To write a bad review or not to?

SirOatALot's Avatar
I'm not sure if a thread with a topic like this has already been posted here. If so, just disregard it or close it down if the mods think it's appropriate.

Here is my question:

If a new provider is offering you a review special discount on your first visiting with her just to try her out, and you had promised to write her a review, but you weren't satisfied with the quality of her services. Would you write her a bad review to keep up with your promised, or you wouldn't because you don't want to ruin her reputation?

Would you want your clients to write you a bad review, or you'd rather they not, because if they don't have anything nice to say about you, then you don't want them to write you anything at all?

Let me start first by stating my opinion:

No matter good or bad, I'm still going to write her a review. Why? Because not only that I'm doing it for my own good to keep my premium account access alive, I'm also helping other hobbyists making their decisions, whether to see this provider or not based on my experience with her that they've read in the rest of the story. I have to rely on reviews from other hobbyists too to make the decision, so I return the favor by sharing the informations like the way the hobbyists did with others. Even though, my reviews are not as informative as those from others, I still believed that some people find it helpful.

My questions go to both the providers and the hobbyists. What do you think? To write a bad review or not to? Please share your thought and state your opinion.
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 08-12-2012, 11:49 PM
Write the review. You got the discount now write the review.
I am not sure...lots of pros and cons here. But maybe have a communication with the provider,explain that your experience was not as you had wished,let her know you promised a review and will do so but in your honest opinion and she may not care for it but as you explained here you want others to know.

Good question. She did ask for a review so if you are comfortable with doing the review then do so and like I said,maybe let her know you are following through as you told her but with your side of story as to why your experience with her did not go well(That may save a "venting" thread)... and then she may be able to learn from what ever it was and improve her provider skills....or not...
Writing a bad review is just part of the game however the devil is in the details which implies how you write those details means everything. Are you being ugly by trashing her or are you being honest and descriptive that is void of ugliness or crudeness? The best way is to always do what you say you are going to do since others will know you can be trusted.

If you shy away from writing a bad review for the sake of it being a bad review after giving your word you would write one, then your motives are in question. Just remember, it is not that it is a bad review but how you state your reasons for giving a yes or a no that means the most, IMO.

All the girls have to start somewhere and rarely will they be able to be good at this without honest feedback on what they provide. That does not mean they need nor want rude or crude comments but honest feedback is part of their learning experience.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I say write the review as well. Not everyone is going to have chemistry. So it's based on your experience with her. I don't know what happened so it could be more to the story.

Everyone else might have a different experience then you hon. And maybe she was having a bad day it happens.
New providers often want the reviews to get verified status here. Good or bad, write the review.

Sometimes, those new girls are so damned nervous, they don't realize they're fucking up. Being honest can often lead to great results. Talk to her before and during the session, give her honest feedback. They'll often correct shitty behavior on the fly.
Sarunga's Avatar
Writing a bad review is just part of the game however the devil is in the details which implies how you write those details means everything. Are you being ugly by trashing her or are you being honest and descriptive that is void of ugliness or crudeness? The best way is to always do what you say you are going to do since others will know you can be trusted.

If you shy away from writing a bad review for the sake of it being a bad review after giving your word you would write one, then your motives are in question. Just remember, it is not that it is a bad review but how you state your reasons for giving a yes or a no that means the most, IMO.

All the girls have to start somewhere and rarely will they be able to be good at this without honest feedback on what they provide. That does not mean they need nor want rude or crude comments but honest feedback is part of their learning experience.
Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
One of the best posts I've seen on this board. Excellent!
Dorian Gray's Avatar

Can we have a humane death on this subject...

Cause didn't we JUST have this thread?!

Just write the damn review cause you'll be on the DNS list no matter what now.

BTW, why do you have a list of providers you've seen as your signature? Is that suppose to expedite screening. That's what that review counter under your name is for.

Can we have a humane death on this subject...

Cause didn't we JUST have this thread?!

Just write the damn review cause you'll be on the DNS list no matter what now.

BTW, why do you have a list of providers you've seen as your signature? Is that suppose to expedite screening. That's what that review counter under your name is for. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

Or someone promoting other girls? Maybe a manager? Hmmmm....
trynagetlaid's Avatar
What was the problem? Limited menu? Did she just lay there like a corpse? Bad hygiene? Clock watching?

Problems can be fixed. You might even be doing her a favor by pointing out her shortcomings. She can either decide to improve her service or get out of the business altogether.

And don't worry about DNS lists. If you have a couple of bens you can always find a hot chick to lay up with for an hour.
Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
There is nothing wrong with a less than stellar review. The main thing is not to make it personal or ugly about the person. The review can reveal things between the lines that experienced guys on the board can pick up on to make a decision. Sometimes these reviews can even be a yes recommended review yet the details will tell guys what is was about the session that didnt quite measure up. They can then make their decisions based on that. There are also back channels to provide a little more detail without besmirching the provider. The thing to recognize about the provider is attitude and effort. The fact that things may not have worked for you doesnt mean they are a bad provder and wouldnt click with someone else. We just need to have our eyes open when going in.
ZedX79's Avatar
Write it, be honest, but don't be cruel.
boardman's Avatar
Write the review, be objective, be honest and let the chips fall where they may.

Expect blowback no matter how honest you are. Feelings get hurt. No way around that.

Your next move will be predicated on her reaction.

If she has your number she may call and ask why you wrote a bad review. You will probably be able to tell if she is open to honest criticism just by the tone of her voice. If she is offer a small bit of advice in a non condescending way, keep the lines of communication open and tell her what went wrong and what went right. If she really wants to improve she'll listen and you can have a productive conversation. She may even heed the advise and appreciate your honesty enough to give you another discounted session to mentor her. (I know, wishful thincking)

There is a better than even chance that she will have already made up her mind and will either bitch you out directly or use a more passive-aggresive approach at trying to draw you into an argument you aren't going to win and make you look like the bad guy. Either way, keep your guard up until she shows her cards. If she does this take the high road, Period.

If she comes across with the GPS and acts like you were the one with the problem then RUN LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER! She will create her own demise without any further attention from you.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 08-13-2012, 07:50 AM
This is a review board, not a social site. Write an honest, well stated, not rude review.
Yes, be completely honest. Maybe she will get better! I think reviews should be written good, or bad!