IT SEEMS to Be 9x out of 10 kindness is weakness in this world

giasanto38ddd's Avatar
I thought alot before making this thread and after careful thought I have decided to but to be vague. First it seems 80% of all alerts are about the same someone (PROVIDER & HOBBYIST) gave someone the bennifit of doubt or was kind to them and gets burned.
I am known on here as a non-gfe provider yet all of my reviews show me as a SWEET person. Just because im not gfe does not change my personality or demeanor. Well I hardly ever put myself out there to get ripped off by any of you guys I come to find the GALS are just as bad.
I responded to a ad from a provider looking to do doubles I met her and we clicked. A (what I thought) strong friendship developed fast. I actually started to care about her almost like family. She had no car and was living and working out of a Roach extended stay hotel. So I (silly me) invited her come stay with me (I have a 2 bedroom town home) I tell her post outcalls (I have a car ill drive you) I tell her come out of town with me (she had never traveled). She was involved with some drama on here and it had DRASTICALLY effected her business and it was very slow for her. Even though she had 100+ reviews. She had reservations about moving out with no bedroom furniture so I told her I would co -sign for her(I do this part time and have been on my day job 4+ years)
So what do I get in return? about 3 days before the bills are due we get in a argument while im at work (over the damn airconditioning being turned down to 62 degrees while i was sleep. ( I was telling her u can freeze up a unit that way and its not a all bills paid hotel) and what do I come home too? SHE PACKED UP MY HOUSE and MOVED OUT no notice leaving me stuck with a 3,000 furniture bill!
This just goes to show NO GOOD DEED goes UNPUNISHED! AND that in this world KINDNESS is taken for WEAKNESS.
I guess your venting here, but not sure you are going to get much help or sympathy. Second, without really knowing both of you, its always she said vs she said thing right? But I get you, I was bit chaffed off by me being nice to provider at first turned into an insult to me. Since then, decided, never to go out of my way to help out or be too nice, unless I know for sure that provider is really nice. There is only one so far I met, that meets that criteria.

Anyway, my Strip bar managing days taught me, never to be too trusting, no matter what and too helpful either. But I am surprised you don't know that by now, although you probably just wanted to vent.
shlub's Avatar
  • shlub
  • 04-27-2012, 05:44 PM
I am so sorry this happened to you. She can't take away the kindness you showed her and in the end, Karma will get her...
RangoFett's Avatar
That sucks Gia. Can you cancel out the loan for the furniture?
Wheretonow's Avatar
This just goes to show NO GOOD DEED goes UNPUNISHED! AND that in this world KINDNESS is taken for WEAKNESS. Originally Posted by giasanto38dd
Unfortunately life isn't fair; what goes around doesn't necessarily come around; and karma doesn't always mean that she'll come back as an ugly pig in her next life.

Some people see opportunities to take advantage of others, and it appears you got one of life's tough first-hand lessons.

There's a concept called "tough love", where you support others, but expect them to act responsibly. You allow them to sink or swim based on the actions they willingly choose to make in their lives.

You can lead others to water and try to make them thirsty, but whether they decide to drink or not is up to them. We all make our own space.

I'm sorry you got taken advantage of, but you made your own space as well.
giasanto38ddd's Avatar
Yea kind of venting but also sometimes I think everyone forgets no matter how fun this little world is we play in on here its all business yet girls get bad raps for being to business minded i just think it sucks that its bad enough guys vrs. girls and vice versa but you would think the girls would stick and yeah i can cancel it but i have to pay a 30% cancellation fee and 150 for them to come pick it up..
pyramider's Avatar
Beats 3k in furniture you do not have.
Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.

Kindness and intelligence don't always deliver us from the pitfalls and traps: there are always failures of love, of will, of imagination. There is no way to take the danger out of human relationships.
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 04-27-2012, 10:13 PM
Gia, so the next time you find a gal in a roach infested motel, will you be just getting her a can of Raid? It's going to be a lot cheaper.

I would suggest that you change your locks.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
That was beautiful Big Daddy Moose.

Sorry for your loss, Gia. That's a suck thing to have happen.

No good deed and all that jazz...



A quote I read a long time ago which has helped me immeasurably is this: "There are no victims, only volunteers". Once I recognized and admitted that I, and only I, created my life, I was free to help or not help, as I chose, but never again could I point the finger at someone who did me wrong.

Still sorry for your loss, Gia....but try to look at the beautiful people in your life, and, before you know it, you'll be smelling the roses once again....God love ya for your kindness, girl.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again. Originally Posted by Big Daddy Moose
They'll put me in the will?
Wheretonow's Avatar
Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.

Kindness and intelligence don't always deliver us from the pitfalls and traps: there are always failures of love, of will, of imagination. There is no way to take the danger out of human relationships. Originally Posted by Big Daddy Moose
A quote I read a long time ago which has helped me immeasurably is this: "There are no victims, only volunteers". Once I recognized and admitted that I, and only I, created my life, I was free to help or not help, as I chose, but never again could I point the finger at someone who did me wrong.

Still sorry for your loss, Gia....but try to look at the beautiful people in your life, and, before you know it, you'll be smelling the roses once again....God love ya for your kindness, girl. Originally Posted by Tip Tulane
Anybody else think this is getting a little (maybe a lot) soppy?

She got screwed over by a person she trusted not to screw her over. She's ventilated about it and maybe learned from it. Hopefully if the perp comes back, she'll show her the door instead of random acts of kindness.
bojulay's Avatar
Not raging on you Gia everything is live and learn.


There's a difference in being a nice person and setting yourself up to be a doormat.
Rule one is never co-sign for anything for anybody.... ever.

You can be a cautious nice person without being an enabler.
KenMonk's Avatar
Just have to say that being kind as come back to bite me in the ass a few times... but I continue to be kind even if it is a weakness. Its learning that fine line between being stupid and being kind.