150 hour Daty 69 Msog BBBJ NQBS Greek Sloppy Blow Job

redfin23's Avatar
Never speak of sex, money, or other sexual activities on the phone or in person or you will be thrown out on your ear.
I am missing something. Why is it that I can find all the info like this on the net but it is taboo?
I am a newbie, I have contacted 3 ladies for their location info., but still can't allow myself to make arrangements for a session, because I am concerned that I could error and get thrown out on my ear.
I know there has to be a simple answer. Would you experienced folks please explain this to me?
Thanks in advance.
Combustion's Avatar
Both could get you in trouble but it would be much harder to prove a post on the internet soliciting is by you than a taped conversation.
redfin23's Avatar
O.k. Combustion. That all makes sense to me now. I knew there was a simple answer.
Every provider has rules, sometimes they are different from other providers rules, and sometimes they might not mke much sense to you.
But we all have rules for a reason, and it's best to simply follow the rules oif the provider you wish to see unless you find them objectionable or suspicious(in which case just pick another provider since there are many to choose from), and you'll have a good time. H
has anyone heard of an ip address? you are a crazy if you dont think that vice or anyone else, for that matter, cant find you...if they wanted to spend the money.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
pyramider's Avatar
Just because you are paranoid does not mean someone is not out to get you.
ratboy jam's Avatar
Just because you are paranoid does not mean someone is not out to get you. Originally Posted by pyramider

Listen to the voices...they are usually right!!
Captain Gus's Avatar
Never talk money and never leave money on table before session;
The ladies should advertise rate in there post and that is all you and her should now;
If she tells you in person it is $$ for this and that ;
You should say i do not now what you are talking about;
I am only hear for a rub down;
redfin23's Avatar
O.K. Thanks guys. I understand. Providers can advertise and say anything they want to and not get into trouble. BUT when I meet them in person, then I am in a vulnerable position and it is for my best interest.
Got it!
Thanks again.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Listen to the voices...they are usually right!! Originally Posted by ratboy jam
I didn't go to work today.... the voices in my head said to stay home and clean the guns....
ratboy jam's Avatar
I didn't go to work today.... the voices in my head said to stay home and clean the guns.... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Guns are good....guns are good....guns are good....
carkido45's Avatar
Guns are good....guns are good....guns are good.... Originally Posted by ratboy jam
Postal services and voices and guns are a dangerous mix