Wealth distribution in USA: You decide

Whether you are on the left, right, middle, out in space or agnostic about politics. Take a peek at this video (link below) and be honest with yourself (even if not with us) for a moment and really consider what you're seeing.

Inside I suspect you will probably think the same thing I did = WTF?

Btw...I'm center right


Happy Thanksgiving!
The flaw in this whole line of thought is they are basing a persons " wealth" on strictly monetary terms.

What we need is a chart that judges a persons happiness and satisfaction in life in comparison to the amount of money they have, or make.

A person working a job making $100,000 a year with enough disposable income to enjoy doing what he or she wants to do might be more " wealthy" than a person making 10 times that but can't seem to enjoy life.

My mother in law, (my wife is deceased), lives in what many would call "poverty". But she is one of the happiest people I know. Why. She places value on things that money cannot buy.

This chart in the video was made up by people who can tell you the price of everything, but recognize the value in nothing.
Jackie. I love your last line. I completely agree. Sorry about your wife. I'm living with that challenge now.

I do think the control and distribution of money/capital (wealth) is such a large game being played (on us all) yet still in the midst of all of that, we do still find happiness with what we have if we really allow ourselves to. It sounds like you have a wonderful family.

Best regards and Happy Thanksgiving.
I have friends that are in the top 3 percent of wage earners who are up to their necks in dept with three times more house than they need, credit card dept up the ass, toys they can't afford, and living a "keep up with the Jone's" lifestyle that does nothing but leave them broke at the end of the year. In fact, they are more than broke, they are in debt to the point of misery.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Another fallacy is that wealth is just "there" and some just grab more than others. The fact is that wealth is created. It's not a zero sum game. I think if a person is able to create wealth for his/herself, they should keep it.

However, I also see where government is distorting the natural creation of wealth by drafting laws and regulations that favor the creation of wealth in some, while inhibiting it in others. That needs to be addressed.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
If someone wants more wealth, how about they get a better job. Or do what they need to do to get that better job. Or even better yet, startup their own business.
It is not possible to guarantee equality of outcome, without doing horrible violence to society as a whole.

Rather than ask why the avenues are open for only a very few to grab everything, why not ask why the avenues are not open to let EVERYONE improve themselves and do better?

Why do we continue to tolerate schools that we know are among the worst on the planet? Why do we continue to elect leaders who continue to keep our schools among the worst on the planet?

Why the bleeping hell do we put up with schools, teachers, administrators, teacher colleges, school boards, and politicians that DO NOT TEACH CHILDREN HOW TO READ???
LexusLover's Avatar
If someone wants more wealth, how about

they get a better job.

Or do what they need to do to get that better job.

Or even better yet, startup their own business. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
In today's economic environment all three are to the least a "challenge' ....

.... especially 1 and 3.

Even in average to good economic times it takes (generally accepted) about 5 years for a "business" to start making a profit .... and by "profit" I mean ... all debts are paid, all licenses, taxes, and occupation fees are paid, and all expenses for living and paying for one's existence off the business are paid .... the "profit" would then be the "discretionary" spending money that can be invested to "grow wealth"!

One of the "arguments" about the current political state of affairs is the confusion, distortions, inconsistencies, and UKNOWNS creates an anti-business atmosphere ... when an old business or a new business doesn't know what the horizon will be next year it is IMPOSSIBLE to make correct or even close business plans for growth in the future to be able to reach that profit goal within any reasonable period of time.

There in lies the problem with #2 ... retooling for a job in the future that may not exist.
If someone wants more wealth, how about they get a better job. Or do what they need to do to get that better job. Or even better yet, startup their own business. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
...Or do what they need to do to get that better job

Heard a report yesterday that total US student debt has exceeded US credit card debt. Too many people spending $100K on education for a $40K a year job that doesn't exist.

The next bubble to burst.
...Or do what they need to do to get that better job

Heard a report yesterday that total US student debt has exceeded US credit card debt. Too many people spending $100K on education for a $40K a year job that doesn't exist.

The next bubble to burst. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yes, it is. And in the mean time, the skilled labor jobs are going to those who don't mind getting a little dirt under their fingernails, and actually doing something besides sitting in a cubicle shuffling numbers around on a computer screen.

The biggest scam going right now, and has been for the past decades, is everybody needs to go to a college and get into a "career", rather than an occupation. Right now, it's the guys with skilled occupations that are able to make their house notes on time.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Most business failures are due to being under capitalized.

When I was a kid, a person that was a "millionaire" was rare and something that seemed to be almost unattainable. Now if you have a million bucks it really isn't that much but often represents a lifetime of hard work, sacrifice, and thrift. The mindset of most people is that they must have all of the trappings of life in order to show their achievements when the reality is they are one paycheck away from disaster.

What most people fail to realize is that the "wealthy" not only work hard but invest their wealth in order to maintain and increase it. This wealth is what funds the capital for businesses that provide jobs for the masses. IN return for risking their wealth they stand to increase it and in some cases lose it depending on many factors. The best way to distribute the wealth is by the creation and support of business and not by government fiat.
It is not possible to guarantee equality of outcome, without doing horrible violence to society as a whole.

Rather than ask why the avenues are open for only a very few to grab everything, why not ask why the avenues are not open to let EVERYONE improve themselves and do better?

Why do we continue to tolerate schools that we know are among the worst on the planet? Why do we continue to elect leaders who continue to keep our schools among the worst on the planet?

Why the bleeping hell do we put up with schools, teachers, administrators, teacher colleges, school boards, and politicians that DO NOT TEACH CHILDREN HOW TO READ??? Originally Posted by Sidewinder

You can thank the teacher's union for the downfall of education. An inevitable consequence of the ME-ME-ME mentality that infects all unions nowadays. Unionization served it's purpose at one point in time, but their power has now exceeded their usefulness and like any shift in power, there are casualties. Poor education is the price we pay for the micro-directed contracts of union-coddled teachers. Sad.

Interesting clip SD. It's too bad most reasonably thinking people aren't fanatical enough to start a pro-moderation movement. lol.
Thanks for your reply. I know what you mean THN.

I hope you have a great T-day!
BigLouie's Avatar
In the 8 years that Bush was President the richest 400 families went from controlling 25% of all wealth in the US to controlling 50% of all wealth.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-27-2013, 01:37 PM
In today's economic environment all three are to the least a "challenge' ....

.... especially 1 and 3.

Even in average to good economic times it takes (generally accepted) about 5 years for a "business" to start making a profit .... and by "profit" I mean ... all debts are paid, all licenses, taxes, and occupation fees are paid, and all expenses for living and paying for one's existence off the business are paid .... the "profit" would then be the "discretionary" spending money that can be invested to "grow wealth"!

One of the "arguments" about the current political state of affairs is the confusion, distortions, inconsistencies, and UKNOWNS creates an anti-business atmosphere ... when an old business or a new business doesn't know what the horizon will be next year it is IMPOSSIBLE to make correct or even close business plans for growth in the future to be able to reach that profit goal within any reasonable period of time.

There in lies the problem with #2 ... retooling for a job in the future that may not exist. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Honestly, LL, when I start up a business if I'm not making over 100 grand per year after two years I consider it a complete failure. If I'm not doing that after 5 years I would consider the whole thing a waste of five years of my life that I cannot recover. Who the heck can wait five years?