Jizz: enchanting, entertaining, family friendly and fun!

CG2014's Avatar

Perhaps the name for this event was chosen by someone who is very naive (and clearly not one of our members!)...

They forgot to quote 2 celebrities' reviews:

"A full on in and on your face experience!!" - Paris Hilton

""Good clean messy fun from two spunky performers!!" - Kim Kardashian

And who can forget Heather Locklear telling a TMZ reporter the secret to her youthful skin is, "Just put semen on your face." A journalist for Cosmopolitan confirmed it, saying, “My skin felt very smooth and moisturized immediately. And a few days later I noticed it was clearer,” after spending $250 for a sperm facial at a spa.

I'm beginning to see there is a need to be filled. Women get smoother, clearer skin. Men get paid to help.
CG2014's Avatar
Heather said that?


I still remember her from the first time I saw her in T.J. Hooker in 1982.

So wholesome and innocent and down to earth and fresh looking.

Exact very first frames of her very first scene:


found this video of Heather saying it

I recall seeing her first on the tv show, Dynasty; cast as Sammy Jo Carrington......

Aaron Spelling was bright enough to put her in T. J. Hooker, as well.....

Wholesome and innocent-looking, indeed. How many young, red-blooded American men wanted to bang sweet, sexxxxy l'il Heather? Oh, hell to the yeah.....
CG2014's Avatar
Yeah and then she shacked up with Sambora and Tommy Lee, same one who later banged Pamela and made a family video with her.

Locklear likes musicians, rock stars.

If you are a famous music artist, you get all the babes.