Update On My Nanny's Surgery

Vannah's Avatar
Those of you who follow me on Twitter have already heard the great news, but I have had an overwhelming amount of people reach out to me over the past couple of months on here to extend their love and heartfelt concern for my sweet little Nanny, so I just wanted to update everyone.

Early this morning I took Nanny to the hospital to have a mass in her cecum (the first region of the large intestine) removed and checked for cancer. The plan was to go in and do a colonoscopy and attempt to extract the mass that we were told showed up on TWO seperate CT scans, which was about an inch long in diameter. They got the scope up to her cecum and neither of her doctors could understand why the mass was no longer there. They were able to remove a few polyps which they said did not look concerning, but were absolutely baffled as to why this mass, that they were concerned could have been cancerous, was gone.

Nanny is at home, resting comfortably and was ready to eat like a horse after being on a 3 day liquid diet. I am so grateful to everyone who has taken the time to check on her because y'all know how much she means to me.
  • ndark
  • 07-13-2021, 05:12 PM
Great news!
So happy for you both
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Was thinking about her earlier and I’m happy to read this good news! ❤️
Great news for you and Nanny!
That is phenomenal news! I’m so happy for you!!

You might want to consider post therapy… My mom has leukemia, so I bought her a near, middle & far (full spectrum) infrared sauna.

Within two months of using it daily, she was in remission. Do you research though, not all saunas are made the same. A lot of them have high electromagnetic frequencies, which basically produces the opposite effect that you want. Stay away from the mass-produced ones at retail stores like Lowes, Home Depot, etc.

Here’s a link to the brand that I bought for myself and my mom! They are handmade by a very small company and have high quality control standards.

Bonus, it burns 100 calories every 10 minutes! It’s like working out while you sit on your butt. What could be more perfect than that?

They cleanse & detoxify, fight disease, viruses, soothe achy muscles, improve sleep quality. help your body produce more collagen... So many health benefits. I just can’t say enough about them.

Vannah's Avatar
Thanks, everyone! Nanny has spent her entire life taking care of other people from the time she had to drop out of school to contribute to their household as the first born, practically raising me and then caring for Pappy until he passed. I couldn't imagine her finally having time for herself to travel and enjoy things, but having that opportunity ripped away from her at 89. Next week my boyfriend will be rescheduling her birthday trip for the Governor's Suite at The Crescent Hotel that we had to cancel. She is my best friend and as long as she is happy and healthy, that is all I want or need.
Vannah's Avatar
Thank you, Ginger! I will have to check with her doctors first and we may look into getting one.
g0lfnutt's Avatar
Great news! Happy for a positive outcome
Happy to hear that everything is going well.

Those of you who follow me on Twitter have already heard the great news, but I have had an overwhelming amount of people reach out to me over the past couple of months on here to extend their love and heartfelt concern for my sweet little Nanny, so I just wanted to update everyone.

Early this morning I took Nanny to the hospital to have a mass in her cecum (the first region of the large intestine) removed and checked for cancer. The plan was to go in and do a colonoscopy and attempt to extract the mass that we were told showed up on TWO seperate CT scans, which was about an inch long in diameter. They got the scope up to her cecum and neither of her doctors could understand why the mass was no longer there. They were able to remove a few polyps which they said did not look concerning, but were absolutely baffled as to why this mass, that they were concerned could have been cancerous, was gone.

Nanny is at home, resting comfortably and was ready to eat like a horse after being on a 3 day liquid diet. I am so grateful to everyone who has taken the time to check on her because y'all know how much she means to me. Originally Posted by Vannah
Laurenspencer's Avatar
Thats wonderful news , Thank you Vannah for updating I know how special grandmas are , there's no one like them , she's very lucky to have you watching out for her heath