Another No Show --- SMH

love_jones's Avatar
I have read topics about NCNS and never thought it could happen to me. Well it did (Damn).
I saw an ad posted by a well reviewed provider on 4/25 with "Yes" all up and down her reviews. Fellas she is a hottie... Supa Gorgeous. I was looking for a quick 'Detour" after work round 5:30ish so I figured I will send her a PM. We were PM and texting nearly 2hrs. We locked in the time and I thought...Once again It's On... She provided me with her number to call to let her know I was in route. I CALLED we chatted for a hot second long enough for her to give me her incall location and a few moments so she can get herself together. About 10mins after speaking to her I arrived at the incall and sent her a text her to let her know I arrived. She did not respond. A couple minutes passed I decided to call her. Her voice mail came on and it was a DUDE saying, "Leave a message". I was like WTH? At the same time I was calling her she sent me a text (on my hobby phone) saying there is a cop in front of her door and she thinks I am a cop? WTH? But she verified me ok so i drove around her incall and NO ONE was out side. I assured her I was not the police and I described the vehicle I was in via text. She send me a text asking for a work ID. WTH? I sent her a text back that I was not sending her my ID and the text messages stop...I called the number back because I thought I mistakenly dialed the wrong number and to my SURPRISE...U already know...The same voice mail came on with the same dude saying, "Leave a Message".

I understand folk have bad days and shit happens in this hobby. But this type of shit needs to stop. Ladies, if you do not want to see someone...You have that right but at the same damn time he has the right to know prior to the appointment time or hell if something comes up let him know ahead of time. Like I said I was trying to take a "Detour" after work this past Friday but I ended up taking a F@$&#% round trip. I drove far just to see this provider based upon what others had to say about her and her recent activity. I am not interested in "Do Overs" with this provider and I don't know if putting her ass on blast will solve anything or not... Whatcha think????
macbeth1000's Avatar
Name of provider please or this thread means nada
love_jones's Avatar
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
She has every right to back out. Even at the last second. She told you why she backed out and if I thought someone was a cop you can be damn sure, my ass isn't opening the door either.

I just backed out on a guy who was a couple of blocks from me and he did a couple of things to scare me. I didn't no show him, he freaked me out and if you freak me out, I'm not going to see you. Period,

I'm not saying you don't have a right to be upset but if you make a provider nervous for ANY reason, it is her RIGHT to back out. Like it or not.
muffin101's Avatar
Please look at it from the provider's point of view....

You don't really have a legitimate review up...

Please also keep in mind that anyone (including LE) can start a handle on Eccie with a valid email.

At the time that you posted your "Review" here (technically a grudge NSNC thread IMO). You have zero reviews posted..

Please don't be getting on girls for being extra cautious around you (for now), the Provider in question mentioned in your OP seemed to be willing to work with you (but as a Provider she has to constantly weigh that donation with the risk of getting busted by LE.)

Her financial situation may not allow her to give you a clear NO early on in the correspondence.

It's not always just about the money...

Please just keep on trucking....

This site is very encouraging towards folks that write reviews and share info...

OBSG brought up an interesting point towards the end of your "Review" thread..

At the time you were requesting an appointment from JaeBR, you have ZERO reviews....

You still have zero reviews, allowing you to have PA access can potentially have security ramifications.

Technically you shouldn't have PA on account that there was no actual donation exchange and that no BCD activities took place.

Yes, JaeBR is very beautiful and have great reviews..

Never seen her, not my type, won't see her in the future myself on account of this WK'ing, but hey now your thread is doing her marketing

Dun dun dun!!

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
And just because you have ref's doesn't make you safe or not a cop either.

She DID tell you the reason WHY she backed out on you so that doesn't make it a no show.

I understand why you would be upset but like I said, if a guy scares me for ANY reason, I'm NOT seeing him. He can put me on blast as well, it just proves I made the right choice by not seeing him.

A provider has a RIGHT to protect herself just like you do.
love_jones's Avatar
I really don't know if I Completely agree with you on my situation. I could understand if there was a cop car outside or someone actually at your door...there were NONE but u ask for my ID??? Come on now. I understand in this hobby some people are protective of their privacy and screening places a big part... hell we all should be but when u have engaged in a nearly 2hrs conversation via PM and Text the thought of NCNS (paranoia) should not take place. Maybe I am wrong???? If I am....I stand corrected.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I agree that asking for your work ID is a bit much but it doesn't take away the fact it's her right to back out at anytime she wants.

It's not your place to say a woman "shouldn't" get paranoid. NOT cool. You freaked her out for some reason and she followed her gut.

She didn't no show you. She told you the reason why she didn't want to see you. No one (both hobbyist and providers) is obligated to see anyone they don't want to see for any reason. Yes that includes even at the last min.

I know it's not fun on your perspective but sometimes it's the hard knocks of the hobby.

She didn't like your vibe and didn't want to see you. It happens.

I have a motto: When in doubt, chicken out. And so far, it has kept me safe.
She has the right to cancel at any time for any reason.

He has the right to be frustrated with the experience and broadcast the details to fellow members as part of the information sharing nature of the site.
love_jones's Avatar
She is absolutely beautiful and I totally understand your point...and can see how one would have reservations on a guy like me with no reviews however, I do have skins on the wall and they aren't some fly by night ladies and that info was provided during our lengthy back & forth. I am most definitely chopping this experience up to the game and pushing on.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Good idea.

I know it sucks to have that happen to you. It's the breaks some times.

Tons more where that comes from. :-)

Keep your chin up.
golfertexas's Avatar
Get verified on P411 get double digit OK's problem solved !!!!!!!!
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Get verified on P411 get double digit OK's problem solved !!!!!!!! Originally Posted by golfertexas

Totally worth the money.
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
You may be venting a bit too much if this is in reference to this same incident:

Bang a few newbie friendly or other ladies responding 'In Search Of', get some references and/or join P411. I just paid the piper for that again today. Have some fun....
muffin101's Avatar
+1 on P411

It's the price of a cheap hhr appointment 129 for a year of membership.