VP Biden sends shout out to his "old butt buddy"!

gfejunkie's Avatar

"Joe Biden put his foot where the sun don’t shine at a speech in Iowa when he punctuated his remarks by giving a shout-out to his “butt buddy.”
At one point during the talk in Des Moines, the Vice President declared: “Neal Smith, an old butt buddy. Are you here, Neal? Neal, I miss you, man. I miss you.”
If the bizarre use of 80s teenage slang was a stutter or a slip up, the Vice President didn’t stop to correct himself.
Neal Smith is a 94-year-old former Iowa congressman who was pals with the VP when Biden was a Senator."


Please nominate this guy!

This country deserves a better buffoon than the current occupant of the White House.
LexusLover's Avatar
And all this time I thought she was his "butt buddy"!!!!

gfejunkie's Avatar
Scary, ain't it?

"One heartbeat away...", and all that.
Why do you think Obama picked this idiot. Actually Obama didn't pick Biden. Biden was sent to Obama to reassure his safety and success.

LexusLover's Avatar
Why do you think Obama picked this idiot. Actually Obama didn't pick Biden. Biden was sent to Obama to reassure his safety and success.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Well ..... safety. Ok?

With drones, door busters, and pussy chasing ... the Service needs Biden.
Well ..... safety. Ok?

With drones, door busters, and pussy chasing ... the Service needs Biden. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well yeah safety at least. The success part was part of the Hope and Change bullshit. He hoped he could BS people into thinking he knew what he was doing, with goofy Biden around you almost could believe it, lol.

cptjohnstone's Avatar
We now know Eva's real name is Neil