From Civill Rights Icon to Poverty Pimp.

John Lewis. The man who stood with Dr King on the Selma Bridge.
The man who stood for civil rights.

The man that refused to attend the inauguration of a duly elected President.
A man who became a chief spokesman for the greatest political hoax of our time....the attempted removal of a President on totally “trumped up” charges.
This amounted to an attempted coup.

It’s not how you start the game, it’s how you finish. In the end, he disgraced his office to protect and defend our Constitution.
There is a lot of money to be made on every side of the race hustling business.
sportfisherman's Avatar
A man who refused to attend an inauguration of an Illegitimate Fake President. Right on for John Lewis !!

What Hoax you talking about this time ; You not talking about the Russian Meddling in 2016 which was re-affirmed by a Republican controlled bi-partisan Senate sub-committee ?

Generally the attempted removal by impeachment through the legitimate means set forth in the constitution is not a coup.You are just parroting what Chump says ; everything is a coup or treason.Chump is full of shit.

I read somewhere that Chump's support is largely comprised of uneducated people who lack diversity.

As time goes by John Lewis will be regarded favorably while Chump will be vilified as the Worst Prez in "The History of the World ".
matchingmole's Avatar
HedonistForever's Avatar
A man who refused to attend an inauguration of an Illegitimate Fake President. Right on for John Lewis !!

What Hoax you talking about this time ; You not talking about the Russian Meddling in 2016 which was re-affirmed by a Republican controlled bi-partisan Senate sub-committee ?

Generally the attempted removal by impeachment through the legitimate means set forth in the constitution is not a coup.You are just parroting what Chump says ; everything is a coup or treason.Chump is full of shit.

I read somewhere that Chump's support is largely comprised of uneducated people who lack diversity.

As time goes by John Lewis will be regarded favorably while Chump will be vilified as the Worst Prez in "The History of the World ". Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Wow! Stop the presses! The Russians "tried" to meddle in the 2016 election. Problem is, there is no evidence what so ever that their "attempt" changed a single vote and not a shred of evidence that anybody in the Trump campaign conspired in this effort. Would you dispute that?

The slow drip, drip, drip of evidence coming out of the FBI tells us that in Feb. of 2017, Peter Strzok reported that he found no evidence at all that anybody in the Trump campaign conspired with Russian Intelligence but Comey ignored that information. In order to keep the charade of legitimacy going, council for the FBI decided he had to alter documents to get the surveillance of Carter Page, a man working for the CIA not Russian Intelligence.

Now we find out that under the guise of defense briefings, FBI agents directed by James Comey were ordered to surveil not brief the new, legitimately elected President.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Glad you at least admit they "tried" to meddle.

When it is said there is no evidence their "attempt" changed a single vote, if you read closely it means they were not accessing voting machines and adding or changing votes that way.But they most definitely via social media advocated for Chump.

The Mueller Report found no evidence of collusion or conspiracy.Meaning they found no contract stating "You help me get elected and I will reverse sanctions and go easy on you".

They did find numerous indications of obstruction and left it to the Congress to find it actionable or not.

I am a very proud Never Chumper !! Proud I would never fall for his sketchy amateur bullshit.

Chump needs to go back to selling condos.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Glad you at least admit they "tried" to meddle.

When it is said there is no evidence their "attempt" changed a single vote, if you read closely it means they were not accessing voting machines and adding or changing votes that way.But they most definitely via social media advocated for Chump.

The Mueller Report found no evidence of collusion or conspiracy.Meaning they found no contract stating "You help me get elected and I will reverse sanctions and go easy on you".

They did find numerous indications of obstruction and left it to the Congress to find it actionable or not.

I am a very proud Never Chumper !! Proud I would never fall for his sketchy amateur bullshit.

Chump needs to go back to selling condos. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

numerous indications? really. well what did congress do about it? nothing because there was nothing. you do know what killed any hope of impeaching Trump for so-called collusion with Russia? Mueller. his testimony was a joke. he didn't write his report. probably didn't even read it. keep blabbering about vol II and it's supposed indictable offenses. if they were indictable Shithead Schiff would have used it. instead he had to fabricate a quid pro quo that never happened.

the Mueller investigation should never have happened. it was based on a fabricated dossier paid for by Clinton and was misrepresented to the FISA court as verified and credible while leaving out the required disclosure that it was opposition research by Clinton's campaign.

and here is the best part of all .. the "best" candidate the Demtards could find with over 30 idiots all convinced "anyone can beat Trump" is Joey Biden.


dilbert firestorm's Avatar
numerous indications? really. well what did congress do about it? nothing because there was nothing. you do know what killed any hope of impeaching Trump for so-called collusion with Russia? Mueller. his testimony was a joke. he didn't write his report. probably didn't even read it. keep blabbering about vol II and it's supposed indictable offenses. if they were indictable Shithead Schiff would have used it. instead he had to fabricate a quid pro quo that never happened.

the Mueller investigation should never have happened. it was based on a fabricated dossier paid for by Clinton and was misrepresented to the FISA court as verified and credible while leaving out the required disclosure that it was opposition research by Clinton's campaign.

and here is the best part of all .. the "best" candidate the Demtards could find with over 30 idiots all convinced "anyone can beat Trump" is Joey Biden.


BAHHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

the best part about the dossier was ... there was russian collusion on the democrat side.

the sub source was a russian who has tied with a liberal think tank, Brookings institute. he worked for Steele. he sold the story to Steele this guy told the FBI that the material he gave steele was dodgy, was basically bar talk and unsubstantiated. it was basically Russian disinformation.

there's a 40 page declassified report on this that the FBI sat on for 3 years.

more to the point, Mueller did not know who Fusion GPS was. sounds like he was a figurehead and was given need to know info. He was supposed to be on top of every thing and he didn't know this?

source: Maria Baritomo Fox News interview video with Senator Graham and Rep. Nunes.
bambino's Avatar
At least we got treated to another 4 day funeral. I wonder when statues of Lewis and Floyd will be commissioned?
Glad you at least admit they "tried" to meddle.

When it is said there is no evidence their "attempt" changed a single vote, if you read closely it means they were not accessing voting machines and adding or changing votes that way.But they most definitely via social media advocated for Chump.

The Mueller Report found no evidence of collusion or conspiracy.Meaning they found no contract stating "You help me get elected and I will reverse sanctions and go easy on you".

They did find numerous indications of obstruction and left it to the Congress to find it actionable or not.

I am a very proud Never Chumper !! Proud I would never fall for his sketchy amateur bullshit.

Chump needs to go back to selling condos. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Of course the Russians attempted to meddle in our elections - we meddle in everyone's else's elections and in fact like to install dictators in Latin America - which is our right for all the money we send them but if we can't run our elections without brushing off $100,000 in opposition Facebook ads attempting to influence the outcome then we are just a bunch of pussies.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Joeys gonna save us all ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
sportfisherman's Avatar
Chump has no class !! He won't pay respects to Lewis.

I'm glad !! Chump doesn't deserve to be near Lewis even in death.

Chump is an elitist racist Pig !! He will live in disgrace.

Lewis on the other hand will be revered !!
  • oeb11
  • 07-29-2020, 12:56 PM
Lewis is just anotehr Al Sharpton race-baiter and hater first class.

Bury himunder the edmund Pettis bridge!
you could sail by and genuflect daily, sailor.