I pretty much always approach a new lady kinda carefully and try to lay out exactly what I'm seeking. I've had some times were I've conversed with a lady prior to an encounter and been pretty specific about things. The date comes and the provider seems to have little knowledge of those specifics. While this is a bit unsettling (or, you know, down right deflating) it's left me wondering if my pre-date conversations are with the lady, or the pro/agent the lady has hired to handle her pre-date booking.
And that's left me wondering if the pro gets an incentive to keep the lady's calendar full -- thus possibly over-selling a lady's ability to honor specific requests.
So, guys do you have a knack for uncovering with whom you are actually talking? Do you find it important to do that? My primary communication thus far has been via P411/ECCIE pm's. Is it better to work this type of pre-date convo a different way? (And how common are booking/screening agents anyway?!)
In the back of my mind, I know ladies get lots of requests. But I have little real knowledge of how many requests/pms/emails they get so I don't know if they are just overwhelmed. I realize I'm speaking from a "surely I'm the only one" mentality a bit -- but I'm spending the money so I do feel entitled to a bit of that mentality!