No Review No Reference...

  • Alli
  • 05-11-2014, 11:20 AM
Let's say, you go on an appt. with a reviewer, he obviously has a good time and says that he will write a review, even emails and PM's you about it, never does it and then gives your name as a reference???

I truly feel that if you are a "reviewer", but can't seem to write a review, especially after continually promise to do so... I don't feel that you should expect me to give you a reference...

Am I wrong?
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Consider giving him a reference stating he is safe but a flake because he didn't write the review he promised. That will make you feel better and the provider seeking reference can decide if she wants to see him based on your info.

Your reaction seems immature and based on emotion. Separate your emotions from it. Understand the reference system is about safety and if he pays. Looks to me he did both. Give him a reference !!!!!!!!!!
I'm with Emily--remember, references aren't for the benefit of the guys, they're for the benefit of the girls.

You can ask the gentleman not to use you as a reference again if you like--but for the moment, I'd at least give the lady who's asked already her information.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-11-2014, 12:45 PM
References and reviews are not in the same category.

References are about safety--the ladies and therefore indirectly the guys. They build a network that helps all of us.

Reviews are about business growth and advertising. While he should have followed through, he didn't. Bad on him, but I do not think that should be a reason to not give a reference if he was safe.
pyramider's Avatar
Reviews are a total waste if they fail to mention taint. Even then reviews are a total waste.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 05-11-2014, 03:14 PM
It could also be a case of, "Be careful what you ask for . . ."

Maybe he didn't write the review because there was something he didn't like, and he didn't want to give you a "No" recommendation.

I don't know you, and not saying that's the case, but another point to consider.

As others have said, the review != reference. The reference is for the other lady's sake, not his. Feel free to tell her he didn't follow through on his review.

Or hell, if your ass is chapped about the no review thing, just flatly tell her he was OK, but you won't be seeing him again, and let her draw her own conclusions.
joesmo888's Avatar
I agree with what someone said above. give the reference but tell them he didn't write a review, this way the provider knows he will not write a review for her even if he promises.

also maybe he just hasn't had time to write a review quite yet. you can write a review on here anytime, you just won't get credit if its been over a month since the meeting
Audrey Astor's Avatar
I think they are two totally separate things. What if that is her only call for the last 3 days?

I'm not sure why guys do this. They even offer to write a review, then don't. I would rather they say, I'm busy, I don't feel like it, I no longer do them... anything but lie. jeeesh

These things happen... it sucks to be deceived, but being juvenile will not help. I would let it go, but like the others said just tell her what happened, so she she knows not to expect a review. Then the next time, she can be his reference.
Prime Time's Avatar
Reviews? I waste enough time fucking.
VIPRaniLane's Avatar
If he said he would write one and doesn't, then he's a liar. I don't do nice things for liars. That would be a LOT of nerve, trying to use me as a reference when you haven't kept your word. Nah, I'll pass. Ask some other girl.