Is there a correlation between depravity and age?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
This is just a modest observation on my part but it seems as if the nice men who wish for a more outlandish "experience" have some age on them.

Not to suggest that a younger man doesn't think of some really nasty stuff, but does being slightly older lend itself to either trying out or desiring a more aaahhh ... "intense" or interesting experience?

I do know that for myself, this is probably true without give specific examples. Of course, I could if you wish to hear them!


Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Perhaps the closer we get to the bucket, the more we want to check off items on the bucket list.
I'm in my 30's and debauchery is my middle name. So, I don't think it really matters when it comes age per se. Experience can speak volumes during BCD.
cwebcoder's Avatar
I do think age changes perceptions, but it also increases a desire for variety. Wanting to try something at least once or wanting to feel young again by doing something not done at an earlier age when it may have made more sense.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm in my 30's and debauchery is my middle name. So, I don't think it really matters when it comes age per se. Experience can speak volumes during BCD. Originally Posted by Neotek
For whatever reason, that doesn't surprise me. But does your middle name come into play while being with another person, intimately? I know that is a very personal question but what I have found, for me, I think of things that I would NEVER (probably) actually do.

But they're interesting to think about in different ways.

Actually putting the deviances (not sure that I spelled that right!) into action might be difficult or certainly not socially acceptable, if you even care about things like that.

Well, from my perspective, I have become more refined in my tastes and interests... Always been there, but now, I admit to them, and look to enjoy what I love with those who would enjoy them with me.

ForeverYoung's Avatar
Speaking as an older guy...... I find myself thinking more about what adventures were on the menu and that I missed in my younger years. The focus in my youth was on the end result and not so much about the journey. As I've aged I learned a bit more about "smelling the roses" and other things.. along the way. My big brain is more in control these days than the little one, and as a result I'm thinking about new adventures and experiences with a little depravity thrown in for good measure.

What I'm counting on now..... Some lovely ladies helping me out with the training part of this.

What a great post! (It's nice to see something a bit more creative than the "what's your favorite whatever...")

For me, age brings an increased desire for new experiences, and also a lack of concern over being labeled "pervert." Plus, as we encounter more of life, we begin to realize that there really is no such thing as "normal" in the realm of sexuality. As long as it's mutually consensual, it's all good!

Willen's Avatar
I think ForeverYoung expressed my outlook perfectly.
Chevalier's Avatar
I find myself thinking more about what adventures were on the menu and that I missed in my younger years. Originally Posted by ForeverYoung
Of course, for some of us old codgers, heading deeper into the mists of senility, we don't remember what we've experienced in our younger years. So repeating the same things over and over again still seems like new experiences.
Lana Warren's Avatar
Hell at our age, we ain't got nothing else better to do!
rex4998's Avatar
we begin to realize that there really is no such thing as "normal" in the realm of sexuality. As long as it's mutually consensual, it's all good!
ding ding ding
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
deˇpravˇiˇty[ di právvətee ]
deˇpravˇiˇties Plural
1. corruption: a state of moral corruption
2. corrupt act: a morally corrupt or wicked act

Synonyms: debauchery, immorality, corruption, wickedness, evil, decadence, dissoluteness, degeneracy, wantonness, vice

Antonyms: righteousness

Dang I'm not into that sort of thing will someone please tell me what I'm missing out on?
Every man, no matter his age, has a bit of freaky deek in him and wants to be corrupted. It just takes the right woman to bring it out and do it!

For whatever reason, that doesn't surprise me. But does your middle name come into play while being with another person, intimately? I know that is a very personal question but what I have found, for me, I think of things that I would NEVER (probably) actually do. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Yes it does. I always bring my A game and have my kink on. It's who I am. If she and I don't click (in the hobby and/or out), then...we don't click. WALDT. The best is when you find a partner who is a freak like you (meaning me). And I've had that many times and it's made for some of the best sex ever.