
Require everyone to have some sort of state identification that includes whether your a citizen or not.
That would better the US right quick Originally Posted by winn dixie
The simple fact that not a SINGLE one of those ideas will even feasibly be considered let alone enacted tells you how far gone the Country is. It's going to take Civil War to enact any change now... Sadly I think it will come in our lifetimes... I was talking to my daughter today as I dropped her off for 4th grade that I can remember the Bi Centennial and that she will probably live to see the Tri-Centennial... and then I realized... the USA probably won't make it to 2076.
ICU 812's Avatar
Not saying life is perfect here, but if it is so bad, why is everyone in the world willing to pay thousands of dollars and walk hundreds of miles to get here?
Why is everyone in the world willing to pay thousands of dollars and walk hundreds of miles to get here? Originally Posted by ICU 812
Free Housing ~ Food ~ Healthcare ~ Education all paid for by Americans who work and pay their own bills. Democrats buying votes
It seems we all have no good ideas just people bashimg. What Ideas for a great untied states has happened lately or you have?

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people. Originally Posted by Ripmany
It's People who are fucking the Country up. So there is only one solution, get rid of the trouble makers. Now that's an idea.
eyecu2's Avatar
It's People who are fucking the Country up. So there is only one solution, get rid of the trouble makers. Now that's an idea. Originally Posted by Levianon17
And who is that?
And who is that? Originally Posted by eyecu2
Government, Do you believe in so called Government authority?
Expanding in Winn here.
Close border: Not so sure on that, but not in TX. Personally, don't think the issue deserves the attention it gets.

Population control: N. Korea and China model..big no. Open abortion, and more importantly free OTC birth control and Plan B yes.

Development of land: Not sure where this comes from, so no opinion.

Enforce laws and build more jails: We have too many in jail now in terms of non-violent offenders. Put the violent in jail for long terms, but have the non-violent pay restitution in some form and enforce. Why should public pay to house?? I'd even extend that sentiment to ex-president Trump and his cronies if found guilty of multiple charges...bankrupt, wait that's happened maybe jail...

Eliminate IRS: At least strip to bare bones. Consumption tax is partial answer, but need a way to eliminate the rich not paying the same % as the less well off. Welfare to the poor ( legal or not) is not the problem; funding by the upper is.

Revamp education: Whatever happened to Mom and Dad educating their kids? Whole different societal problem there....single parents, living wage to support one wage earner...whole different issue off topic. Old education system worked fine 50 yrs ago...what's changed?

Term limits and politician salaries: Pretty much for term limits, even for Supreme Court. Salary decreases more problematic in terms of limiting those of lessor means (who are needed there) from serving in expensive DC. Age limits are a can of worms and would require constitutional change.

Make elections secure: Thrashed ad nauseum

State ID: Why?? When?? How??
eyecu2's Avatar
Government, Do you believe in so called Government authority? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Governments are given authority by it's own congress, so to that, our representatives empower the government and so is done in the states, is also done in the Federal Government. So do I believe in it,- yeah. I live in reality where that shit is real.

Do I agree with it, - NOPE. I think all our representatives end up corrupted by the money that is thrown at them by all the entities that line up at the government trough. Even the highway builders, and large energy lobbyists are tossing money into personal coffers of everyone in state or Fed congresses. I'm really absolutely certain that the term of "Ethics Committee" is likely to be the equivalent of the teachers smoking lounge, where even the actions that happen in the committee are corrupt and ethic-less. My faith in government is totally in the shit-house.
Governments are given authority by it's own congress, so to that, our representatives empower the government and so is done in the states, is also done in the Federal Government. So do I believe in it,- yeah. I live in reality where that shit is real.

Do I agree with it, - NOPE. I think all our representatives end up corrupted by the money that is thrown at them by all the entities that line up at the government trough. Even the highway builders, and large energy lobbyists are tossing money into personal coffers of everyone in state or Fed congresses. I'm really absolutely certain that the term of "Ethics Committee" is likely to be the equivalent of the teachers smoking lounge, where even the actions that happen in the committee are corrupt and ethic-less. My faith in government is totally in the shit-house. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Your faith in Government should be in the "Shit-House. Government is not voluntary nor is it legitimate or rational. It is violence in every sense of the word.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Do I agree with it, - NOPE. I think all our representatives end up corrupted by the money that is thrown at them by all the entities that line up at the government trough. Even the highway builders, and large energy lobbyists are tossing money into personal coffers of everyone in state or Fed congresses. I'm really absolutely certain that the term of "Ethics Committee" is likely to be the equivalent of the teachers smoking lounge, where even the actions that happen in the committee are corrupt and ethic-less. My faith in government is totally in the shit-house. Originally Posted by eyecu2

To fix the problem with campaign and political cash we need to ditch the idea that cash equals speech. The supreme court f*cked us on that one. Read about it here.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Everyone blames the IRS. They're not the problem. Our tax code is the problem. That won't change until we get congress to fix it. That won't happen until we take cash out of politics.
Right on dot-guy. Taxes are a necessary evil, it's the equitable collection that's the problem. No way someone of Trump's supposed wealth should only pay the paltry amounts of income tax he paid. Legal, maybe, unless income and dedications were misstated....but that couldn't happen, could it? There was a reason he wouldn't disclose his tax returns while claiming to have paid plenty and we now know that reason. Reform won't happen as long as fat asses pull the strings.
Everyone blames the IRS. They're not the problem. Our tax code is the problem. That won't change until we get congress to fix it. That won't happen until we take cash out of politics. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
That's right. Like the old saying goes"Money talks and bullshit walks". There is a lot wrong with society because of politics and those wrongs are fueled by money.