Thanks for Input - Hotwife Thread

Thanks for all of the input on my wife moving from being a Hotwife to a provider. Lots to consider. Since the thread got closed before I replied, I just thought I would post my thanks for all who took the time to provide their input. If we move forward, we will go through the verification process, etc.
ICU 812's Avatar
Something like this comes up here about every 6 to 18 months. Usually it is someone asking about marrying an established provider or dancer. The ramifgications are not much different. Do some research here and on the national discussion forum. Look into the threads on the SD/SB forums too.

Best wishes . . .let us all know.
TryWeakly's Avatar
He should have some of her taint posted UITB... you know, for Pyramider...
Wow! Please don’t have kids.